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The Chronicles Of Vega’S Havoks - Start


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#221 Spokes


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 09:34 PM

Bolt Run, west of Eddiesburg
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 06:46 Hrs

"Virgil, passive sensing please." Two quick tones sound in the headset as the LIDAR array powers off.

Her mouth had gone completely dry from the heat in the cockpit. Li worked the foot pedals, eased the Scorpion out from behind the barrier and up to the edge of the embankment. She could see Shepherd's Raven standing over what was left of the tank on the other side of the river.

“Damn fine shoot lass, we’re hoome and hoosed."

Li reached for the radio toggle, took a moment to try and cough the cotton out of her throat, Havok's voice now on the company channel.

"Regroup back in the river everyone, we got more Loyalists to kill."

A quick adjustment of the controls pulled the Scorpion's right foreleg up off the ground, the armored knee joint lifting high in the air-- the silent salute. The Raven turned back along the embankment, Shepherd's distinctive burr on the radio as he chatted with Havok. Li reached down and hit the "acknowledge" button on the comm panel, then set about maneuvering the 'Mech down off the embankment and into the river.

There was a loud kkkhhiiiisssssssss as the Scorpion dropped into the river, and almost immediately the indicator on the temperature gauge started to drop. Li resisted the urge to tell the computer to open the hatch-- the river was deep enough so that the Scorpion was submerged almost to the cockpit, the rounded knee joints rising out of the water with each step.

Li gripped the controls, fought a sudden wave of vertigo as the gyro picked up the motion from the water. She set the throttle forward and started the 'Mech hop-bobbing eastward towards the rest of the group. . .

#222 Janitor101


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 01:29 PM

07:23 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City
6.5 Kilometers from the Marble Palace.

Antonio reversed, allowing Mist to pass so he could pull the embankment apart and let the company proceed into the Technical Academy. The Charger grasped the steel retaining wall and slowly peeled it back, both the wall and the mech creek, but the wall gives way first, leaving a three meter long chunk of retaining wall in Mist’s hands.

Dirt cascades down past the assault mech’s legs making Mist step back, the result is a steep but functional ramp leading up into the Technical Academy Fisheries along Bolt Run.

Antonio triggers his comm.
“Mist, you, me and Shade will take the lead. Shepard, you, Spokes and Fishy bring up the rear. Check your fire, we should avoid additional damage to the Technical Academy.”

A motley collection of affirmatives answers him. Antonio leads the way, slogging up the makeshift dirt ramp. Reaching the top and entering a parking area outside the fisheries Antonio sweeps the area for enemy activity.
“Seems clear.” Antonio reports as Mist thuds to a stop behind him.

Antonio throttles up, striding into the scorched parking area. Apparently the fisheries were low on the Loyalist’s list of facilities to clean up after the large scale firebombing.
A quick check of the street sign reveals that the company is much closer to the Technical Academy’s BattleMech facilities then Antonio thought.

Antonio makes a right turn onto a little street identified as ‘Bent Lane’, Antonio proceeds cautiously, sweeping his AC/2 back and forth over the street and the buildings.
Antonio pauses at a street called ‘Triumvir Drive’ intersecting Bent Lane, Antonio turns the corner.


07:25 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Henry Bacheva yanked on the firing cord, before his commanding officer got the word ‘fire’ out, the Punisher Mk III 100mm Anti Tank Gun spits an APFSDS 37TR/3 shell out at 1800 m/s. Impacting on the torso of the Rebel Wolfhound that had just turned the corner, three more booms sound behind Henry, another round connects with the light mech, but the other two are wide.

Henry and his loader Trent grab another round from the ready stack and load it into the gun, but not before the Wolfhound reverses, firing it’s autocannon wildly as it backed behind the building it had come out from behind.



Street View. I apologize for the slapdash street view, in my past experiences, not having a map of in close fighting like this results in insane confusion.

Edited by Janitor101, 27 February 2014 - 10:53 PM.

#223 guardian wolf


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Posted 27 February 2014 - 04:55 PM

07:25 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Shade had seen what happened Havok, and two things entered his mind. Tanks or AT guns. Either was not good, but he preferred AT guns, as a lot of times those stupid ****** had to face one direction, then actually move the gun if they were gonna face another. Fools didn't kill Havok when they had the chance. His mech's grip on the blade shifted, as he backpedaled and took a turn around the building they were next to.

"Shade moving for the kill,"

He moved his mech up to the next street, and then slammed the throttle full as he strafed across the street, opening fire on the AT position he could see, aiming to spread the gun over the two emplacements to kill the gunners. He slowed to a halt behind the next set of buildings taking cover as he radioed Havok.

"Two AT guns on the next street up, and I'm not sure, but I've got money three and four are further up the street,"

#224 The Shepherd


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Posted 02 March 2014 - 09:05 PM

07:23 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Loping along slowly behind Spokes’ Scorpion, James couldn’t help but chuckle at the dexterity of the quadruped mech in the tight urban environment. Though sporting a much wider gait, it, or rather its pilot, seemed to be navigating the space with ease.
A mental backhand to the face followed the chuckle, for ever having doubted the capability of the lass at its helm.
His own steps, carefully measured over the rubble strewn streets, were nowhere near as graceful as hers.
Where his old Highlander would have easily crushed such trifling obstacles with each step, his Raven needed to be finessed.
Still chewing himself out for displaying the arrogance that he had attempted to humble via light mech piloting, he almost missed the flashes of cannon fire as Havok pedaled backward around a corner one block up.

Shade’s Shadowhawk leapt into action, gliding between buildings mid-block. Laser fire glowed from the block over as his report cracked over the company comms.

"Two AT guns on the next street up, and I'm not sure, but I've got money three and four are further up the street,"

“Coopy tha’, They’ll be fixed buggers. Gonna flank two streets over an’ get an eyeful o’ the second set. I’ll light up targets for ye.”

Turning and darting through a luxuriously large gap between a set of fish wholesales and a ruined admin building, he pushed the Raven straight past the open street to his right, spying Shade’s AT emplacement for a fraction of second before running along the south end of another office complex.

“Second set o’ the bastads’ll be on this corner,” he barked, manually highlighting the spot on his sensor screen and taxing his advanced comms equipment by pinging the company’s battlemaps.
“TAG incomin’. High angle on thoose LRM’s Fishy lad, soften ‘em oop!”

James slowly placed crowed foot before crowed foot, angling his mech’s jutting torso ready to face around the corner in front of him.
As he approached the corner, he craned into the top left of his cockpit, straining to see around the squared glass side of the building. The mech’s left torso jut out, but only so far as to allow the TAG equipment mounted there to gain a clear line of sight to the target intersection.
The battlecomputer was confused for a moment, before the powerful sensor equipment made sense of the split ranges. He could see plainly in the dawning light the two AT positions down the street, but it was a tense half-second before the left side of his crosshairs went gold.

He toggled the TAG on, and waited...

#225 Spokes


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 02:19 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:25 Hrs

The sudden exchange of cannon fire brought Li's eyes up from the haz cameras, the muzzle flash of Havok's gun visible through the Scorpion's viewport as pulsing shadows in the early morning light.

For a long second, no one moved. Then Shade's Shadow Hawk executed a quick heel turn and disappeared between the buildings on their left in a thin cloud of dislodged masonry.

"Shade moving for the kill."

Li pulled Virgil to a halt, could see no easy way forward past the BattleMechs milling in the narrow street. She sat up in the command couch, craned her neck for a better angle through the viewport, her own cockpit barely waist high on the other 'Mechs in the group.

Shade's voice in the headset. "Two AT guns on the next street up, and I'm not sure, but I've got money three and four are further up the street."

They sound big enough, whatever they are.

“Coopy tha’, They’ll be fixed buggers. Gonna flank two streets over an’ get an eyeful o’ the second set. I’ll light up targets for ye.” Motion in one of the rear cameras as Shepherd's Raven turned and launched itself down an alleyway.

Li settled back down into the control seat, made sure both grip shoes were set on the pedals, worked her fingers into the padding on the control sticks.

And nothing happened. There was a sudden, unpleasant sensation of being boxed in.

“Second set o’ the bastads’ll be on this corner!” A low-high double tone sounded in the head set and one of the secondary displays blanked and reset with vector data from the Raven's battle computer.

“TAG incomin’. High angle on thoose LRM’s Fishy lad, soften ‘em oop!”

Li drummed out a rapid, complex rhythm on the left control stick, glanced over the haz cam displays, looked back up out of the viewport. Right, I'll just. . .sit here.

Fixed "AT" guns. Anti-Tank? She frowned behind the neurohelmet's faceplate, looked down at the tac display, tapped at the screen thoughtfully. It seemed incredibly short sighted to set up fixed guns by themselves. You would want to support them with. . .what? Something. The blank space on the screen off to their northwest yawned, dark and foreboding.

"Remember Kit, don't ever let them get behind you. . ."

Li blinked, stared hard at the display. They needed to cover that blind spot. Her thumb moved to the radio toggle, hesitated. The Wolverine and Dervish had the same basic speed profile, and both could jump clear if they had to.

Yes, it needed to be her. Li brought her thumb down on the radio toggle.

"Bones, cover Fishy. I'm going to cover Shepherd's flank." She pulled back on the throttle, eased the Scorpion back from the two other mediums. The foot pedals spun the 'Mech in place, and Li started back the way they had come, looking for an opening to take her north away from the river. . .

#226 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 03:58 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery

October, 3055 -- 07:25 Hrs

Bill wasn't happy, it seemed that his fancy Wolverine's battle computer thingy-ma-jig/diagnostic package was on the fritz. With each lumbering step of the 55 ton battlemech, a new system lit up with error codes. For example, his Harpoon 6 short ranged missile launcher was highlighted the deep red of being destroyed with the occasional warning klaxon of a malfunctioning ammo feed mechanism. But at the same time, his Sync-Tracker 39-42071 targeting system was telling him that the weapon was all green. Muttering a particularly nasty curse Billy flicked the console with a sausage like finger and half the damage reports disappeared.

"Oh Bloody-Hell!"

"Shade moving for the kill." The Shadow Hawks pilot's voice cracking over the communication system snapped Bill out of his funky mindset and stifled some new curses.

Gotta keep my head in the game, this is still a warzone. Looking up from the display he saw the S'hawk just rounding a corner. After a pregnant pause slowly passed by with Bill drumming his fingers against his command couches armrest Shade's voice cracked over the comm system in an evil hiss.

"Two AT guns on the next street up, and I'm not sure, but I've got money three and four are further up the street."

Anti-tank guns? Desperation making them ba*stards reach back to hallowed antiquity.

After a second of marveling at how his hackles were rising at the thoughts of the backwoodish weaponry now being fielded against them, the X-Highlander's voice drawled in Billy's earpiece lazily.

“Coopy tha’, They’ll be fixed buggers. Gonna flank two streets over an’ get an eyeful o’ the second set. I’ll light up targets for ye.” Motion in one of the rear cameras as Shepherd's Raven turned and launched itself down an alleyway.

Bill's attention snapped back to the damage display as a particularly nasty klaxon sounded notifying him of an internal ammunition explosion with the loss of an entire side torso arm and all the components attached.

"Uh no, they're still there you foolish Beast." Bill tapped the console in a petting like motion. "Just hold together a little longer." Again the Highlander's drawled over the waves...

“Second set o’ the bastads’ll be on this corner!” A low-high double tone sounded in the head set and one of the secondary displays blanked and reset with vector data from the Raven's battle computer.

“TAG incomin’. High angle on thoose LRM’s Fishy lad, soften ‘em oop!”

Billy suddenly felt pretty impotent just sitting there, even going so far to feel a pang of regret of not having some long ranged missiles to lob at the AT positions. And he HATED LRMS... Looking about for something to do, or more likely something to test out his malfunctioning weapons systems out by shooting at, he was relieved when Li's husky (let me know if that's the wrong word)voice cracked over the line offering him something to do.

"Bones, cover Fishy. I'm going to cover Shepherd's flank." The Scorpion suddenly shuffled about in it's awkwardly way pointing the gaping maw of her particle cannon to watch their backs.

As reply Bill throttled the Wolverine forward lumbering on after the barrel chested Dervish. "Have not fear, Frauline, I'll wear him like underwear." He chuckled as his damage display shuffled about the highlighted systems with each pondering step of the battlemech.

Just hold together a bit longer...

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 14 March 2014 - 04:42 PM.

#227 dal10


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 07:40 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:25 Hrs

Andre watched as his commander recoiled from the light AT fire.

"well that look like it stung..." he mumbled to himself as to not go over voice comms.

He watched as the shadowhawk moved around him and made its way across the street, snapping a laser shot as its pilot said "Shade moving for the kill,"

After he had stopped at the other side he reported, "Two AT guns on the next street up, and I'm not sure, but I've got money three and four are further up the street,"

The raven behind him set off to a side street after that to light them up with tag while drawling “Coopy tha’, They’ll be fixed buggers. Gonna flank two streets over an’ get an eyeful o’ the second set. I’ll light up targets for ye.”

hmmm.... how to be useful... I can't exactly walk around that corner. Not gonna be a meat shield for these light guys, my armor isn't that strong... What if i redid that aerospace fighter raid and just throw rocks at them... Now that's a plan.

Mist took a few steps back from Havok with a short message on the radio " Imma gonna go drop some rocks on them. brb."

He then turned back towards one of the more damaged buildings. "meh, insurance will probably pay for it anyway." before grabbing a chunk of masonry and lobbing it over the building in a high arc in an attempt to hit the AT positions before they could re-position.

Then he switched to a channel that he knew the loyalists liked to use at least back when he was one of them. He then broadcast a short message to the AT teams in front of him. "Lets see what happens, will you die or will i run out of building to throw at you" as he continued moving the building one chunk at a time.

#228 Spokes


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 10:48 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:26 Hrs

Sergeant Tigran pulled the last cartridge from the padded case, turned it over in his hand. It was heavy, nearly half as long as his forearm, with a strange, blunted tip. Shaking his head, he pressed the round into the magazine with a soft click.

"This is never going to work."

The woman crouched down from the broken window, turned on him with tired eyes, the sound of 'Mech footfalls barely audible in the distance. Her ragged uniform still had the remains of a Tech Academy patch clinging to it. "Of course it's going to work! Those bullets have depleted uranium penetrators in them, just shoot where I told you to and everything will be fine!"

"Dolores. . ."

"No, it will work! We have to stop this, we have to! You weren't here when Alfonso was. . .I won't go back to that." She fed a cylindrical round into the back of a break action pistol, slapped the breach closed, gave Tigran a hard look. "It. Will. Work. We'll give you plenty of chance to get close, just be ready. Take Ovi and the others with you. That thing is a relic. . .the Lord General might even let the Academy keep it once this is all over."

The woman shifted, crouch walked to the door, the footfalls of the approaching 'Mech growing louder. She turned back, halfway out the doorway. "Who knows Homer? Bring the thing down and you might even be a MechWarrior yourself when this is finished. Good luck!"

And with that she was gone. Tigran finished loading the weapon, settled the padded strap on his shoulder, moved to gather up his men.

Crazy as this was, he had to admit that MechWarrior Tigran did have a nice ring to it. . .

#229 Spokes


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 10:56 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:26 Hrs

The building shook underneath him with every step the metal monster took. Soon now, soon. Private Lucan clung to the floor of his third story hiding spot, would have dug through it if he could have. The monster came closer, and Lucan found himself shaking uncontrollably. He didn't want to die. He didn't! He clutched at the weapon they had given him, knew how to use it, had fired it before on the training ranges. But this. . .

Thud. A bit more of the crumbling roof came down across the room from where he cowered. Soon now.

His mind screamed for him to take the shot now. Take the shot and run to some place safe. As if any place was safe now. He was going to die! The monster was going to see him and he was going to die.

No! Just wait for the signal and it won't see you! The doctor had said so! Just wait for the signal. . .

The monster came closer. Lucan nearly wet himself at the sudden sound of the flare pistol, the rasping hiss of the shot cut short as the incendiary crashed into something metallic. The monster stopped, just up the street. Lucan could hear it shifting, could hear the servos on its sensors whirring. It didn't fire. It couldn't see them!

Lucan hefted his weapon, raised up over the rim of the shattered window, settled the bulky tube down over his shoulder. For a long moment his body wouldn't work, nerveless fingers clutching at the weapon's grip. And then the training took over, the familiar motions, the sight centered between the spindly looking legs, down on the monster's broad back. He jerked the trigger and the tube spat out its payload, the missile coming apart with a soft pop halfway to its target.

He could hear shouts below him now, but Lucan didn't wait to see what he had done. He threw the launcher to the ground and he ran.

#230 Spokes


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 11:18 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:26 Hrs

Li catches motion out of the corner of her eye, looks back through the viewport to the other side of the street. The deep set, animal part of her mind registers the missile quickly enough to know what it is before it hits, but the rest of her is too slow to even gasp in surprise.The warhead blossoms mid-flight, looking for all the world like an incandescent parasol dropping from the sky. And then Virgil is on fire.

It takes less than a second for the wiper blade to melt into the viewport.

"Virgil close the shutter!!" Li reflexively claws back on the throttle, desperate to escape the blistering heat directly in front of her. The Scorpion lurches backwards, its primary sensors nearly blind in the incendiary gel. The outer shutter keens and dies before it can close-- the inner panel forces its way into the warped opening and latches. The Scorpion backs into something, part of a ruined building. Li pops the right pedal, pulls the 'Mech clear, can see through the haz cameras that the unfortunate building is now on fire.

Warning lights on the display. COMM. IR FAIL. FLD INHIBIT. TEMP. EGRESS. Others. There is a loud, reverberating BANG from something deep inside the Scorpion, and the PPC indicator flashes red and goes dark.

Two gongs in the headset, low and mournful, precede the electronic voice of the computer. OPERATOR WARNING: HULL TEMP EXCEEDS TOLERANCE.

Something in the storage locker explodes with a loud pop-fizz. One of the haz cameras flickers and dies. Smoke leaks around the edges of the armored shutter, and now up through the control panel itself. The insets on the shutter hinge begin to glow an angry red. The cooling vest squeezes hard, cold tubes against bare skin. Arms and legs go numb in the heat, despite the thermal sleeves and leggings. Feet slip off the pedals as the grip shoes start to melt. Li gasps and chokes, the air searing her lungs as the cabin temperature climbs past 120 C.



#231 Spokes


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 11:33 PM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:27 Hrs

Sergeant Tigran pounded down the street, the heavy rifle throwing off his gait as he bounded to and from cover, chasing after the wounded BattleMech. Dazed or no, the machine was managing to keep its distance, even at a limp. It was getting slower though, its movements more erratic. It wouldn't be long now.

He crashed up against a pile of debris, looked over at his target, ducked back behind cover. Four Legs had backed down a side street with no easy way out, the heat from the clinging fluid dangerously hot even from this distance. Ovi thumped down next to him, hefting his own oversized rifle.

Not a rifle, Tigran thought. More like a cannon. "You think we can take it?" That voice was too young to be chasing Hell like this.

He looked over at Ovi. "Give it a minute for that inferno to burn down a bit. Pilot might even be dead by then. If we have to charge it, remember, go in under the side opposite the weapons. That'll put you smack under the cockpit. These guns should punch right up through the belly armor, and then it's game over Sally."

"You really think this is gonna work Sarge?"

Tigran thought back to his conversation with the Doc. Hell, why not? "Yeah, I think it's gonna work. Just hang tight and follow my lead."

He looked back up over the shattered concrete barricade. The 'Mech was listing badly now, swaying right and then left on wobbling legs. The pilot must have realized there was no way out of that dead end. He could hear the 'Mech's armor warping, could see the buildings on either side starting to smoke from the heat.

Poor b******.

The 'Mech suddenly lurched upright, took two slow but deliberate steps to its left. The left hind leg came up slowly, hesitated. . .

What is he doing?

. . .and came down hard on the sidewalk. The foot lifted away and Tigran gaped, could see the bent shape of a fire hydrant surrounded by pulverized concrete. The leg descended again and the hydrant gave way, a great torrent of water blasting up and over the burning 'Mech. The flaming gel sluiced off the machine where the water touched it, flashing to steam and threatening to obscure the target completely.


"ATTACK! Go go go!!"

#232 Spokes


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 12:26 AM

Kharkand Technical Academy
Kharkand, The Periphery
October, 3055 -- 07:27 Hrs

Li sucks down air in long, ragged breaths, her throat on fire, her mind burning up in the tight confines of the neurohelmet. The thunder of water quickly replaces the roar of the fire and the 'Mech's temperature starts to drop, the water pooling in the cul-de-sac allowing the Scorpion to take full advantage of the heat exchangers in its feet. Half the screens are a flickering mess-- some are dead entirely, the overheated computer struggling to restore itself. The main sensors are down, the primary display showing nothing but warning messages. But most of the haz cameras are still working, shielded from the heat by the bulk of the hull.

The haz cams. Li pulls in another deep breath, works the hot control sticks with the gloved palms of her hands. There is motion through the fog. A half dozen men, more, dirty faces, hard expressions. Ragged uniforms. And the biggest rifles Li has ever seen.

Their mouths are open, their voices raised in a wild yell that the melted pick ups cannot hear.

Li pulls back on the throttle, works the pedals, her Scorpion launching one long step back and to the side, forcing the men to run around a burning slick on the water. It buys her a few seconds, no more. She raises her own voice now, the animal sound raw and broken in her scorched throat, loud and inhuman in the confines of the neurohelmet. Li stares down at the haz cam screens, eyes glistening with an equal mix of hate and fear.

The first man to make it around the fire is a boy, maybe half her age. She stares hard at him as he hefts his weapon and moves to launch himself the last bit of distance between them. Li reaches out without taking her eyes off the screen, stabs down on a switch on the console. Virgil hesitates, a shudder running through the length of the 'Mech as the overheated computer struggles to comply.

The boy takes another running step, and the screen flickers, a single word flashing on the screen in bright gold lettering.


#233 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 01:39 AM

07:25 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

“TAG incomin’. High angle on thoose LRM’s Fishy lad, soften ‘em oop!”

A few seconds later, the red sunburst symbol appeared on Nathan’s HUD. He floated the crosshairs over the symbol, got a tone and the battle computer’s confirmation of the lock, then tilted the Dervish’s torso back.

“Ziel verloren. LSRs suchen.”

Nathan almost hit the launch button, then realised that the computer was saying something different from the last time it had a lock. Something wasn’t right with his missiles. He scanned the HUD quickly. The red sunburst marking Shepherd’s remote targeting was still there, but the brackets were gone. He put the crosshairs over sunburst again and the brackets came back, only to vanish again as he tilted back. After a little experimentation, he found it lost the lock ten degrees above the horizon, not nearly enough to clear the buildings ahead of him.

“Hold on, Shepherd, I’ll have your missiles in a moment,” Nathan said.

Could he use the sensors in the arms to designate a target? Wondering, Nathan disengaged the arm lock, then twisted the arms separately from the torso. Sure enough, as the crosshairs found the sunburst of Shepherd’s TAG, the LRMs reacquired their lock. He figured he’d wasted enough time by now getting the lock, so without any more fuss, tilted the torso back again, careful to leave the arms over his target, and fired. Four missiles towards the bottom of the volley clipped the top of the building in front of him, causing him to wince as he adjusted his aim, but the rest followed through well.

“Fishy here, missiles on their way,” he radioed, loosing another volley.

#234 Janitor101


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 01:08 AM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Henry Bacheva watched in horror as the crew on the other Punisher was vaporized by a azure beam of light from a flanking BattleMech, one that was much larger then the light one he'd fired at a minute before.
Henry barely had time to scream in terror before the laser beam turned to his AT gun and ripped him in half.


07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Duke Cedric Godwin initiated the reactor power up sequence, flicking the switches activating sensors, communications and finally... weapons, a quick check showed that the program he'd installed into the comm system was fully functional.

Cedric settled the neurohelmet on his head, connecting it to his personal cooling chest rig.
A counterclockwise jiggle of the joystick completed the power up, and his HUD came online, instantly receiving reports that rebel units had reached the warehouse complex. Cedric's comm buzzed.
"Duke, we have two lances of Rebel mechs advancing on our location, we need you out here now!" Sir Raymond Curtis' voice urgently called over the comm.

"All systems online, I'm on my way." Cedric responds as he plods out of the warehouse


07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City
6.5 Kilometers from the Marble Palace.

Antonio rounds the corner again, in time to watch Fishy's LRM barrage destroy the last two AT guns down at the end of Triumvir Drive.
"Move up! They won't have ancient style gear out unless they needed everything they had to protect something. Keep your eyes pe- Locust!"
Antonio interrupted himself as the 20 ton light mech streaked across the road ahead, firing on Shade as it howled by him and turned so abruptly it actually scraped against a building, and came running back towards Antonio.

Antonio barely got a single autocannon round off at the mech before it whizzed past him.... Into Mist's arms, Mist had just wrenched a large exaust pipe off a nearby building to throw at the entrenched AT units, but found a better use for it by clothes-lining the speeding Locust. The collision ripped the Locust's right leg clean off, and bent the other leg back at a 45 degree angle, the Locust proceeded to tumble and smash into a water tank at the end of the road next to the fisheries.

"Nice one Mist!" Antonio called, just as a Spider SDR-5V and Blackjack BJ-1 rounded the furthest corner.

"We got incoming, Blackjack and Spider, move in and engage." Antonio ordered as he rounded the corner and jammed his finger to the AC/2s trigger, chewing holes in the Blackjack's armor, and taking several shots in return from the 45 ton medium.

Antonio heard more then saw Mist follow him around the corner, and Antonio spotted Shade keeping behind cover inbetween shots at the Loyalist Mechs, Bones however bypassed Shade's Location and rounded the corner ahead of Antonio and blasted a smoking hole in the armor of the Spider.

Then Antonio saw Archduke Maerec round the corner, his heart lept, then instantly sunk to his stomach, which flipped.

It wasn't Archduke Maerec, it was his Battlemech, "Obliterator", a DVS-1D Devastator. It looked exactly the way it had at the end of the battles to take Kharkand from Alfonso, the Royal Purple mech still had "Liberty Obliterates All" painted across its chest in crimson.

Antonio practically tripped himself and almost Mist as well in his rapid change of direction.

"FALL BACK, WE GOT A DEVASTATOR, TURN THE F.UCK AROUND!" Antonio screamed into his mircophone.


07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Duke Cedric laughed at the comical reaction his sudden appearance in his deceased brother's mech caused. It was time to allay their rightly placed fear.

Cedric jabbed a button on his comm system, activating the program he'd installed only a short time ago.


07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Antonio's fear and terror mixed with confusion, as the targeting information for Maerec's Devastator flickered from hostile... to friendly, displaying status and pilot information, Duke Cedric's name appeared in the brackets reserved for name and rank.

Antonio was about to call out the trick, when Cedric's Devastator twisted, and fired into the oncoming Blackjack, killing the medium mech instantly.

Before the medium mech had completely settled to the ground, the Spider pilot jumpjettied in an attempt to remove himself from the line of fire that had taken his comrade down.... But he was hit by the second barrage of fire from the Devastator, mangling the light mech's leg, causing the mech to trip and fall onto the pavement.


It took Antonio a second to realize he'd stopped moving, he was staring slack jawed at what he'd just seen, trying to comprehend, or understand the deception and trap that was springing shut on him.



Duke Cedric just switched his IFF from hostile to friendly, any computer based check will prove that he is now operating on official KAF (rebel) datastreams, he is even on the KAF BattleGrid.
I suggest against opening up on him.

The Spider isn't quite dead, he's just completely useless, if someone wants to curbstomp him, be my guest.

Map update, Blackjack and Spider are down, but locations are listed.

Spokes heard the radio chatter, but her state of understanding may be heat impaired.
Shepard probably shat himself because he saw the mech round the corner right in front of him, but his view of it shooting its allies down was obscered, he did see the IFF change, his high tech equipment will be able to confirm it is not electronic warefare better then anyone. (he may spot the other Loyalist mechs vanishing as targets though)
Fishy heard and completely understood, being as familiar with 'Obliterator' as Antonio is, Maerec's mech is a symbol of Kharkandic Freedom. He is likely to be confused in its use by Cedric, and its abrupt change in allegiance even more so.

Post any questions about this in the OOC.
Edits will likely abound in the morning because its 'o dark thirty here right now.


Edited by Janitor101, 19 March 2014 - 09:56 AM.

#235 The Shepherd


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 06:17 PM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City
6.5 Kilometers from the Marble Palace.

A grim smile cracked James’ blood-flecked beard. Stepping carefully around the corner to inspect the result of Fishy’s barrage, James felt proud of himself for not instinctually crowing over the comms. The poor bast.ards manning the A-T cannons had never stood a chance against a coordinated lance of mechs. Revelling in their demise was just plain bad form.
Smoke billowed from the cratered intersection, mercifully obscuring most of the carnage’s detail.
Nothing was left.

"Move up! They won't have ancient style gear out unless they needed everything they had to protect something. Keep your eyes pe- Locust!"

Havok’s interrupted call accompanied a red blip appearing on his sensor screen, speeding past the blue friendlies a block over.

Pirouetting to match the light mech’s direction, James heard the almighty clang of metal brutally meeting metal reverberating through his cockpit glass.

“"Nice one Mist!"

It didn’t take James more than a blink to figure out what the overly physical Charger pilot had done.

"We got incoming, Blackjack and Spider, move in and engage."

James stopped half a block down and pirouetted again, going back the way he’d come. He waited for the two mechs to clear the ex A-T position’s intersection and turned the corner, angling wide, looking to get in behind them and cut them off.
Suddenly, red bracketed his HUD as a huge shape emerged from the smoke before him.

His jaw dropped open, unwittingly keying his mic.

Snapping it shut again and killing the line, he did a doubletake as his battlecomputer brought its library entry up for the 100 ton monster.


A Devastator. A God. Damned. !***ing. Devastator.

The 1D variant suffix gave him his breath back. Thank Christ Almighty it wasn’t a DVS-2.
James had seen those spanking new Clan-busting killing machines in his stint on the front lines with Stirling’s Fusiliers. Only two mechs had ever given him cause for fear in his old Highlander 732. A Daishi, and a Devastator.

And the last time he’d seen one, it’d been on his side.


James throttled back at the incredibly wise advice and squeezed the trigger on his SRM pack.. The giant was about to have a clear line of fire to Havok and Mist. If he could get its attention, it might just give the others time to get clear.
Just as the six missiles cleared their tubes, the bracket flickered from red to blue.

“Wha’?” he gasped as the additional freely transmitted IFF info popped up around the bracket.

He’d just finished reading that the pilot was Duke Cedric himself when it twisted and unloaded down the street. The Blackjack’s sensor contact blinked out of existence.
A second volley turned the Spider’s contact yellow just as his missiles made their target.

Three of the six slammed into the Devastator’s right shoulder pauldron, one more glancing off the broad back of the assault mech, detonating harmlessly.

Stopping his mech dead, he clapped a hand over his mouth at the enormity of what he’d just done.

The words “Oh F***...” slipped around his fingers, his neurohelmet translating his thoughts into two involuntary steps backward.

#236 guardian wolf


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Posted 21 March 2014 - 12:05 AM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City
6.5 Kilometers from the Marble Palace.

Shade had watched the stuff happen on his HUD and when the Devastator had come out, he sighed mainly because everyone was losing their shit. Which they had every right to since they had some semblance of sanity. His tone was almost annoyed as he spoke to himself.

"Alright alright, I'll kill the ******* Devastator,"

He almost nonchalantly walked his ShadowHawk over to the street and waited. He position his Hawk so that it was literally just out of sight until the Devastator would walk by. But since his comm gear and such was so messed up, he figured that he'd have his attention focused on the more threatening group down the street. Which he'd pay for with his life. And then, the Devastator switched its IFF, and killed the other two mechs that appeared.

Okay, didn't exactly kill them both. The Spider was still kicking, useless, but kicking. He seemed to be trying to get up, or somehow get himself to a more, well he didn't even know. But it was annoying to the mech pilot. The Spider was still squirming, and that had to stop. Now. Shade walked forward and in a second decided that he shouldn't use his small blade because of the fact that the spider was too low for it. So he just simply lifted his foot, and slammed it down unceremoniously onto the cockpit of the Spider. Almost to add insult to injury, he ground his mech's foot into the wreck, just to make sure. And then the SRMs flew past and smacked into the Devastator. He looked between the two mechs, and then basically spoke over the loud speakers what was probably on the other mech pilot's mind.


He looked at James, and then back at the Devastator. He then pointed at James, speaking over the intercom.

"Okay, buddy just friendly fire, apologize to the nice Devastator so we can get back to kicking the sh!t out of these a-holes," He then turned to the Devastator, letting a chuckle out as he spoke. "By the way, nice kills, really nice mech, and good to see you sir. Glad to have some decent back up around here," He spoke derogatively towards the rest of the group to appeal to the man's more narcissistic side, make him feel important, and therefore comfortable. That wasn't to say Shade didn't want to gut him on the spot.

Edited by guardian wolf, 23 March 2014 - 12:20 PM.

#237 Janitor101


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Posted 25 March 2014 - 07:00 PM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Duke Cedric Godwin raised an eyebrow at this damage readout, his older brother's mech hadn't been in pristine condition when it had gone into storage, but several new hits had registered since he's rounded the corner.
Cedric took a step back and turned to see a Raven standing half hidden behind a corner.
Sneaky little *******. Cedric thought, guessing that the Raven pilot had fired before he'd switched his IFF.
Cedric shook his head, no foul, the Raven had been shooting at what had been marked as a hostile mech. Though it startled him to think that he'd taken fire and not even noticed.
I guess that's what I get jumping from a Commando to a Devastator.

Cedric turned away from the Raven, and took a few lumbering steps down the road, loading his computer up on information on the KAF BattleGrid, specifically hunting for the two lances of mechs that he had encountered.
He was then confronted by a Shadowhawk that looked like it had been fed head first through a battlemech scaled sawmill, or it had been an encounter with a chipper shredder on a scale Cedric couldn't even begin to imagine.
The Shadowhawk's pilot then started speaking to someone... using its exterior speakers, Cedric cocked his head in a fashion not unlike a dog. It took him a moment to realize the 55 tonner was talking to the Raven down the street.
Cedric stopped and looked down at the comm units control panel, in his rush toget his brother's old machine back online, he'd neglected to turn the exterior audio feeds on, which perhaps was part of why he'd never noticed the friendly fire hits from the Raven.

"--a-holes," The Shadowhawk then turned slightly to more correctly face Cedric.
"By the way, nice kills, really nice mech, and good to see you sir. Glad to have some decent back up around here."

Cedric cocked his head the other way.
There literally wasn't any way that the lowly Shadowhawk pilot in front of him knew beforehand that Cedric would be switching sides, that had been a secret only he and his nephew shared.
Except for a messenger who had hand delivered the comm patch that would allow Cedric to legitimately change his IFF and connect to the KAF BattleGrid, but that messenger didn't technically count, since he was face down in a ditch somewhere on Cedric's order.

The last logical conclusion was that the Shadowhawk's pilot was sucking up to him, big time.
Cedric frowned, and keyed his speakers.
"I don't appreciate kissasses." He grumbled into the microphone as he called up the unit's comm channel.


07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City
6.5 Kilometers from the Marble Palace.

It took three or five buzzes of his comm to snap Antonio's attention back to the situation at hand.
Antonio answered the comm, and was unsurprised to hear Duke Cedric's gruff voice rumble out of the speaker.
"Acting Lt Vega, I am hereby taking command of your unit for the duration of Jarrund's Conquest."

Vega keyed his comm. "Yes Duke." He responded, his voice dry.

Cedric's voice boomed again across the company channel. "I am Duke Cedric Godwin, and I am temporarily taking command of Woolrich's... Vega's Huntsmen."

"Form up on me." Cedric ordered.



Cedric is leading the company east, further into Jarrund City.
Make any posts you want to about reactions to Cedric, his Mech or his taking command. After that we're going headlong into the broiling sh!tstorm that is Jarrund City.

Edited by Janitor101, 25 March 2014 - 07:02 PM.

#238 The Shepherd


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 02:47 PM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

"I don't appreciate kissasses."

James’ heavy sigh of relief fed back a snowy sound through his own neurohelmet’s speakers. He hadn't even realised he’d been holding his breath since Shade had started making the situation infinitely worse. Speaking like that to a Duke? Lad must really have a screw loose. Shade was stupidly lucky he'd gotten off with merely a frank rebuke.

"I am Duke Cedric Godwin, and I am temporarily taking command of Woolrich's... Vega's Huntsmen."

"Form up on me." Cedric ordered before starting to move out.

“Aye, your grace. Frightfully sorry aboot tha’ there armour damage,” he intoned in his best court voice, moving up to the giant assault mech’s flank.

“Havok,” he rasped conspiratorially despite the privacy of the laser channel he’d opened to the Wolfhound down the street, “Wha’ the bloudy hell’s gooing on? I dinna ken he was oone of us? Ye orders?”

#239 dal10


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 04:56 AM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

To be fair, Andre had a list of mechs he would like to punch with his charger. To be even more fair, a Devastator was not one of them. There was all kinds of not doing this when a mech like that was involved.

"I am just glad as hell that thing is on our side," he said under his breath after they had found out the duke was changing sides.

Standing still for a seconds and shaking the rubble out of the joints in his charger's hand, Andre assessed the situation. On one hand, it was kind of hard to trust the duke, cause he was noted as firmly on the other side, at least before Andre defected from the loyalists. On the other hand, he REALLY didn't want to fight him, cause he was the only one in the double lance capable of actually tangling with a devastator, and his charger wouldn't last long.

"i don't see a choice," he said under his breath again, and he took up formation with the rest of the havoks.

#240 guardian wolf


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 11:42 AM

07:26 Hours.
Kharkand Technical Academy.
Jarrund City

Shade looked at the Devastator with a sneer on his face as he mumbled just low enough the comms wouldn't pick it up.

"Be careful that this 'kiss ass' doesn't gut you when it suits him, *****,"

He then turned and did an about face. He opened a tight beam com with James as he moved back down the street speaking to him, and only him.

"You, are ******* welcome,"

What he'd done was test the so called duke to make sure he was on their side. And if he wasn't, he would have bought time for the mech to get the hell out by sacrificing his own. And he really didn't appreciate how the Devastator had shown up at such the in opportune time. He sighed as he moved his mech back, and kept his grip on the blade very tight. He couldn't help but want the Devastator pilot to give him a reason to tear him out of the cockpit. But he held the beat back, it would definitely have fun later.

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