Camo/Paint and colours are something I use to take mechs out of commision (red ones), and I differentiate each mech by a different colour and camo...
I'm heavily a visual person. I learn visually, organize visually, and, as you can tell by the picture below, I like to use visuals to prove my point. Below is an image that includes a portion of my mechs and their current colours. I spent a couple hours resizing and cropping the screenshots to make this image. I left one icon to show the original.
This just would help so much if the icons display a current portrait of the mech. I don't even care if it ends up as a tick box I need to select that warns be about a reduction in performance. It'll always be checked on my computer.

Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 25 June 2015 - 07:04 PM.