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Do Not Retaliate For Ferris Attacks!

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#1 Aresye


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 08:30 PM

Attn all Clan Wolf Units and Players:

As far as we know, we still have a cease-fire with the main units of CGB. Please do not try and retaliate for the attacks on Ferris tonight until we get more information on what is going on.

#2 Commander A9


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 08:48 PM

Indeed; save the planet, but don't go crossing borders. Keep our own space intact.

#3 Antonius Rex


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 08:49 PM

I felt we were quite clear in our intentions, as we have been in back and forth talks with Clan Wolf on both this forums and in ts conversations.

Simply put, to many Bears, not enough Salmon. I guess we will see how this turns out :)

View PostAntonius Rex, on 25 December 2014 - 06:51 PM, said:


I am writing to formally declare that Mercstar's "Operation Turkey Hunt" is a go.

As of Christmas day, Mercstar has again taken up contract with Ghost Bear, and together with some of her allies, will be pushing into Wolf to start our march towards the vast Salmon runs, rumoured to be within Turkey territory.

Just figured we would give you guys a heads up.

I hope every enjoys their holidays,
and Merry Christmas from Mercstar

View PostAntonius Rex, on 22 December 2014 - 01:39 AM, said:


I have a proposal for both Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear.

To be clear, I don't speak for all of Ghost Bear, but I do speak for The Mercstar Alliance. Though we have talked a bit about this concept with our allies and suspect they will be onboard.

Essentially, [-MS-] and much of Ghost Bear would like to be able to engage Clan Jade Falcon in honourable combat. On the flip side, we don't really want to go to war with our Wolf brothers to do it, especially seeing as we just spent a week finally building peace between our two great Clans.

One aspect, is that we are getting bored with our 98ish% win rate and want to get some "comp" games against some high tiered opponents in the CW Clan theatre. Specifically SJR and Lords. Kinda sad that Lords had around half of their top 12 Comp players break away before we got to get over there to play them :( but alas, here we are.

The other big thing of interest to us is opening up another set of attack/defense lanes for all of Ghost Bear. Unlike our Spheroid compatriots which have 4 or even 6 different attack lanes, we are limited in how many theatres we can fight in a time. In part, due to the Bear/Wolf ceasefire. Not only that, but we also never really get any good clan defense options, as for the most part each clan is more than capable of holding their own borders.

So, I would like to start a dialogue between Wolf and Bear on how such an arrangement could come about in peaceful terms.

One of the ideas we had here over at [-MS-] I will outline below:
Day 1, CGB takes a wolf planet.
Day 2 CGB takes the next wolf planet, Wolf takes back the planet from Day 1.
Day 3, CGB takes the next planet, Wolf takes back the planet from Day 2
Day 4 ...
Day 5 CGB pushes into Falcon Territory. Wolf takes the last CGB planet behind them.

- Avoid a conflict with Mercstar and possibly all of Ghost Bear
- Gain political favour for being willing to work with us. Could be useful in the future :)
- It gives the Bears another release valve (target) to send their warriors at. When Mercstar and her allies are unified on the Bear front, we pretty much just take every planet available to us. It's kinda hard not to attack Wolf just for something to do when our other 2 front lines are both 11-0 in our favour (the only thing stopping us is the Wolf/Bear ceasefire, which we helped broker).
- We would be making a record for one of the biggest planet swaps in CW history.
- Give an extra attack lane for the pesky Green Turkey pugs to attack, rather than having them continue to attack Wolf even though a ceasefire was agreed to between the major parties.
- If Wolf ever got into another war with the Falcons, Bear would be ready and able to assist their Wolf friends.
- If Wolf and Bear ever went to war in the future, Bear would have an extra attack/defense lane to worry about, weakening their general position.
- It will give Clan Ghost Bear another target other than simply pounding away at the FRR for lack of better targets, which can only help Wolf in its race to reach Terra first.
- Wolf units cleaning up planets as we go would get to put their name up on planets that would otherwise remain unclaimed by any of the major Clan Wolf factions. Examples include Paulus Prime, Drask's Den, Crellacor, Sigurd, Oberon VI, Placida, and Blackstone.
- More Salmon for nearly everyone.

- Would avoid a possible conflict with Mercstar and possibly the rest of Clan Ghost Bear (I guess some people may want that).
- Splits the attention of the Clans over all, but only to a small degree. We know which two are mommy and daddy out of the 4 clan family. Wolf and Bear are destined for greatness, together in our quest for Terra.
- Would take minor amounts of effort to actually take the planets for both sides. But at least for Wolf, the value of getting unit names on otherwise unclaimable planets totally off sets that.
- Less Salmon for the Green Turkeys

I guess lastly, can you think of any good reasons not to let the Bears at those {Godwin's Law} loving, oddly coloured turkeys?

Hope all of this doesn't sound too crazy, but I figured I would outline Mercstar's desires/intentions before our contract shifts and we come back to Clan space on Thursday. Wouldn't want to touch off World Clan War III accidentally :)

Hope to hear from some of the Clan Wolf Leadership soon, with heartfelt dreams of continuing our partnership in the quest for glory and salmon.

Antonius Rex,
of the Swords of Kentares,
and the Mercstar Alliance.

Almost forgot to add the official Mercstar sign off for diplomatic communiques.

Posted Image

From Elissa to Crossing to Taga, the sun never sets on the Mercstar Alliance.

Edited by Antonius Rex, 25 December 2014 - 08:56 PM.

#4 Manny Rhyde


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 08:58 PM

Antonius! *hugs the now carebear ghost bear* remember me? it's manny! we were in the windborne highlanders together. Hell i even recruited you back in the day into the unit. how have you been? sorry i could not write to you back when i used to drop into the NGNG server, just occupied.

#5 Naglinator


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 09:03 PM

You really had to re-post a KM long post? Throw me a pug here. Any Wolf worlds attacked will be defended.

#6 Antonius Rex


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 09:59 PM

Just thought I would try and clear up the confusion as to what was going on.

Apparently some people either don't read, or don't spread information amongst their unit. These posts have been discussed in a very open manner for nearly a week now.

I figure reposting the KM long plan is a good start to make sure the Wolf pups know what we are trying to achieve, as well as why we are doing it.

If Wolf cannot work with us in this regard, then I guess that is a loss for both parties.

Posted Image

Edited by Antonius Rex, 25 December 2014 - 10:00 PM.

#7 Speerit Ward


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 10:04 PM

Stepping forward and demanding that we either let you walk through our space, or you will do it anyway, Is not an example of working together.

I dont personally mind what you guys are doing. I relish the challenge and opportunity to get better. And most of us in CWI are well aware you didnt do anything dishonest or sneaky.

But lets not start hailing MS as a diplomatic or accommodating unit. You didn't issue a plan to work together. You issued an ultimatum. Thats not part of a balanced breakfast, Rex!

#8 Aresye


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 10:04 PM

Who from Wolf sanctioned this? As far as I am concerned, this was a proposal that never became anything more.

#9 Speerit Ward


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Posted 25 December 2014 - 10:10 PM

View PostAresye, on 25 December 2014 - 10:04 PM, said:

Who from Wolf sanctioned this? As far as I am concerned, this was a proposal that never became anything more.

No one did, Loremaster. MS appears to be taking our silence as permission to make good on their ultimatum.

#10 Demiurge


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 12:05 AM

I am already told Russian players from Clan Wolf do not attack bear territory. Defend only.

#11 KursedVixen


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 12:08 AM

Bear and Wolf are eventually Warden clans so it would be wise to work out a truce for now.

#12 SickerthanSars


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 01:07 AM

So clan leadership is diverting resources into a pointless planet hopping thing just so cgb can fight cjf...instead of concentrating on smashing the IS...some Khans need to be removed for blatant incompetence.

#13 fritzor


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 01:21 AM

STS is not supporting any attack along the wolf front. We still belive in the cease fire.

#14 Antonius Rex


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 01:31 AM


So, it obviously appears that the Wolf Clan is unwilling to help their Ghost Bear neighbors gain access to the Land of Green Turkeys.

This is unfortunate for a number of reasons.
1. The Falcons know where the tastiest Salmon are, and the Bears get pretty sexually aroused when there is plenty of Salmon to go around.
2. We thought we had an understanding between a number of Wolf units to help us achieve our goal, as we clearly laid out our plan to cede the worlds we took back to wolf, as we went along and got our single planet closer and closer to CJF land.
3. One of the big benefits we saw in this plan for Wolf, was that you guys would get an up to an additional 9 planets or so in your back field, that you would get to put Wolf Unit names on, as you reclaimed them.
4. We also offered to cede Ellissa back to you guys for your efforts.
5. Furthermore, we also offered to help Wolf defend their planets from both Steiner and Rasalhague, as was agreed to in my personal conversations with Gyrok.

For what it is worth, we brought this proposal to you guys in a timely manner, making sure to keep our intentions clear and in the open, with the intent of working with you guys for the benefit of both parties. We also engaged in negotiations with various Wolf leaders, but I do recognize that the Wolf Clan is a large group, and that there is no Khan who speaks for the group as a whole. Alas, what would have been one of the biggest deals in CW history will likely bear no fruit. Or Salmon for that matter.

I have talked to the rest of our Allies, as well as the leadership of the newly involved Comstar Irregulars and we have agreed to let the matter drop. As of tonight, there should be no more attacks on the Wolf/Bear front from either Mercstar or Comstar Irregulars, as well as the rest of the known Ghost Bear group of friends.

Frankly, with SJR's recent departure, the Lords schism that saw around half of their top 12 players leave, and the more recent news that Lords may be leaving CJF entirely, there isn't really much point in pushing out there. Other than our dreams of the tastiest Salmon, we really just wanted to go get some games in against two of the better teams out there.

Anyways, sorry for the border spat. I regret that Bear and Wolf could not come together on this deal, which I felt would have benefited both parties.

Posted Image

#15 soaq


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 02:24 AM

Greetings Clan Wolf,
Comstar Irregulars has stopped attacking Clan Wolf space to support the cease fire between Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. Thank You for your time.

#16 Aresye


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 07:59 AM

View PostSickerthanSars, on 26 December 2014 - 01:07 AM, said:

So clan leadership is diverting resources into a pointless planet hopping thing just so cgb can fight cjf...instead of concentrating on smashing the IS...some Khans need to be removed for blatant incompetence.

None of our Khans as far as I have heard, have agreed to this proposed action.

#17 Fox Kell


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:08 AM

View PostAresye, on 25 December 2014 - 10:04 PM, said:

Who from Wolf sanctioned this? As far as I am concerned, this was a proposal that never became anything more.

I have no idea where he thinks Clan Wolf agreed to this ridiculous offer. He mentions Gyrok, so I guess Gyrok speaks for all of Clan Wolf now?

View PostAresye, on 26 December 2014 - 07:59 AM, said:

None of our Khans as far as I have heard, have agreed to this proposed action.

No we have not, we have been defending Ferris from attacks. That is all. The focus is still FRR.

#18 Summon3r


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:32 AM

there is zero chance Gyrok ok'd anything here

#19 Nightmare1


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:43 AM


Fight, Fight, Fight!

*End Chant*


#20 KuroNyra


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 10:11 AM

View PostAntonius Rex, on 25 December 2014 - 08:49 PM, said:


I am writing to formally declare that Mercstar's "Operation Turkey Hunt" is a go.

As of Christmas day, Mercstar has again taken up contract with Ghost Bear, and together with some of her allies, will be pushing into Wolf to start our march towards the vast Salmon runs, rumoured to be within Turkey territory.

Just figured we would give you guys a heads up.

I hope every enjoys their holidays,
and Merry Christmas from Mercstar

Posted ImageAntonius Rex, on 22 December 2014 - 10:39 AM, said:

I have a proposal for both Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear.

To be clear, I don't speak for all of Ghost Bear, but I do speak for The Mercstar Alliance. Though we have talked a bit about this concept with our allies and suspect they will be onboard.

Essentially, [-MS-] and much of Ghost Bear would like to be able to engage Clan Jade Falcon in honourable combat. On the flip side, we don't really want to go to war with our Wolf brothers to do it, especially seeing as we just spent a week finally building peace between our two great Clans.

One aspect, is that we are getting bored with our 98ish% win rate and want to get some "comp" games against some high tiered opponents in the CW Clan theatre. Specifically SJR and Lords. Kinda sad that Lords had around half of their top 12 Comp players break away before we got to get over there to play them :( but alas, here we are.

The other big thing of interest to us is opening up another set of attack/defense lanes for all of Ghost Bear. Unlike our Spheroid compatriots which have 4 or even 6 different attack lanes, we are limited in how many theatres we can fight in a time. In part, due to the Bear/Wolf ceasefire. Not only that, but we also never really get any good clan defense options, as for the most part each clan is more than capable of holding their own borders.

So, I would like to start a dialogue between Wolf and Bear on how such an arrangement could come about in peaceful terms.

One of the ideas we had here over at [-MS-] I will outline below:
Day 1, CGB takes a wolf planet.
Day 2 CGB takes the next wolf planet, Wolf takes back the planet from Day 1.
Day 3, CGB takes the next planet, Wolf takes back the planet from Day 2
Day 4 ...
Day 5 CGB pushes into Falcon Territory. Wolf takes the last CGB planet behind them.

- Avoid a conflict with Mercstar and possibly all of Ghost Bear
- Gain political favour for being willing to work with us. Could be useful in the future :)
- It gives the Bears another release valve (target) to send their warriors at. When Mercstar and her allies are unified on the Bear front, we pretty much just take every planet available to us. It's kinda hard not to attack Wolf just for something to do when our other 2 front lines are both 11-0 in our favour (the only thing stopping us is the Wolf/Bear ceasefire, which we helped broker).
- We would be making a record for one of the biggest planet swaps in CW history.
- Give an extra attack lane for the pesky Green Turkey pugs to attack, rather than having them continue to attack Wolf even though a ceasefire was agreed to between the major parties.
- If Wolf ever got into another war with the Falcons, Bear would be ready and able to assist their Wolf friends.
- If Wolf and Bear ever went to war in the future, Bear would have an extra attack/defense lane to worry about, weakening their general position.
- It will give Clan Ghost Bear another target other than simply pounding away at the FRR for lack of better targets, which can only help Wolf in its race to reach Terra first.
- Wolf units cleaning up planets as we go would get to put their name up on planets that would otherwise remain unclaimed by any of the major Clan Wolf factions. Examples include Paulus Prime, Drask's Den, Crellacor, Sigurd, Oberon VI, Placida, and Blackstone.
- More Salmon for nearly everyone.

- Would avoid a possible conflict with Mercstar and possibly the rest of Clan Ghost Bear (I guess some people may want that).
- Splits the attention of the Clans over all, but only to a small degree. We know which two are mommy and daddy out of the 4 clan family. Wolf and Bear are destined for greatness, together in our quest for Terra.
- Would take minor amounts of effort to actually take the planets for both sides. But at least for Wolf, the value of getting unit names on otherwise unclaimable planets totally off sets that.
- Less Salmon for the Green Turkeys

I guess lastly, can you think of any good reasons not to let the Bears at those {Godwin's Law} loving, oddly coloured turkeys?

Hope all of this doesn't sound too crazy, but I figured I would outline Mercstar's desires/intentions before our contract shifts and we come back to Clan space on Thursday. Wouldn't want to touch off World Clan War III accidentally :)

Hope to hear from some of the Clan Wolf Leadership soon, with heartfelt dreams of continuing our partnership in the quest for glory and salmon.

Antonius Rex,
of the Swords of Kentares,
and the Mercstar Alliance.

Almost forgot to add the official Mercstar sign off for diplomatic communiques.

Posted Image

From Elissa to Crossing to Taga, the sun never sets on the Mercstar Alliance.

View PostAntonius Rex, on 25 December 2014 - 09:59 PM, said:

Just thought I would try and clear up the confusion as to what was going on.

Apparently some people either don't read, or don't spread information amongst their unit. These posts have been discussed in a very open manner for nearly a week now.

I figure reposting the KM long plan is a good start to make sure the Wolf pups know what we are trying to achieve, as well as why we are doing it.

If Wolf cannot work with us in this regard, then I guess that is a loss for both parties.

Posted Image

You seem to completly miss the point Antonius.
You are basicly asking something without waiting the autorisation.

It is like asking if you can go by the garden of your neightboor and not waiting the autorisation to do so.

You really think it work that way?
If yes, then you are really disappointing.

If you asked nicely first and REALLY had contact with the leaders of the Units of Clan Wolf. Then maybe you could have done it without trouble.

View PostFather Dougal, on 25 December 2014 - 09:30 PM, said:

You guys got stomped.

What you do here is nothing more than stupid, disrespectful. And I really hope until the situation is sorted out that you have troubles getting trought us like surats.

And doing this during Christmas time? Really?

Even if we had a complete total Alliance, there should still be discussion about our movements and our goals. Here, the goal was to cease attack between eachothers and focus.
Here, you have started attacking Clan Wolf territory only to get a line with Jade Falcons? If you wanted to fight Jades Falcons, you should have actually took a group with a border with it.

I don't see Clan Wolf cutting trought your territory just to get some Smoke Jaguar on there reticle.

Wasn't it logical to actually wait for an official answer?
Or meet with the others Clans Units?

I hope this is merely a mistake that won't happen again.

I do not like to have Ghost Bears in my reticle. But if I have too, I will gladly defend the territory of my clans against action like this.
And I will GLADLY get -MS- freebirths in my reticle. No matter how good they are, bragging about there electronical d!ck won't give them any kind of respect. (Compensating I believe am sur.)
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Edited by KuroNyra, 26 December 2014 - 10:34 AM.

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