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Battle Of Tukayyid Full Event Details!

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#521 Manfred SHMOL Olovitch


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 12:21 AM

Where can I choose my 40 points personal goal mech reward?

#522 Major Lag


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 01:09 AM

It will probably show up here. as always:

Way down the page are your personal stats/matches. There it should show up once you're done.

#523 anfadern


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 02:40 AM

Strangely enough and maybe not in line with the majority of those who post i this thread.

I actually have enjoyed this event!

It gave me a good opportunity to play quite a few CW games, something that I have skipped since pug players usually get so badly stomped by premades. Now there have been a greater variety in skill and level of organization than usual which allow even a player like me to have some chance at winning quite a few of the matches.

The waiting times haven't been that bad on the clan end of things and I would really enjoy more events along the line of "Battle of Tukayyid".

I can understand the comments that it is to time consuming to complete the task, but hey, I have absolutely no intention of doing that, I just enjoy playing a few matches now and then.

#524 Pz_DC


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:12 AM

About rewerds. I dont get why its ranked that way, offer new order to achive it:
5 - Consumables
10 - G-exp (1000)
15 - 1st C-bill bonus (1 500 000)
20 - mech+mechaby
25 - G-exp (3000)
30 - 1st MC bonus (150)
35 - 2rd C-bill bonus (5 500 000)
45 - 2nd MC bonus (450)
50 - Banner.
And may extend it to
55 - 3rd C-bill bonus (10 000 000)
60 - 3rd MC bonus (1000)
70 - 1 mounth prem time

*values is just IMHO and used for example to show quality of the rewards.

Why so? Becouse it will let most of players pick more common revards while let those who want try to get realy unique (banner) and more useful (mc/c-bills) rewards.

About scoring. I dont get why You didnt use older system (that one where kills, assists, damage done and so on was counted to calculate match score) - it fit CW more then "ffa" games where it was used before.

Edited by MGA121285, 27 April 2015 - 03:18 AM.

#525 dr lao


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:29 AM

ok played all weekend out of 26 matches 17 wins 9 lost I don't think im going to make it :wacko:
but had lots of fun I actually started breaking over 1000 damage for the first time with my new Blackjacks I got with the sale .

#526 Sheriff Cinco


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:41 AM

This weekend just plain sucked for me. Average weekend would been at least 3-6 hours of play time. This weekend I jumped into CW and waited 30 minutes for a game. Got steamrolled. Jumped in again and waited for another 30 minutes and gave up. Even the normal game mode had high waits because everyone was waiting for CW. It really killed my desire to play.
MechWaitingOnline :(

#527 Krellshand


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:41 AM

I played 14 matches, 14 times over 130 points, but the waiting time and some teams are just cruel. I really wanted to get 40 points, but there is no way I can make it with this shedule

#528 Der Kopfsammler


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:42 AM

Posted Image

#529 The Unstoppable Puggernaut


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:43 AM

Ok this event only just became fun when using the 'Find a group' option. I landed with fellow Steiners who are interested in winning (as a team) instead of a random group of pug barbarians. Tip for everyone, get grouped up, there is more chance you will land with some solid teammates. Pugging in CW is abysmal.

PGI, please please please please let the dropships carry millions of guns. The point of it, needs to be deterring the enemy from spawn camping. I spawn camped to test who gets shot and it seems the person closest to the enemy starting edge of the map gets shot. I was no where near the dropship nor did I fire and I got selected by the dropship while my team mates pummeled the last mech standing.

Program the dropship to take out the closest threats.

#530 Fire for Effect


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 03:52 AM

View PostYakkSlapper, on 26 April 2015 - 07:58 PM, said:

thanx for a SCREWED UP event management, so, here "i" am, sitting in the launch que, we down to less then 10 to launch, RESET to late in que/end of line?? OVER AND OVER, 4 hrs later ZERO LAUNCHES with no one leaving the ques for over an hr,+ so is not come aND go reset. fix it onece your in line you CANNOT lose position and MUST LAUNCH in your order if n one leave your team que

join a group or merc corp...
for IS groups waiting times for match were about 10 minutes...

Clan teams got instant matches...

#531 KarrRadane


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:13 AM

Waiting times just too ridiculous!

#532 Risen


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:14 AM

PGI coult at least put the "auto ready up after manual cancelling" back into place so when picking up another player or reinviting after disconnect etc. not everyone has to manually re-ready.

And they could implement an app based alarm to warn you whenever you find a match.
1 minute seems fair enough time to reach the PC from the sunny spot in the garden or any place in the house doing useful things instead of waiting for a match to occur...

And please give multiple points to scores over 80, maybe
1 for 80+
2 for 170+
3 for 260+
4 for 350+

The wait times remind me of WoW Battleground PVP when they were still server restricted...Horde 45 minutes wait time, Alliance instant match...there at least you could actually do something while waiting though...

#533 Josef Koba


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:21 AM

View PostEd Steele, on 26 April 2015 - 07:05 PM, said:

CW is rough for IS Pugs. The population in CW is roughly 10-1 IS to Clan and the majority of the Clan groups are organized 12 mans (or close to it), where many of the IS groups are Pug groups who are not on comms, or rarely use in-game comms. So, yes, when these IS pug tems finally get a match after waiting 20+ minutes, they will probably lose to the organized Clan group that they are fighting against.

I don't mind losing. Not at all. It's the WAY in which I often lose that's frustrating. I honestly don't mind getting stomped that much either, but this spawn camping business is something I've loathed from CW's inception, and it happens far too regularly. I've spoken before about the atmosphere of hopelessness and futility that such gameplay brings. Removing hope from a game is bad. At the point where you're being spawn camped, it's reasonable to suggest that your team has already lost. Fair enough. But when you make it so you are unable to even turn around to bring your weapons to bear, you've turned two or three drops into futile endeavors. Let me at least drop, get my bearings, and attempt some semblance of tactics in order to continue the fight even against impossible odds. That is, of course, if we're role playing real military operations and are ignoring the fact that no drop commander worth his salt is going to tell his last two pilots to drop their last three mechs into a drop zone that has 12 enemy set up in an L-shaped ambush just waiting. This to me is immersion breaking. I'd certainly prefer an option to withdraw in order to save the 12 million C bills worth of mechs I still have if I can't have the option to, say, pick a cooler LZ. Either that or let me at least drop facing the enemy. There are ways to remove the futility of these stomps and to give the player hope, maybe not hope of victory but hope that he isn't pointlessly throwing away both his time and his role played resources.


1.) Let the drop commander pick an LZ that isn't crawling with mechs
2.) Let the drop commander or players opt not to throw away their last mech or two and withdraw if victory is impossible (i.e. the enemy is on the drop zone that cannot be moved)
3.) At the very least, let the player drop so that his mech faces the battlefield rather than the opposite direction.

Something. Anything. Any one of these three things would keep me from abandoning CW altogether. The frequency of spawn camping removes all fun - I have to wait upwards of 15 minutes (or more) just to drop, my team is largely wiped out in six minutes, and I spend the next minute and a half waiting and dropping into a maelstrom of enemy.

#534 Josef Koba


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:24 AM

Another thing I'd like to see: The ability to do something in your mech bay/lab/store without losing your spot in line. Yesterday I meant to get premium time but forgot. Given the length of time it takes to even drop and having no idea how long it would take, I wanted my premo time immediately so that I could maximize my time/rewards. But in order to do that I had to leave the queue. I should, at the very least, be able to purchase premium time while I wait ages to drop. That doesn't seem very hard; create some sort of simple overlay that allows you to interface with the shop? Just a thought.



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Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:45 AM

View PostMagikMan191, on 26 April 2015 - 04:43 PM, said:

You know these challenges really bring out the best in pug skills. :wacko:

Hhow does someone (and this happens a lot!) get a massive 94 points of dmg for 4 mechs?? :angry:

...Oon top of waiting 38 minutes for a drop, we get ***** with multiple pugs doing under 100 dmg.
100 dmg! WTF? :lol: :D :( :angry: :blink:

You could do better shutting your eyes and holding down the mouse spinning in circles.
Still grinded my 80, but with help like this, it would be better doing 10 on 12 drops IMO. :rolleyes:

Goes to show that some solo-only players that have aversions to teamplay, coordination, thought, and basic tactics should not be playing in the team based side of the game without being part of the team.

Wait until Steamtards start to play CW.

Let the farming begin!

You could have people just quit the match before they even leave the drop ship the first time only because they see the Unit tag you have that was fun(ny).

#536 Twilight Fenrir


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:51 AM

Despite its inauspicious beginning... The event has really smoothed out on my end. I'm up to 30 points now, should he able to wrack up the last 10 before Thursday...

If you get in a 12-man pug group, the wait times are only 10-15 minutes typically. And there's zero chance you'll ghost drop... It's actually better than the normal CW queue in that regards.

I don't typically play with groups, so it took me a little while to break into the event... But it really is a blast. And I've had a few groups where we just rofl-stomped the clans every drop. Some people just work better together than others...

#537 ShinVector

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Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:07 AM

View Postanfadern, on 27 April 2015 - 02:40 AM, said:

Strangely enough and maybe not in line with the majority of those who post i this thread.

I actually have enjoyed this event!

It gave me a good opportunity to play quite a few CW games, something that I have skipped since pug players usually get so badly stomped by premades. Now there have been a greater variety in skill and level of organization than usual which allow even a player like me to have some chance at winning quite a few of the matches.

The waiting times haven't been that bad on the clan end of things and I would really enjoy more events along the line of "Battle of Tukayyid".

I can understand the comments that it is to time consuming to complete the task, but hey, I have absolutely no intention of doing that, I just enjoy playing a few matches now and then.

Thats probably because Clans doesn't have the >45min queue wait time problem ??? (That sitting in the lobby while doing absolutely nothing ! :mellow: )

Edited by ShinVector, 27 April 2015 - 05:08 AM.

#538 Dragonsyoung


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:09 AM

Iv been giving it my all from hour 0 and i have 20 points, even today it is taking me on avg an hour a game.

Claners get rewards, IS gets shafted.
thx for not swaping my contract.

#539 bazilbrush

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Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:24 AM

well im at 32 points already so making 50 points isn't going to be that hard

#540 Dragonsyoung


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Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:36 AM

OK for all you claners out there who "feel" like we need to know you have it eazy SHUT THE ****UP...

Surely some kind data mine could of uncoverd the lack of ballace?
im pissed i put in over 21 hours of my time into this for next to nothin, yet the other side can rack up the total event points in same time.

Yes im very pissed, feel bad for everyone who put hardernd $ into this.

Edited by Dragonsyoung, 27 April 2015 - 05:37 AM.

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