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Fight, Damn You!

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#1 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 10:49 AM

I'm sure it's not just me but people who run and hide towards the end of a battle to keep their kill/death ratio artificially higher really piss me off. Shouldn't losing an engagement automatically count as a death? I'd assume if you lost the battle the enemy would find you and good luck there. Shutting down and hiding is cowardice and should not be rewarded. Yes or no.

#2 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 11:28 AM

Lol right back at you Venom. I don't know what my kill to death record is, nor do I care. I play this game for fun, not numbers (and this is an awesome game, right?). But if you lost the match you have to admit that the enemy found your shut down mech and hung you from the nearest tree. You didn't magically fly away! It's mostly a matter of the interest of time. I only have time for X matches during a playing period and wasting time looking for someone who obviously lost but drags it out is matches we all can't play.

#3 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 12:29 PM

I called you Venom because that's your name I saw posted as "The Venom". I'm Sorry, Marack Drock The Unicorn Wizard. I'm not trying to insult you or the mech. I'm not whining nor am I a newbie or mad. Running is a valid tactic, but it should count against you if you end a match that way.

#4 t Khrist


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 12:36 PM

This is an issue that has been brought up again and again in MWO over the years. I used to be like you, a lot of us did, but eventually we just stopped caring, quit the match, and dropped in another mech. I do agree that it is annoying, which is why every game mode except skirmish has counters to this tactic. Just have to accept it as it is though, and not be like those who outwardly insult the pilots protecting their kdr. 'Come out and fight coward!' is one thing, but I've seen some pretty offensive stuff said to powered down pilots.

And on the pilot dying regardless IRL if we're going to go full hypothetical here; In real life, there wouldn't be artificial boundaries, thus instead of shutting down and hiding until the enemy eventually finds the last mech, they would simply run away. Not saying there isn't still a chance of them being killed, just that hiding 'til death isn't the only option.


#5 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:22 PM

Marack Drock The Unicorn Wizard has a point, but the "tactic" is lame and should be frowned upon. I don't know how many times I just turned the corner to protect a friend and blasted away knowing I'd go down but "That guy ain't going home" came into play. You should not get a medal for having been there and running away.

#6 B0oN


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:35 PM

What if I was the last against 7 people in CW/QP and was trying my damnedest to pull them apart and kill them piece by piece ?
Thats at least what I personally try to do each and every time I find myself last man standing because I surely will try to negate as much of the advantage the enemy already has in that situation.

I run, then fight, then run some more while fighting .
Where´s the problem again with such behaviour ?
That it costs your precious time ?
Welp...it also is my time as well AND we ARE playing games, so dont use a "wasting time" argument ^^

Oh, just FYI : I give zero effs about my K/D, but I will try to eke out a win even if it looks impossible .

Edited by B0oN, 27 July 2016 - 01:37 PM.

#7 Mighty Spike


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:51 PM

Few days ago on Crimson. a guy in a Dual AC20 King Crab hiding till our team is gone then starts to move to Easy kill the damaged left enemy Mechs. That is soooooo ###%& $######. Whole team reported him. THat moment i just thought: Dear god please grant me the ability to punch people in the Face trough my monitor grrrrrrr. Could totally freak out every time i have such Teammates

#8 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:15 PM

@mighty Spike_That's something I see on the other end of the spectrum; those who hang out and let the other guys take armor damage so they can rock in and take credit for the kill. It's an easy way to pump up your kills, but weenie as well. Hang back and be AFK for the first three minutes of any match and see how your rating soars. There should be an honor rating, because running or leaving the fighting to friends is situationally cowardly. Honor=Honor-10 because you flee and try to "survive" the match rather than do as much damage as you can until you go down.

#9 Darth Futuza


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:23 PM



Out of all the Code of Conduct guidelines, the interpretation of what constitutes non-participation is probably the most commonly debated.
The purpose of the information below is to clarify our policies on non-participation, and to outline what can be classified as non-participation.
Going AFK (away from keyboard)
The absence of even one player in a match can directly impact the playing experience and level of enjoyment for all other players in that match. Initiating the search for a match should be seen as an unspoken commitment to all other players who will be placed into the same match.
We completely understand that life goes on regardless of your participation in a game, but walking away from the computer or alt+tabbing out to browse the internet after initiating a match and not returning in time to provide meaningful assistance to your teammates are considered acts of non-participation.
Shutting Down your ‘Mech or avoiding engagements with the enemy, and when doing so might be considered non-participation
All pilots have access to a Shutdown command for their ‘Mechs, mapped by default to the ‘P’ key and listed as ‘Toggle Power’ in the keyboard menu.
The primary benefit to shutting down your ‘Mech is that it will no longer appear on enemy radar. In the deciding moments of a close match with few ‘Mechs left standing on the battlefield, effective use of the shutdown mechanic and/or evasion tactics has the potential to provide you with the following benefits:
  • Breaking a target lock
  • Appearing ‘heat neutral’ on maps where Thermal Vision might commonly be used
  • Presenting on opportunity for staging an ambush
  • Evading detection long enough to secure a win through Conquest points
  • Evading detection long enough to secure a timer expiration win when you have superior numbers, in circumstances where you may be too critically damaged to otherwise risk a direct engagement with the enemy
The above situations are considered to be within the scope of what the shutdown mechanic or evasion tactics are intended to be used for.
There are situations that do not fall within the scope of what the shutdown mechanic or evasion tactics are intended for. The use of the shutdown mechanic or avoiding contact with the enemy under the following situations may be classed as an act of non-participation, subject to evaluation and moderation actions by Support services:
  • Ceasing to meaningfully contribute for the remainder of the match if you still have support equipment, useful modules, or weapons (with any necessary ammo) available. Losing your primary weapon is not an acceptable excuse for hiding and/or shutting down if you still have a secondary weapon, a support-based item such as a TAG, or a consumable module available for use.
  • Running out the clock, or needlessly extending the duration of the match, in cases where doing so will not assist you towards victory.
  • Running out the clock or needlessly extending the duration of a Faction Play match in an attempt to keep a particular group or Unit in the current engagement for as long as possible, in cases where doing so will not assist you towards victory, is not considered an acceptable tactic.
Disliking a map or game mode or attempting to preserve a player statistic such as Kill/Death Ratio are not acceptable excuses for non-participation.

I think the rules pretty much cover this...

#10 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:27 PM

That being said, don't report people unless they obviously have it coming and then some. People get AFK for bad connections and stuff just happens. If you see it three matches in a row then maybe...

#11 Hellrazor1772


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Posted 27 July 2016 - 04:31 PM

This is a great game with many challenges. There are many ways to tackle what's before you and yes, 1 Raven against three other mechs is a bad fight and a good time to run, but that mech should get credited with a death and a loss for the team along with everyone else involved in the battle. It is a team effort. No one should be able to walk away with a positive rating by running. I've seen this tactic used by CSGO players and they get great shame there as they should here.

#12 LordNothing


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Posted 28 July 2016 - 07:41 AM

report for non participation and suggest everyone else does same.

that said i dont think anyone has actually been banned for nonparticipation.

#13 LordNothing


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Posted 28 July 2016 - 05:51 PM

theres a fine line between life happens, and intentionally hiding. people can usually tell the difference.

#14 B0oN


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Posted 28 July 2016 - 06:04 PM

Yeah, but IF "life" happens there is still enough time to hammer a quick "Sry, need to AFK", ain´t there ?
And yes, there are times where you just have to zoooooom off, becuase you just heard the hot water set up for your tea boiling over .

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