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Another Ppc Mech Thread :)

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#1 Rerednaw


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 09:10 PM

Okay I've read several threads on PPCs mechs. I want to avoid the 'PPC vs. Lsr' please. I am aware that PPC projectiles apparently have some kinks with hitbox and for a particle weapon are somewhat slow. Which is to offset the front load damage I suppose?

To get to the point: I'm deciding on buying a PPC mech.

So far from what I have read there are specific mechs with 'quirks?' or features that help PPC performance such as increased velocity.

I actually prefer mediums to heavies and heavies to assault.

I'm not asking for 'best' because there are a plethora of factors some of which are subjective so I'm trying to find a list of the mechs (exact model/variants) with PPC quirks.

I'm also a fan of chain-fire...probably a carry over from my TT days.

The threads I have read so far at 6+ months old and I know the game is constantly evolving so not sure if there have been changes (like which mechs have quirks...or are the quirks gone/changed?).

I actually went through the mech lab and checked out all variants...my eyes are a bit blurry so I may have missed a few.

I decided to filter by the following:
40% + Vel.
Mediums > Heavy > Assault

Hero > Normal > Champion

Lights are in a weird place. I prefer lights, but PPCs are really heavy...

Once I tapped the Hero list it got short very fast.
But here is my 'short' list:

Adder ADR-Prime carries 2 ER PPCs.
Panther NT-10K has 50% vel and -25% heat.

Vindicator series because we have 3 variants (good for mastery) that all have +50% Vel...and most with 25% heat reduction. (if energy and PPC reductions stack that is)
Cicada 3C only works with ER (and yet it comes with a vanilla PPC???) but it has both +50% Vel and an jaw-dropping -50% heat reduction (if the PPC and energy reductions stack)...but it only has 1 energy hardpoint. So no smalls or mediums for backup. Granted, it's a bit on the cheaper side for 1280 MC or 3.2M C-Bills.

Warhammer WHM-BW is +30% -5% Heat and a Hero Mech.
The Jagermech JM6-FB is +40% and a Hero mech so +30% C-bills are nice...

Awesome...but this is more nostalgia than numbers. Though the 8Q with 50% Vel 30% Heat reduction and 10% range is a decent setup. And it's classic.

So given I'm considering the above, which ones would you recommend and why? Or if there is another that you absolutely swear by, which one(s) and the reasons (jump jets, hitbox, good angle/arc for the PPC, for such?


#2 Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 10:05 PM

Bj-3 i think is a good mech for mediums.

Summoner for heavies with the right pods i think can be good too...

Idk about chain firing ppcs though... I think shooting 2 at a time is the way to go

#3 Digital_Angel


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 10:42 PM

WHM-6R actually has better PPC quirks than the Widow, although I love both.
Firebrand Jager
Marauder 3R
Cicada 3C

All great PPC mechs.

My BJ-3, WHM-6R and Firebrand all sport PPCs. My Marauder 3R usually has balistics builds, but gets PPC love sometimes too. Have lots of Cicadas, but not the 3C specifically. While not quirked for PPCs much, the CDA-3F is fun as a PPC jump sniper as well.

Chainfire vs dual firing PPCs? It depends. When I do PPCs they are my primary weapon and all my PPC mechs have 2. I tend to have weapon groups 1&2 firing the PPC on each side individually. It is easy enough on my mouse for me to hit both buttons at once with the same finger when I want to dual fire them. Generally I chainfire at a distance or with targets moving fairly fast just in case I miss. If I can catch someone standing still or from behind, then both barrels all day long.

#4 Zimm Kotare


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 10:46 PM

It might not be what you're after, but I'm very much a fan of the shadowcat, one PPC, 2x SRM6, 3 Machine Gun and ECM build. In team play it fits very well with other mechs and strategies.

#5 Old-dirty B


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 10:51 PM

Consider the following models and builds:

Panther PNT-10K (2x PPC) (ERPPC + 2xSRM4)
Low mounts, need to expose much of the mech, Fast, poptarts, i consider this more as an harasser/striker that pops-up all over the place and can get into a small brawl also. (Dont get shot)

Cicada CDA-3C (ERPPC + AC5)
High mounts / low exposure, Fast, re-positioning, poking, can operate much further from the maingroup / even behind enemy lines / wolfpack with lights, keep some distance

Blackjack BJ3 (2x PPC + 2x Mlas) (2xERPPC)
High mounts / low exposure, Mediocre speed, excellent poptart, stick to team and fire dual peeps from over cover / hills

Marauder MAD-3R (4x ppc build)
Low mounts, need to expose much of the mech, can output much damage in the mid range, stick to team and avoid brawls / singled out

Catapult CPT-K1 (2x ppc + 2x AC5) (2x erppc + gaus)
High mounts / low exposure, Hillhumper, second line fire support, pretty quick for a heavy, stick to team

Choose one that fits your preferred playstyle. I would go with the Cicada or blackjack, because i like to get around fast / flank or poptart.

#6 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 21 August 2016 - 11:00 PM

Just an FYI
Do not buy a Mech specifically for quirks,
quirks do change periodically, for a few months the TDR-9S was the ultimate ERPPC boat, on that Mech ERPPCs only generated half there usual heat, and there were other bonuses, it also had 3 head level E hardpoints, for a while that was the undisputed best sniper and a strong contender for best Mech in the game and all "meta" players purchased it, then it had its PPC quirks roughly halved and there was much rage from the ID10Ts who had purchased 3 to make a CW dropdeck and never considered the possibility that the "best variant in the game" would have its quirks reduced to mearly make it good rather than great despite the facts that PGI had said they would keep changing quirks to try to bring balance to MWOs Mechs
If you want to look at Mech Quirks check out Smurfy, on the Battlemechs page you can look at a list of wuirks for each Mech, pulled directly from the game files, it can sometimes take a few hours for them to update after a patch, but it is usually updated pretty much instantly

Edited by Rogue Jedi, 22 August 2016 - 01:57 AM.

#7 Tier5 Kerensky


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 12:16 AM

With 2 C ER PPCs I've usually had them on one hand and fired same time. With larger amount like 6 I've had them on chain fire.

#8 The Basilisk


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 01:13 AM

View PostRerednaw, on 21 August 2016 - 09:10 PM, said:


So far from what I have read there are specific mechs with 'quirks?' or features that help PPC performance such as increased velocity.

Yes there are specific general PPC Quirks (affecting PPC+ERPPC), specific ERPPC quirks and general energy quirks affecting the use and general direction your builds can take.


I'm also a fan of chain-fire...probably a carry over from my TT days.

The debate on chainfiring frontload weapons is almost as heated as the PPCs versus laser debate. Let it suffice to say that the only two reasons to chainfire weapons at this state of game is either screenshake or getting constant dps and maximum of damage out of an enemy.
DPS wise the only mechs that can do that at all are the Awsome and the Marauder.
Also PPL seem to be pretty afraid of PPC hits. With quad PPCs of an Mar-3R or an AwsomeQ you can do constant barages for around a minute depending on the map most ppl tend to hide or just run. And since you are not wasting ammo this is the only not detrimental form of suppression fire I know of.

The threads I have read so far at 6+ months old and I know the game is constantly evolving so not sure if there have been changes (like which mechs have quirks...or are the quirks gone/changed?).

I actually went through the mech lab and checked out all variants...my eyes are a bit blurry so I may have missed a few.

I decided to filter by the following:
40% + Vel.
Mediums > Heavy > Assault

Hero > Normal > Champion

Sorry but most heros just suck or are mediocre at best.
Only Hero mech I know of that does decent with PPCs is the BLR Hellslinger.

Vindicator series because we have 3 variants (good for mastery) that all have +50% Vel...and most with 25% heat reduction. (if energy and PPC reductions stack that is)
Cicada 3C only works with ER (and yet it comes with a vanilla PPC???) but it has both +50% Vel and an jaw-dropping -50% heat reduction (if the PPC and energy reductions stack)...but it only has 1 energy hardpoint. So no smalls or mediums for backup. Granted, it's a bit on the cheaper side for 1280 MC or 3.2M C-Bills.

Don't know about the Vindi but the Cicada is a fine poke and harrassing mech.

Warhammer WHM-BW is +30% -5% Heat and a Hero Mech.
The Jagermech JM6-FB is +40% and a Hero mech so +30% C-bills are nice...

Whammy with PPCs....you hereticPosted Image just kidding.
Fact is the Mar-3R does it better and can take more damage.
If you are willing to take the risk try a 300XL reaktor and a load of heatsinks.

Firebrand Jagermech with dual ERPPC is a solid mech but seldomly seen because the Gauss variant is what most ppl prefere due the the higher projectile speed and low heat.

Awesome...but this is more nostalgia than numbers. Though the 8Q with 50% Vel 30% Heat reduction and 10% range is a decent setup. And it's classic.

Actually the Awsome is a pretty solid mech after the rescale and last quirk pass. Its just fuggly like hell an most ppl hate PPCs.
And before you lough at single heatsinks please considder that without endo struckture and with max double heatsinks you would have only 4.2 points more dissipation but lower heatcapacity and a far costlyer build.

So given I'm considering the above, which ones would you recommend and why? Or if there is another that you absolutely swear by, which one(s) and the reasons (jump jets, hitbox, good angle/arc for the PPC, for such?

From what I know and from what you are searching I would say the possibilitys on the mechs and your wishes are quite contradictory.
You need lots of tonnage and slot space. Thats only possible on a heavy or on heavyly quirked mechs that are able to function with lesser weapons achiving the same effect.
The Cicada would be best for dedicated med pilots. Its functioning with only one or two PPCs (saw a build with a PPC and a ERPPC functioning pretty well on Terra Therma!!!)
If you want ridiculous white hot plasma barages try either the Marauder or the Awsome.


P.S.: The Phoenix Hawk isn't realy a good mech in my hands, but with the mobility, PPC quirks, ECM and jumpjets of the PXH-1B you can be a pretty unsetteling experience for heavy and Assault mech pilots jumping and running and gunnig without getting cought too much.

P.P.S.: While Rouge Jedi is quite right when he says that you shouldn't run too much after weapon quirks I think everything with +30% projectile speed on PPCs is a big help.

Edited by The Basilisk, 22 August 2016 - 03:16 AM.

#9 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 01:32 AM

On IS side ... BJ-3 and WHM-6R like others said.
On clan side ... Nova, Warhawk ... just use omnipods with quirks helping PPCs.

#10 ImperialKnight


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 07:52 AM

the Adder is surprisingly good at the dual ERPPC build

the WHM-6R won't be a pure PPC build, maybe something like this

#11 Rock Roller


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 12:24 PM

Might look at the Phoenix Hawk 1b. ECM capable poptart PPC sniper. If you want an effective fast IS PPC medium it's worth a look. Just got buffed and it's a lot of fun.

#12 Nik Reaper


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 05:55 PM

Would just point out that ppc damage registration is still very wonky , and for such a high heat weapon it is really painful to play it as a main gun, more so when you have 2 of them and no damage gets registered.

Also shadow cat is an ok idea for a fast ecm jump capable 2xerppc sniper , it's just that without ~17 DHS it's tough to get any real dps out of the build, still if you are good at the hit and run style it could do well.

#13 Rerednaw


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 08:33 PM

Hey everyone appreciate the advice and tips. I know PPCs appear to be a much debated weapon, I'm just a fan from the old TT days so I want to play about with a few recommended platforms. I know group fire is the way to go...but I like the pew pew effect. And because my internet connection is sometimes wiggy...Posted Image

I will take another look at the Blackjack and Cicada If the Heavies / Assaults go on sale I'll probably go with the Marauder/Awesomes. And of course once the classic Marauder makes it's move from $ to C-Bills, I am so gobbling them up.
Thanks again and happy pew-pewing!

#14 Leone


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 09:20 PM

I give you Kaminari.


#15 Spheroid


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Posted 23 August 2016 - 08:11 AM

TDR-9S is still good. Big heat reduction and big velocity boosts.

#16 Exard3k


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Posted 23 August 2016 - 08:18 AM


#17 Husker Dude


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Posted 23 August 2016 - 10:06 AM

Hunchie IIC-A isn't quirked for it, but the torso mount locations make it a really fun PPC mech. The Nova does have quirks, but I get frustrated by how low the arm mounts are.

#18 Coralld


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Posted 23 August 2016 - 10:20 AM

View PostHusker Dude, on 23 August 2016 - 10:06 AM, said:

Hunchie IIC-A isn't quirked for it, but the torso mount locations make it a really fun PPC mech. The Nova does have quirks, but I get frustrated by how low the arm mounts are.

That's why you swap out the ST for the ones that have 1 energy in each side, it moved the PPCs higher up compared to the arms.

#19 Hoffenstein


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Posted 23 August 2016 - 10:30 AM

As someone who owns three fully mastered Vindicators, I can tell you that they have one obvious flaw and one not-so-obvious. The first and most apparent flaw is the low hanging PPC arm, you need to be in the open in order to fire it, so get your "shield" twisting skills up to par. The other flaw is the cockpit. The view out of the cockpit is wide, but very shallow, so if you have a habit of running into rocks or getting shot from above, it'll be much worse in this Mech. Flaws aside, you can get a decent amount of speed out of the chassis, the AA variant has 2 AMS for making your team-mates love you, and they're jumpy and nimble.

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