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The "unforgettable Ace" Returns!.. Scratch That, What Was His Name Again?

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#1 N0D


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 04:15 AM


Please don't mind the gloomy sarcasm and self-deprecation in the topic name, for I am (or at least was while writing this) just in that kind of right mood. So... yeah. "Fp Veteran - Beta 2" needs an advice in the "new player help" section, lol. Because i've returned from a year+ mwo "retirement", and it looks like (without further mincing around the beaten bush of words) i suck. Even more then i used to, a year ago, if you can even believe this unbelievable fact.
Let me elaborate a bit: i used to pilot two main mechs - TDR-5SS and TBR-A, both exclusively mpl vomit boats, doing around 400-600 damage each match, if won. Now i can barely scrape up to meager 300 and do a single kill before collapsing my mech to a hunk o' molten junk.

Onto main question: "what should i do with my life?" Just kiddin'... What is the current noncompetitive meta for those guys like me, who, basically, want to chill out, lazily killing time in some evening quickplay matches to steadily grind some C-bills? I don't care if a build is considered "pathetic" or "for scrubs", etc, and i'm looking for the least "nerve-straining" experience, because i've realised that i don't have the time, ambition and motivation to "git gud" at this game.
Currently i'm leaning towards lurm TBR-S boat, seeing as how i already own A variant, and want to master T.Wolfie someday in a distant future.
Your thoughts/suggestions? (No champion mech builds, please)

#2 Zimm Kotare


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 04:38 AM

I like SRMs & Lasers myself, or PPCs & UACs. Though things have been shook up with UACs lately & Tuesday's patch might further modify things. Others will be able to give you far better advice there...

But what I would say is; find what you find to be fun. Personally, I'm no front-line damage sponge, damage-dealing monster. I like running & gunning & dumping a tonne of SRMs in someone's face. Then Zoidberging out of there on my JJs.

It's all about you (but personally I avoid LRMs unless I'm in a group).

#3 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 07:22 AM

Depending on when you actually left, the MatchMaker has gone from using an Elo score to a PSR system, and players were seeded based on their Elo rating/matches from Jan 2015 to Sept 2015. Tiers ranges from Tier 5 for new accounts, though not necessarily new players, to Tier 1. And think of it as more of an experience bar, on how well your team works together + damage generated. And looks like you found the check to show your tier, 3. That means you can be grouped with anyone, from Tier 1 to Tier 5, if the release values open up after 2 minutes.


Also since then, lots of mechs have been released, especially Clan Battlemechs such Kodiaks and Hunchback IICs included. There were a resizing of all mechs based on a volume formula.

Just remember on ALRMS, Artemis only works when you have LOS of your target, something to consider on whether to drop Artemis so you can equip a few more backup lasers.

#4 Jingseng


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 01:13 AM

speak plainly, and elaborate:

1) what do you want/what is your goal

2) what/how do you like to fight

3) what style do you favor (mobility, brawl, pop tart/sniper, long range, tanking)

4) what resources are available to you/are willing to spend

5) what is most similar to what you are looking for

#5 N0D


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 01:24 AM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 11 December 2016 - 07:22 AM, said:

Just remember on ALRMS, Artemis only works when you have LOS of your target, something to consider on whether to drop Artemis so you can equip a few more backup lasers.

Well, thing is, i don't have any dedicated scouts in my mwo friends list (in fact, i lost all of the connections i had when i "retired"), so i can't really depend on my ever-changing quickplay team to do any consistent scouting, sadly. There will inevitably be situations when i'll have to "scout" with my tag versus ecm-cloaked opponents all by myself. Artemis thus serves as a mean of minimizing my exposure time... or at least should serve - never've played lrm boat before to speak from an actual experience. Plus Artemis tightens rocket spread. Additional laser won't save me from a swarm of lights anyway, imo.

That said, i fiddled around with TBR-A a bit (just for the heck of it) and came up with this silly looking build. Less rocket ammo, less armor, no tag and Artemis (fully dependant on team), but has 6 c-erml's in case if things would go south. I guess, someone can play it like that too, huh...

View PostJingseng, on 12 December 2016 - 01:13 AM, said:

speak plainly, and elaborate

1) What my goal is: to start playing mwo again, cuz' why the hell not?
2) Fight what: other mechs, of course. Fight how: with least effort possible.
3) With what style: year ago i liked brawling/mid-range facemelting with mpl builds. Now - i dunno. I wanna try something different, less nerve-wracking.
4) What resources: currently i'm scraping low on C-bills (about 2 mill), however if the result would be worth it, i may consider grinding my way up to any reasonable sum, needed to buy single variant of an average heavy clanner (which, i believe, is like 13-17 mill?), before losing my patience.
5) Most similar to what i'm looking for: this, probably.

Edited by N0D, 12 December 2016 - 01:49 AM.

#6 Jingseng


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 04:35 AM


#7 N0D


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Posted 13 December 2016 - 12:37 AM

Jingseng, "nevermind"? Ok, sure.

...Somehow i get the feeling of negativeness in that short word response. Might be just my overthinking about it, though. Luckily, i don't really care either way :)
Thing is, not everyone is into perceiving a game as kind of a serious sport, or something.

#8 Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky


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Posted 17 December 2016 - 10:46 AM

Ive been away for a couple months- (and still on vacation)...

I dont know if things have changed, but I would recommend getting yourself a kdk-3

#9 stealthraccoon


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 06:03 AM

I'd recommend a steady diet of Urbanmechs and Mist Lynx, work you way down to Tier 5, and you can boat SRM2's and be successful.

Just keep it simple for builds; don't have more than a few weapon groups and don't have excessive overlap in ranges. If you can run your build with two mouse buttons, you are on the right track.

As of late, people tend to hang back and tickle each other with LL/Gauss/PPC for 10 minutes before they actually push, so get used to that.

#10 N0D


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Posted 25 December 2016 - 02:30 AM

Tried some lrm builds in PUGs and they sucked. Well, go figure. Also, what's the deal with the upcoming "skill tree" and "power draw" systems? It seems like PGI is adamant in nerfing laser vomit/wubs builds to the ground. I doubt that skill tree will have personal caps on cooldown/range/heat bonuses for every particular mech, which means that there'll be no more semi-viable builds like, for example, this LCT-1V, which, because of energy cooldown quirk of 50% basically currently doubles his laser dps. Which in turn was offset by a single energy hardpoint to make it fair. New skill tree obviously won't allow you to have 50% en.cooldown on every mech, so yeah. And power draw will make it all even worse then that, killing my favorite mpl boats.

I've grinded myself yet another 17,6kk c-bills so far. And it looks like the upcoming damage dealing meta will favor dakka over anything else greatly, despite substantial uac ghostheat and jam nerfs, so... any advice on good dakka builds? Kodiak3? Direwhale? King Crab? Mauler? Jagermech?
PS: i know that there's always an option of gauss/ppc, but i simply hate sniping. And it hates me back.

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