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Crash During Loading Mechlab Assets

mechlab Crash Error assests

31 replies to this topic

#1 DemonForge


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:10 PM

I downloaded and was happy to get to try out the game and once I downloaded and made a account I go to get on and it goes to load the mechlab assets then freezes and closes no error or anything comes up just disappears I check task manager and there is nothing there and ive tried to get on countless times and it happens everytime. If anyone knows how to fix this I would be much appreciative.

#2 Shamous13


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 03:30 AM

What OS are you running? Have you tried running the repair tool?

#3 oHans


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 12:13 PM

This crash happens to me every so often, and the repair usually cause it to chain crash for a least 4 times aterwords. Running MS 8 os, this common?

#4 Shamous13


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 03:48 PM

Try this.


Actually, you do need to install Directx 9c. Vista/7/8 comes with DX 10/11 and a base version of dx9. The issue is that MS does not include all the latest modules for dx 9c, nor are the DX10/11 backward compatible. Even a fresh XP install will require DX 9c installation for those updated modules.

DX 10/11 and DX 9c are located in their own subfolders, they do not overwrite each other. Programs and games are set to locate the necessary files from their respective location.

MWO currently utilizes ONLY dx9c files, thus the need to install dx 9c with either the dxsetup.exe (small file that downloads everything from MS) or the redistribution file (large file but useful if installing on several machines or need to reinstall to replace possible corrupted files).




You will notice that it supports more than just XP.

Most games that come on a CD/DVD will also have a setup to install the updated modules by using one of the paths. For other games that are download only, they direct you to MS to download (using that site's bandwidth instead of their own) and perform the installation, from a trusted source ( hehe Microsoft..: )

#5 Bearwalker


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 02:42 PM

I've had this bug for two weeks now with no fix. I've tried complete uninstall and reinstall, repair tool, reloading Directx 9, Ouija board, sacrificed two chickens and a rabbit (poor bunny), all to no avail. Unfortunately, it takes 24 hour turnaround to exchange emails with tech support (they send one day, you answer and reply then wait for the next day for a reply. Oh great tech support in the sky, please fix this.

#6 DrFawstus


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Posted 26 April 2014 - 08:34 AM

I am new to the game. Just installed, like past tuesday or wednesday, and since then I've had the same issue OP and Bearwalker are having. I've been looking around for solutions, but nothing seems to work. The game loader pops up normaly, I run my ID and Pass and a small window a with some game info and a loader saying something about Mech Lab shows up. It then vanishes. No error pop up, no visible signs of a crash. The game seems to just turn itself off and I don't know why.

Well, let's open a ticket...

#7 QuantumMike


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 02:03 PM

I'm having the same problem. After downloading and installing directx 9, patching, and using the fix, nothing happened.

#8 Vanguard319


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 09:28 PM

I just crashed out of a match, and now I can't even log back in. I keep getting an "Unknown Failure" message every time I try.

#9 Alkaline224


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 12:52 PM

I'm running into the same problem. I downloaded, installed and patched MWO and it crashes with no warning on the "Loading MechLab Assets" screen directly after logging in. Installed the Repair tool, ran it, still doesn't work. Installed DirectX 9 and restarted my computer, still doesn't work. Ran the DirectX Diagnostic tool and found out I'm also running DirectX 11. If it helps, I'm on a Win7 64bit machine.

#10 Flykiller


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 07:08 PM

I have this same problem. I have the programs but the game just goes poof. Does no one have any other ideas?

#11 9erRed


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 02:29 PM

Greetings all,

At the start/play window for MWO check the 'gear item' in the top right, uncheck the autopatch item. and attempt to start the game.

First off, this game must be started 'As an Admin'. (at the moment)
- It needs this permission to access files and locations that only admin can open.

- As the game loads up there are 3 or 4 items played for logo presentation, Nvidia being one of these.

They are either using Flash or Shockwave to play these items,
- Are the images playing before your game crash's?

If not get the required items here:
Flash player: http://get.adobe.com.../?promoid=KLXMF
(uncheck the Google stuff)
Shockwave player here: http://get.adobe.com.../?promoid=KLXMH

And look here for some useful 'Log' files the game creates, if there's a crash it is recorded under one of these file. And the reason it crashed.

See if having these installed assists any.


#12 Celegrim


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Posted 24 August 2014 - 07:37 PM

I also have had this problem for at least two months now.

#13 Kamatayon


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Posted 30 August 2014 - 09:58 AM

i talked 3 friends into downloading this, they all got up and running and all i got was a crash to desktop after login, when loading mechlab assests. re installed 4 times, even deleting the installer and re-downloading it. ran the repair tool multiple times. deleted the sysoveride, shaders folder. I just want to destroy robots with lasers.....

#14 9erRed


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Posted 30 August 2014 - 12:55 PM


Have you had any luck looking at the MWO log file to see what the crash error was or what may be causing the failure?


#15 Kamatayon


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Posted 30 August 2014 - 03:13 PM

hello 9erRed,

have been reading alot of your posts the last couple of days. here is what is in the omicron.txt file
i am assuming this is the MWOlog file your refering too.

BackupNameAttachment=" Build(0) 30 Aug 14 (18 06 32)" -- used by backup system
Log Started at 08/30/14 18:06:32
Running 32 bit version
Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\MWOClient.exe
FileVersion: 1.3.323.0
ProductVersion: 1.3.323.0
Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation
Added MOD directory <engine> to CryPak
Executable Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\MWOClient.exe" flowthru

Total number of logical processors: 4
Number of available logical processors: 4
Total number of system cores: 2
Number of cores available to process: 2

Processor 0:
CPU: Intel Intel® Core™ i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz
Family: 6, Model: 10, Stepping: 9
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1.8 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 1:
CPU: Intel Intel® Core™ i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz
Family: 6, Model: 10, Stepping: 9
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 1.8 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

<18:06:33> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_environment' key 'e_TerrainTextureLodRatio' is not missing in default
<18:06:33> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_environment' key 'e_TerrainTextureLodRatio' is not missing in default
<18:06:33> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_environment' key 'e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum' is not missing in default
<18:06:33> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_environment' key 'sys_spec_Quality' is not missing in default
<18:06:33> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_environment' key 'e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum' is not missing in default
<18:06:33> [Error] Error: ConsoleVariableGroup 'sys_spec_postprocessing' key 'r_UseEdgeAA' is not missing in default
<18:06:33> Windows 64 bit (build 6.2.9200)
<18:06:33> System language: English
<18:06:33> Windows Directory: "C:\WINDOWS"
<18:06:33> Prerequisites...
<18:06:33> * Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)
<18:06:33> Local time is 18:06:33 08/30/14, system running for 69 minutes
<18:06:33> 8062MB physical memory installed, 6322MB available, 4095MB virtual memory installed, 21 percent of memory in use
<18:06:33> PageFile usage: 30MB, Working Set: 21MB, Peak PageFile usage: 30MB,
<18:06:33> Current display mode is 1366x768x32, (Unknown graphics card)
<18:06:33> Japanese keyboard and 5+ button mouse installed
<18:06:33> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<18:06:33> Stream Engine Initialization
<18:06:33> GameName: MechWarrior Online
<18:06:33> BuildTime: Aug 27 2014 15:00:54
<18:06:33> Windows Error Reporting is enabled setting exception handler
<18:06:33> Font initialization
<18:06:33> Physics initialization
<18:06:33> Sound initialization
<18:06:33> <Sound> Initializing AudioDevice now!
<18:06:33> <Sound> Initialize FMOD with dynamic memory callbacks
<18:06:33> <Sound> Starting to initialize Windows Audio Session API output!
<18:06:33> <Sound> Playback drivers found: 1
<18:06:33> <Sound> Available playback drivers:
1. Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
<18:06:33> <Sound> FmodEx-AudioDevice: Now running on driver: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
<18:06:33> <Sound> Record drivers found: 1
<18:06:33> <Sound> Available record drivers:
1. Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
<18:06:33> <Sound> Record config is set to autodetect using record driver 0
<18:06:33> <Sound> Using speaker mode: FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_STEREO
<18:06:33> <Sound> Initializing FMOD-EX now!
<18:06:33> <Sound> Initialized FMOD-EX
<18:06:33> <Sound> Using FMOD version: 00044211 and internal 00044211!
<18:06:33> <Sound> Initializing SoundSystem now!
<18:06:33> Renderer initialization
<18:06:33> [Error] Failed to create stereo device
<18:06:34> used GeomInstancingThreshold is 7
<18:06:34> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<18:06:34> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<18:06:34> Network initialization
<18:06:34> [net] using iocp socket io management
<18:06:34> network hostname: ReactorCore
<18:06:34> ip:
<18:06:34> [Network Version]: RELEASE PURE CLIENT
<18:06:34> MovieSystem initialization
<18:06:34> Console initialization
<18:06:34> Time initialization
<18:06:34> Input initialization
<18:06:34> AI initialization
<18:06:34> Initializing Animation System
<18:06:34> Initializing 3D Engine
<18:06:34> Initializing default materials...
<18:06:34> Script System Initialization
<18:06:34> Entity system initialization
<18:06:34> Initializing AI System
<18:06:35> [PlayerProfiles] Login of user 'mrvlb4' successful.
<18:06:35> [PlayerProfiles] Found 2 profiles.
<18:06:35> Profile 0 : 'Kamatayon'
<18:06:35> Profile 1 : 'default'
<18:06:35> [GameProfiles]: Successfully activated profile 'Kamatayon' for user 'mrvlb4'
<18:06:36> TrackIRManager: DLL Location key not present
<18:06:36> TrackIRManager: Error initializing NPClient interface!! (Err: 4)
<18:06:36> TrackIRManager: Error registering window handle!!
<18:06:36> TrackIRManager: Error querying NaturalPoint software version!!
<18:06:36> TrackIRManager: Error stopping cursor
<18:06:36> TrackIRManager: Error starting data transmission
<18:06:37> Patch Complete Received
<18:07:28> sv_gamerules = mechlab []
<18:07:28> ============================ Loading level mechlab ============================
<18:07:32> [Error] Error: CTexMan::ImagePreprocessing: Scaling of 'textures/particles/weapons/laser_beam_1x4_lop0.dds' compressed texture is dangerous (only single mip) [File=textures/particles/weapons/laser_beam_1x4_lop0.dds]
<18:07:32> [Error] Error: CTexMan::ImagePreprocessing: Scaling of 'textures/particles/weapons/ppc_beam_b.dds' compressed texture is dangerous (only single mip) [File=textures/particles/weapons/ppc_beam_b.dds]
i aslo looked into the event viewer to see if any issues came up. heres what came up in between a couple of dns client events

3f8 01cfc4726cf02780 4294967295 C:\Program Files (x86)\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\Bin32\MWOClient.exe fc69f0b5-3065-11e4-beb9-74867a009fd9 54006F00700020006C006500760065006C002000770069006E0064006F0077002000690073002000690064006C00650000000000
Binary data:

In Words

0000: 006F0054 00200070 0065006C 00650076
0010: 0020006C 00690077 0064006E 0077006F
0020: 00690020 00200073 00640069 0065006C
0030: 00000000

In Bytes

0000: 54 00 6F 00 70 00 20 00 T.o.p. .
0008: 6C 00 65 00 76 00 65 00 l.e.v.e.
0010: 6C 00 20 00 77 00 69 00 l. .w.i.
0018: 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 n.d.o.w.
0020: 20 00 69 00 73 00 20 00 .i.s. .
0028: 69 00 64 00 6C 00 65 00 i.d.l.e.
0030: 00 00 00 00 ....

man i hope i posted the right stuff for you to help me. oh windows 8 and all that.

#16 Celegrim


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Posted 01 September 2014 - 09:18 PM

I am getting the same problem with the textures in those specific .PAK files, the lasers and PPCs.

#17 Tiromir


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Posted 02 September 2014 - 06:57 AM

Exactly same than the first post: I installed the game, patched it, so i launch the Client, normally, i log in, mechlab loading, then the game shuts, no error message, just like if i had clicked ona exit button: the game shuts.

Already tried to unistall then instal again, repair tool... nothing

Edited by Tiromir, 02 September 2014 - 06:59 AM.

#18 Celegrim


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Posted 02 September 2014 - 08:52 PM

Just to add some information, I was able to get past the usual crash spot (actually into the mechlab), but I wasn't able to actually connect. But it's progress! :)

#19 Lefty Lucy


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Posted 03 September 2014 - 12:27 PM

View PostTrent Leslie, on 02 September 2014 - 08:52 PM, said:

Just to add some information, I was able to get past the usual crash spot (actually into the mechlab), but I wasn't able to actually connect. But it's progress! :)

Did you do anything?

I was having this problem since a few patches back, but just trying 4-5 times would get me into the game eventually. I did a full reinstall to try to fix it, and haven't been able to launch at all since.

#20 Celegrim


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Posted 03 September 2014 - 07:55 PM

My previous comment was when I had booted my laptop in Safe Mode with Networking (sorry, I had forgotten to mention that part), but I was actually able to play several matches for the first time in several months tonight!

My solution might only work on the Windows 8.X OS, since I was running Windows 8.1 on my laptop, and this might only be a feature for this OS. What I did is:

(I should note here that you will probably want to read my whole post before trying this)

Go to restart your computer, but hold down "Shift" when you click on "Restart", this brings up a menu with Boot options and a few others.

Click on "Troubleshoot", and then click on "Refresh Computer".

What this basically does is like a system restore to factory defaults, but it doesn't mess with personal files (like pictures, music, and the like). I still went ahead and made backups of the important stuff on my laptop, but I haven't found anything missing so far.

The one thing that is a huge pain in the but with this solution is that it DOES delete all programs, and then restores the default programs that the computer had on it originally (thus the restore to factory part of it). This means (for me specifically) that programs you might not even think about (Microsoft Word, for instance) are going to be wiped. Having extra product keys lying around or install discs is definitely something to check before you do this.

This solution has basically reset my computer and OS (I'm not sure if Win 8.1 was the problem or not, but it probably wasn't helping anything). But this also might have gotten rid off some potentially harmful stuff that I didn't know I had. Either way, MWO works again, and I am very excited.

I should note that there is going to be a huge amount of updates that will also be required after "Refreshing" your computer, so a good internet connection will definitely help.

I hope this result can be reproduced :) I know what it's like not being able to feed the addiction :D

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