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Englischer Karten-Erstell-Wettbewerb

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#21 Karl Streiger


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Posted 25 June 2017 - 10:00 PM

Grand Base ist ja super für den 4 Nachfolge und die Andurien Krise. Aber FCCW?
Söldner Einheit Thief Two nutzt ein geklautes Dropship um Pläne für ein Pocketwarship mit Kraken ABC Defiler Köpfen zu erbeuten?
Nee, lieber nicht

Das Geschreibse für beide mache ich dir auch kein Ding.

#22 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 25 June 2017 - 10:47 PM

Posted Image dachte auch mehr an eine Sabotage Aktion von Raffinerieanlagen (Zb Kraftstoff Herstellung /Biochemische Komponenten ) kein Angriff auf die (sicher gut verteidigten EW Hauptanlagen)Posted Image und Hauptgegner sind ja Fahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotoren .
die Generatoren könnte man mit Team C-Bills verbinden je gehaltenen/zerstörten Gen =50 000 CBills für das gesamte Team (sonstige belohnungen/strategische elemente im FW sind ja nicht groß vorhanden, wie zb für 4 Wochen nur noch 4 t LRM Ammo für das Verlierer Team pro Mech)

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 25 June 2017 - 10:53 PM.

#23 Karl Streiger


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:43 AM

Ja du weißt das du mit einem Angriff auf die Treibstoffdepots Streigers Panzer 02 nicht stoppen kannst Posted Image
Die laufen alle auf Batterien, die laden zur not mit Solarzellen und der kleine ICE der zusätzlich Saft liefert arbeitet auf Mulitfuel Basis - das heißt da werden dann die Glengarry Reserve und Wodka Lager der Truppe geplündert und die Panzer fahren weiter Posted Image

Nee im Ernst - schön und gut aber für FCCW und MWO ist das eher nichts. Kannst du damit leben wenn ich die Stadt da Jarlton nenne? Die liegt in der Wüstenregion von Ko - Ko hat zwar nicht viel Industrie da es der Brotkorb des Lyons Daumen ist. Das heißt wenn überhaupt machst du Industrie dort wo eh nix wächst. Und so ein Fusions angetriebenes Raumschiff das in der Nähe von ein paar Feldern runterkommt versaut wohl auf Jahre das Prädikat "Bio".

Laber Rababer - 15th Dieron gegen 1st Skye Jaeger - vermutlich hat der 3. Angriff der Skye Truppen die Verteidiger bis in die Hauptstadt zurück gedrängt.

zur Backstory: im Juli wurde Skye von ein paar Invasoren angegriffen - die die Farben der 15th trugen - der Angriff war insofern erfolgreich das sie ein paar Sachen von Cyclops Inc. mit nehmen konnten.
Fanden die Skye Jaeger nicht so doll - also haben sie ihre 7 Sachen zusammengepackt und sind mit Vollgas hinterher.
Das wird im "Path of Glory" oder "Wege des Ruhms" Roman noch mal thematisiert.
Nur das da der CO der Schlangen Warner - glaubt das der Ausgang des Kampfes ziemlich offensichtlich ist. War er aber nicht. Das beschämte 15th hat nochmal einen anständigen Tritt in die Weichteile bekommen.

Das ist insofern wichtig das es der Auftakt war - weder die 15th (könnte auch ne ROM Aktion gewesen sein) noch die Skye Jaeger hatten einen Befehl von oben und haben auf eigene Faust agiert. Das wäre zu Takashi Katrinas oder Hanses Zeiten noch ein Unding gewesen Posted Image - nur wurden die Skye Jager belobigt und die Schlangen haben den Lyons Daumen komplett anektiert, den sie 5 Jahre vorher als Friedenstruppen besetzt haben - so ein 1st Lord zu sein ist toll man bekommt billige Soldaten von seinen Feinden geschenkt Posted Image

Was meinst Ranger bist du damit zufrieden? Kannst mir noch paar markante Ecken nennen? Ein Cafè, ein Glas Bier Geschäft? Die Short Story wird aber auch mega short Posted Image

Zur Map, ich seh da ein Bürogebäude das ich als Yamato Style beschreiben würde. Haben das die Invasoren, ehm Friedenstruppen als Administratives Gebäude aufgestellt natürlich nur mit Firmen aus dem Kombinat.
Da braucht es wohl mal ein paar von Convernty MetalLabs gesponserte Dekonstruktionsmaßnahmen Posted Image

Edited by Karl Streiger, 26 June 2017 - 01:47 AM.

#24 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 02:06 AM

Hallo Karl :) in Sachen Lore bist du unschlagbar :D ! daumen hoch und natürlich genommen ! habe mit den Romanen ziemlich bald nach den Clansachen aufgehört ...noch etwas von den Steiner Bitchzeug mitbekommen ,aber da war für mich die Luft raus.Die Story paast ja gut ,und der Ort auch , ist ja eine Küstenregion (vergelichbar den heutigen Golfregionen) also raffinerie , ein kleine Dropshiplandeplatz mit Bahnanbindung die noch zu einem kleinen Hafen am führt und weiter ins Innenland, etzteres will ich heute noch etwas andeutungsweise ohne details ausbauen ,dazu eine kleine Garnision ,wo die Verteidiger spawnen ,dazu wird die Map etwas vergrößert und noch mit einigen Cliffbergen rumrum verschönert die dann mit Dünen auch etwas Deckung zur Stadt liefern

#25 Karl Streiger


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 03:08 AM

So Pi-Daumen hab ich Text fertig, (866 Wörter für die Story) lese morgen oder heute abend noch mal drüber Posted Image

#26 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 09:13 AM

Aber Karl Posted Image 866 Wörter !!!! dafür gebührt dir allein schon der Preis ! huete den spaceport soweit fertig ,einige Platzhaltergebäude schnell hingestellt , eine Base mit ein paar Alibi-gebäuden und Wällen (spawnpunkt Verteidiger) , etwas alles erweitert, morgen noch etwas feintuning und fertig .

Posted Image

ein kleines Video vom spawn der angreifer aus

(einige Gebäude schweben noch in der luft etc .)

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 26 June 2017 - 09:13 AM.

#27 Hase36


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 09:32 AM

Zu Eurer Leistung...was soll man da sagen?

Da kann man nur "Chapeau" sagen!

#28 Karl Streiger


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 01:32 AM

So ranger - text uf denglish, kann jemand drüber lesen wer mag?

While not directly part of the FedCom Civil war, the incident of Ko already showed the unrest in the former Federated Commonwealth.
With operation Guero in 3057 (Marik and Liao attacking the FedCom) the proud worlds of the former Terran Hegemony declared their independence - this territory should later be known as Chaos March.
To prevent such unrest in the Lyons Thumb - Theodore Kurita send “peacekeeping” troops (9 regiments) into that region. While they did not formally annexed the population of this worlds felt like being invaded. And their leaders did nothing, the even welcomed the "help". A obvious mistake, the population of those worlds and the nearby Skye March had a long history of hostility with the Combine. On Lyons DC troops even massacred a complete village.

The complete cluelessness of Steiner Davion became obvious in those months.
In 3058 the Black Dragon society a ultra nationalist group of high level persons made a move and attacked the planet Towne in the March Draconis. While that invasion was a failure and the involved 15th Dieron Regulars were disgraced, the heads behind this operation stayed in the dark.
Until they made their next move in 3062 with the attacks on Alshain, Skye and Robinson.

The 1st Skye Jaeger were a freshly formed unit that recruited from the most loyal sons and daughters of a combat theater - and was part of the Alliance Jaeger brigade. In July 3062 Skye the capital of the Isle was attacked by troops that looked like the 15th Dieron regulars. They made a successful raid on the Cyclops Inc warehouses and escaped.

Eager to prove their worth Colonel Pitcher of the Skye Jaeger only needed the touch of a clue to jump on the 15th Dieron. Their involvement in the Town debacle made them a perfect scapegoat.
So the regiment attacked their headquarters on Ko only 2 weeks later with 2 battalions strength (2 Overlords)
Coming with a full 2g burn from a pirate jump point and looking only like a single dropship the Regulars had not enough time to rally.
In the midst of a sandstorm both units clashed in the desert near Jarlton.
Three times the Skye Jaegers broke the line of the Regulars until the DCMS unit broke and fled.
Pitcher did not pursuit and salvaged what they could and left the planet.
While the Jaegers were distinguished with the Dragonslayer’s Ribbon, the DC used this incident to formally annex the Lyons Thumb. This should have caused reaction by the ruler of the Lyran Alliance, but before this could happen, Victor Steiner Davion started the Civil War.

Jarlton, Ko
Lyons-Thumb, Freedom-Theater,
Lyran Alliance

1 August 3062

The sensor blip only appeared for a mere second, for Gunsho Youssef Fahas not enough to recognize. A fraction of a second however, was enough for the Matabushi Sentinel tracking system to mark the position on the map.
Fahas cursed the sandstorm that allowed the invaders to come that far, he cursed the planet even more. The irony wasn’t hidden to him. He was disgraced, his former rank of a Chu-i was taken away and his Daikyu was in poor condition. Only because the did tried to capture a planet that was not part of the Lyons Thumb. The only difference was that they had a formal excuse to hold FedCom territory. Theodore Kurita did sent them as peacekeepers and only a fool could believe this nonsense. The inhabitants of this planet were no fools, the work on the Yamato style building next to the spaceport only had begun when a rural exodus started. And those Lyran citizens that stayed were hostile.

The Daikyu was rounding the Yamato style office building. The triangular shape and the non concealed metal beams, a typical symbol of the Combines administrative might. It was the headquarter of his regiment, erected three years ago by loyal companies from Proserpina and Benjamin.
Four years ago Fahas might have had his own bureau in this complex, maybe overlooking the bay in the east or the dying city in the west. But after Towne this chance was gone, forever.
His wide striding steps came to an abrupt halt. A blue and white shape charged from the midst of the sandstorm. It was a Zeus-6S an old well worn model. Where his Daikyu was a race car the 6S was a 4x4. Where the Daikyu was an elegant fencer, the Zeus was a heavyweight boxer that kept fighting after tremendous damage.
Fahas braced the legs of his Mechs to the ground and raised the arms.
Both his Imperator Ultra ACs spit fire. Several 80mm rounds found their mark on the blue white checkers of the Zeus left shoulder housing.
The massive Mechs shrugged off the damage and kept coming without answering the fire. Fahas cleared the office building, the metal and glass construction disturbed his targeting locks. After two steps he got a much better lock. He triggered an alpha strike, a grave risk.
In the baking oven of Ko’s desert, even the eleven heat-sinks with increased capacity were not enough to keep the temperature on a safe level.
The Zeus stumbled. For an instant it looked like he was losing the fight with gravity, but he kept on both legs. Although the left arm with the AC was missing.

The Daikyu pilot should have known better. It was the third engagement of the 15th Dieron Regulars with the 1st Skye Jaegers in the last couple of hours. Every Time the attackers lured the defenders in to use more weapons than they could manage and to expose themselves. When they could barely move, cooking in the heat of their cockpits, the Jaegers used violence and concentrated fire to dispatch those warriors.

It were only a dozen meters into the cover of the building complex, but it could have been a hundred meters or more.
Two medium Mechs were clearing the huge rocks in the southeast. A Cobra moved through the gaps between the rocks, the Coventry LRMs had an instant lock on the Daikyu. The second, a dangerous Hunchback, used his jump jets to jump right into Fahas left flank.
The blowing wind of the sandstorm made it an almost impossible maneuver, almost.
With blaring overheat warnings and the whining messages of different target locks the poor Daikyu pilot almost missed the Barghest. The Skye Jaeger raised on his four short thick legs from the waters of the sea.
The water was shallow eight meter in depth. No BattleMech should have closed the distance without being spotted.
In the next moment, the sky was falling. 45 Long Range Missiles rocked Fahas’ Mech. Several missed the marked and blew several stories of the building.
Although the sandstorm dispersed some of the killing light, the remaining force of multiple laser weapons were enough to cut deep into the Daikyu’s armor.
The killing blow however came from both Defiance Disintegrator LB 20-X of the Hunchback and Barghest. Both used pellets and the force of multiple hits at the same time smashed the Daikyu to the ground.
It hurt, the belts were cutting deep into his flesh when they kept him bound to the seat.
A quick glance at the diagnostics showed heavy armor damage. The thick transplex armor of his canopy had a crack - but all systems were nominal. Youssef Fahas decided that he would not take the disgrace of losing his Mech. He tried to remember his death haiku. Knowing the odds were stacked against him he would not survive. But that Zeus would die with him.
“The sound of drums….”
His own voice lent him strength while he used the full modeled hands of his Daikyu to rise again.

His throat felt bone-dry when he croaked the words in the sauna of his cockpit
“Path to the spaceport is clear!”
Not yet. The DCMS Mech was not out. The idiot on the controls should have better played possum.
It looked like the Daikyu would do pushups when the Zeus take the last steps to the prone Mech. Without haste lieutenant Lendering flipped the switch for the kick controll.
With a heavy thrust on the left pedal the Mechs left foot smashed into the stretched arm of the Daikyu.
The voice of his CO Colonel Pitcher sounded as barren as his own: “Understood, encirclement is finished. Add more pressure but keep a path for the snakes open.”
A simple gamble trick. There was a dropship on the small space port - a civilian Mule. When the captain thought he was safe no longer he would blast his engines and flee. Then the remaining Regulars would have nowhere to go.. When there was death or victory an option they would inflict serious damage on the remnants of the two battalions of the Skye Jaegers. But when there was the option for escape - even the most hardline Samurai might go for that route.
Maybe not all - the Daikyu tried again to come to his feet.
“Dämlicher Hund!”
The mighty Zeus raised his feet and placed it on the rear of the Daikyu and pressed the mech down. A moment the arms of the Daikyu could counter the weight of the 80 ton Mech, then they broke with a sharp bang. The protruding cockpit of the Daikyu rammed into the concrete. But Lendering kept pressing him down. With a screeching sound the structure of the heavy mech bend until the Daikyu lay flat on the ground. There was no other attempt to stood up. The cockpit was only a ruin, squeezed flat between the concrete and the weight of two Mechs.

The pilot of the Zeus wondered if those were the same cunning soldiers they had faced two weeks earlier. Not that it mattered much, they were the enemy, and it was his duty and pleasure to kill them. Nothing felt better than to kill them on Lyran ground.

Edited by Karl Streiger, 27 June 2017 - 03:59 AM.

#29 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 02:16 AM

Cool Karl :) lesen kann ich es ;) ob es richtig ist ???? hab vom englischen Satzbau etc keine blassen :D...also werde ich heute die Map fertig machen ,Bilder und Vid machen deinen Text dazu , die sonstigen Dinge schaffe ich noch ins Englische im Stenostyle zu bringen ,und das ganze mit ausdrücklicher nennung deiner Person für die gesamte Background Story ins englische zu schieben ?!und wie teilen wir uns beide dann den Preis ???:D

#30 Karl Streiger


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 02:18 AM

Mir wuppe Posted Image und nenne meinen Namen mal bitte nicht - sonst gilt das noch als unlauterer wettbewerbPosted Image hab ja nen eigenen beitrag

#31 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 02:26 AM

oder ich stell es ausser Ranking rein und verzichte auf den ganzen preissalabim

#32 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 07:59 AM

fertig ...es sind jetzt 9 generatoren (yellow)zwei spanzonen mit drei Spawnpunkten (red/Blue) ein team startet im Hinteren landesteil über dem Fluss, das andere in einer Militärbase ...Gebäude sind noch meist nur Platzhalter ...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Example Map with 9 Targets (Sabotage generators for Factory Power )...this map has no "Im Here !-Doors" and the seeting with a little Spaceport ,Factorys and little Urban Seetings (Bars,Hotels,Warehouses,Villages for Personal) and a Little Militarybase has many Place for different Objective Seetings (sabotage, Orbitalgun in Base )
Terrain is Desert with rolling Hills and enough Cover for dynamic Routes and Tactical Movement


Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 27 June 2017 - 08:39 AM.

#33 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 27 June 2017 - 08:59 AM

aber schon Phantastisch was da für Ideen entstehen :) ich würde ja für JJM1 voten, tolle Arbeit ...

hab meine kleines werk nun auch reingestellt ;)

#34 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 02 July 2017 - 06:18 PM

Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung ! habe den drittenPlatz gemacht Posted Image danke vielmals, besonders Karl für seine Mühe und seine Arbeit ...!!!!!

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 02 July 2017 - 06:19 PM.

#35 Ibrandul Mike


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 01:04 AM


#36 H E I D I


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 02:08 AM

Super Klasse :D

Glückwunsch an Euch beide, freue mich sehr :)

#37 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 02:09 AM

hab aber eine Belohnung abgelehnt , schon mal auch wegen der vielen Zuarbeit von Karl Posted Image mir ging es ja mehr ums Mitmachen und wie meine ideen ankommen , und Mechs habe ich genug Posted Imageund es hat mein interesse wiedererweckt weiter an mapideen zu arbeiten

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 03 July 2017 - 02:15 AM.

#38 Ibrandul Mike


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 07:56 AM

du hättest die Belohnung Karl geben können :P

#39 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 03 July 2017 - 08:13 AM

Hi Mike , ja, die idee hatte ich auch nachdem mir CK das nahebrachte , mal sehen ,ob ich sie in englisch verständlich rübergebracht habe???

Edited by Old MW4 Ranger, 03 July 2017 - 08:16 AM.

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