The following 'Mechs have had some of their Arm Structure and Max Armor Points re-distributed from their Arm Locations into their Torso locations:
- Jenner
- Jenner IIC
- Cicada
- Jagermech
- Stalker
In the event that the stock values would render the 'Mech over tonnage, the 'Mech would be flagged as an invalid build. Both of these can be manually re-adjusted in the 'Mechlab.
Structure / Max Armor Redistribution Design Notes:
All 'Mechwarrior games have attempted to honor as many of the core mechanics found in the very descriptive Battletech Universe as possible. But sometimes these mechanics do not translate well into the First Person Simulation setting. Among those mechanics are the core structure/armor distribution rules and how that relates to the 'Mech art. In Battletech, there is never a distinction between individual body locations and the art that represents them. Within those game environments, the chance to hit an arm location is always equal, regardless of how the art depicts the 'Mechs. And as such you are just as likely to hit the arms on a Jenner as you are the arms of a Mandrill. This is something that simply does not translate one-to-one into a 3D Shooter environment. As such, many 'Mechs depicted in the Battletech universe as having very short and stubby arms often, as a result, see overall larger torso geometry, as well as having hit locations with a pool of health much greater then they need to before they often find their torso's being destroyed within the context of MechWarrior Online. So while a Jenner in the Table Top game may see 28% of hits go to arm locations, while 47% go to torsos, In our game, this could be skewed as only 20% of hits go to the arms, and 55% of hits go to the torsos when accounting for the physical shots against the 'Mech model's art.
We want to see an improvement to this to assist those 'Mechs that often do see their art come with very stubby appendages that often leads to more prominent torso locations while staying true to the overall structure and armor distributions depicted within the Battletech Lore. In the 'Mechs above, we are shifting a number of their base arm structure points from the arms and into torso locations and with it, their total available "Max armor." For this initial roll-out, we are only going to alter five 'Mechs across all weight classes that have seen smaller arms result in larger torso locations. Each of them has had their structure and armor re-distributed in a way that best compliments the needs of the physical 'Mech geometry while maintaining the same overall health pool. We will be monitoring this change closely and will consider other 'Mechs getting a similar treatment to them in a future patch depending on the impact of this change on the targeted chassis'.
So from what my intoxicated brain is reading... is they are moving armor and structure from the ARMS of the Jenners into the Torso's?
So in my brain this is saying my arms are getting a reduction while my torso's are getting a boost??????
Edited by Darian DelFord, 11 May 2018 - 06:49 PM.