Since the developers are pre-occupied with modifying the firing rate of a micropulse laser within 0.1 seconds of what it was before, I thought I'd throw in actual rules which were followed back in the 80s, when this game was commonly played on tabletops, with die cast models, and people recorded damage on sheets of paper.
When a person fires weapons into internal structure, such as the center torso, you can destroy a mech without "coring" it, that is, destroying every unit of internal structure. You only need three critical engine hits, and your mech is dead.
Now, you have to either core it, or the side, if it is an XL IS mech. I had ammo take a direct hit the other day. It did not result in total destruction of the side, as would be expected in a Clan mech, built in with CASE. I just carried on my merry way, as if the wind was at my back and the sun was shining. There is so much baloney coded into this game, which MSFT pays, minutia no one cares about, obvious promotions just to score some dough. They should sell it to a company that cares, in America.
I was legged in the air, and no mech legged in the air is dead until it hits the ground. A legless mech can fire weapons until such time, as long as not leg-mounted, until they land.
It would have been great if things like legs with exposed internals flood in water, FASA rules. As it is, this is just another game with robots fighting, a bastardization of the perfect original. To wit, many great mechs from then go unencoded.
I suggest you all go outside, it's summer, see the actual beach, if you live near one. Love life. It's out there, not in here, where it doesn't even go by what the creators intended.
Go ahead, change heavy machine gun to not cause as much damage as it once did, because it was actually fun that way. Make every mech equally lame, because that's the only way to achieve game balance. Make my day.

Edited by Fu Sun, 06 July 2023 - 06:33 AM.