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Battlemech Roles

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#1 arcangelS7


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Posted 30 October 2012 - 08:43 AM

Mechs in MWO can perform 3 roles:
- Scout
- Support
- Combat

Scout Mech do the following things:
- Locate enemy mechs; Call your contacts to your team so they know where they are. Use y to team chat or a voice chat program such as teamspeak
- Spot enemys mechs. Use R to target the mech so the rest of your team will be able to target it as well. This allows your team's missile boats to hit it with LRMs without needing line of sight.
- Fast response. If your base is being attack, or you see an openning to cpature the enemy's Scouts are best able to respond. They can also be used to distract the enemy while you move the rest of the team into place.
Scouts should move at least 90 kph and often carry electronics warfare equippment such as TAG, NARC, BAP or GECM. Scout more than any other mechs in MWO follow the rule: "Speed is life".
Currently, none of the trial mechs are ideal scouts. If you want to scout, a Raven or a Dragon is your best choice. [10/30/2012]
The Stock Commandos, Jenners and Cicadas are all scouts, as are some Ravens. The Flea and Spider will be a scouts as well.

Support Mech come in 2 basic favours:
- Missile Boats, which carry large number of long range missiles
- Snipers, which use long range ballistic weapons (AC2, AC5, UAC5, GR) or PPCs
In both cases, a support mech is positied at the edge of the combat zone and attacks the enemy beyond the range at which they can respond. Support mechs needs scouts to locate and spot the enemy. Missile Boat can hide behind hard cover and use LRM's indirect fire ability to hit the enemy without being hit back, while Sniper's ballistics tend to do more damage.
Currently, the Awesome is the best trial mech for the support role, but it has limited endurance for its LRMs. Both the Dragon and Centurion can support if needed. [10/30/2012]
Most stock variants of the Catapults and Awesome are designed as support units, as are some Hunchbacks. The Trebuchet and Jagermech will be Support mech as well.

Combat Mech come in 3 general favours, but the distinction are very fluid between them:
- Skirmishers, which mount long range weapons or move faster. A Skirmisher needs to be flexible. They serve as jack of all trades on the battlefield, and could replace a scout or support unit if needed.
- Brawlers, are slower and carry shorter range weapons than Skirmishers. They also tended to be tougher than a Skirmisher of similar mass. Brawlers are the DPS units of MWO.
- Juggernauts, are the "Tanks" of MWO. They are designed to deal large amounts of damage at close range and be able to survival it. If it has an AC20, even odds it is a juggernaut.
Currently, of the trial mechs, the Dragon and Raven are a Skirmishers, while the Centurion ia a Brawler. [10/30/2012].
The major of mechs in MWO will be Combat units. Most Dragons as Skirmishers, as are some Ravens, while Centurion and Hunchback tend to be brawlers. The Stock Atlas is a juggernaut, as is one of the Hunchback. The Cataphract, Highlander and Stalker will be brawlers as well.

Given the flexiblity the the customization system of MWO, almost every unit can be made to fix any role. For example, don't assume the a Catapult will be a Support unit, it can easily carry a pair of AC20s in its K2 variant! Use the roles as a guide of how to work together with your team mates to achieve victory.

Edited by arcangelS7, 30 October 2012 - 08:55 AM.

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