I feel that IGP/PGI/whomever should be heavily advertising the fact that Mechwarrior: Online will be a $80 game that you can have for free. Notice I didn't say "Play for free," I said "Have for free." MechWarrior Online isn't going to be some amusing browser-game, or a Flash cartoon robot fighting game. MW:O is built in a powerful gaming engine and [given time] will include everything you'd expcect from a top-shelf boxed game. This is fundamentally different from a "F2P" game that you play; Mechwarrior will be a game you will have.
When I use a photoediting program that's free, I don't think of it was Free-to-Edit software, I think of it as Free software. Consider, hypothetically, there are ways you can donnate cash to receive extra features that make it work a little more conceniently, like pre-programmed macros or tools that combine two brush effects into one so you can save time: I'd still consider it free software because all the basic tools are available to the free user; Paying only gives you more conveniences and personalization options.
That's how I want MW:O to be advertised - something you can own for free and upgrade it with small cash transactions as you see fit. I don't want people to hear that MW:O is F2P and pass it off as just something amusing to do while you're browsing the web.
Now, I might be way off in left field here and making a big deal out of nothing. What do you think of when you hear F2P? Do you expect anything in particular, or does it make you gravitate to/from a game that's marketed as such?
Edited by Prosperity Park, 19 April 2012 - 03:01 PM.