Here's some rules:
- Please write short to the point questions, avoid long paragraphs.
- Please do not quote another persons question and use as your own. Questions are not answered by popularity.
- No discussions, replies, etc.
- Leading questions.
- Questions based on personal opinion.
- From people with a warning status.
- If the question has been answered already.
- Questions about why we didn’t adhere to TT rules.’’
Bullseye69: Any chance for use to see snaphot or overflight of the upcoming maps or just a overhead battle grid of those maps are a brief description of the maps similar to what listed under the maps on the website?
A: I’ll see what we can do, the maps undergo a lot of changes right up until the final two weeks of testing, so we have to be careful about releasing inaccurate information. That being said, we are currently polishing Tourmaline Desert. Canyons and Volcano are blocked in a looking amazing. Some exciting 3x3 fighting (3 routes, 3 height levels).
Tangelis: Will we ever have a map(s) with bodies of water that are deep enough to completely submerge and fight in?
A: It’s possible. Nothing on the radar yet.
Alvor: Map of the universe which can be traveled by players to various missions & Solaris?
A: PVE is not currently in the queue, and may never reach the light of day. Solaris is possible, but not for at least 12-18 months. An interstellar map is coming with Community Warfare.
Furmansky: Will you implement ambient map sounds and if yes roughly when ? Not a priority but it would be nice tho hear that blizzard in Frozen City when its not hot nearby, or those explosions and aerofighters occasionally in RC...
A: Sean is working on a soundscape to help improve the immersion factor. No ETA, but within a few months is likely.
Gavilatius: Will we finally have destructible environments... because I have a few scores to settle with that car in River City's lower city.
A: Limited to props. Yes. When we’re finished with some netcode improvements.
Janus Wealth: Is there a possibility for maps with moveable parts? Hangar doors, trains, ships, or even full maps like ishiyama?
A: Yes. I’m pushing to get some moving platforms for Canyons and Volcano maps.
Graphic related:
Silpher K: Any news or update on DX11? even if it's only a tentative date, or time frame? official SLI/Crossfire support/fix?
A: DX11 is in test. No ETA yet, we’re still working through bugs. This is a big one that could hurt performance, so we’re being very careful.
p4p3rth1n: Any chance you will be looking at making some improvements to the 4x zoom vision module?
A: Matt Craig has been working on some concepts. It’s in the queue, not ETA yet.
Soda Popinsky: Any chance to have DoF focus shift to what you're looking at (reticle)? Possibly when zoomed in? Right now, focus seems to remains on foreground objects no matter what.
A: No plans currently, it is in the backlog.
EvgenS: Any plans to make mech controls setup more customizable namely to bind mech engine direct throttle (10%, 20% ... 100%) like it was in previous mechwarrior games?
A: Yes. We’re adding more control options each month.
Terran123rd: Is there any chance of seeing some basic C-Bill camo patterns? Nothing too fancy, of course, but maybe different ways of applying the color blocks?
A: Free patterns will come with Community Warfare and Faction Ranks/Entitlements. No plans to add CB only content at this time.
BeakieHelmet: When is the new target date for Decals? New target date for user-created decals?
A: No firm ETA for the first part. Second part, with Community Warfare.
Ghost Bear: Any chance you guys can add the ability to set camo/paint set to certain map types… like snow = one set of player set camo, desert = second set of camo, forest = third
A: Yes. We’re planning to add this with upcoming DropShip capabilities.
Ethidium: Will colors ever be sold in packages, rather than individually?
A: Yes, with UI 2.0 and our new store interface.
Haruko: When/if we get voice commands (like in TF2 or Tribes: Ascend, or any Tribes game) will you consider adding individual voice packs that we can purchase with MC? Packs of popular characters like Nikolai from the BT cartoon?
A: Yes we’ve considered it. It may be client side only, depending on how big the audio files are.
Cockpit Related:
syngyne: Are there any (long-term)plans to add pedals to the cockpits and animate the pilot's feet when you steer, similar to how the arms are animated now?
A: No specific plans, but the animators love to sneak stuff like that in when they have spare time. So you never know.
BeakieHelmet: Is there any news on the Personal Photo, and when that will arrive? Will it be a “hanging” cockpit item, a “standing” cockpit item or a side “mounted” cockpit item?
A: This is part of the decal system. We’ll most likely make 3 versions for players to choose from for maximum options.
Jetfire: What are the odds we will be able to buy little models of Mechs to put in our cockpit?
A: Very high. Some might say guaranteed to show up in the next 60 days.
‘Mech Related:
Manaan: Any chance of us seeing Quad-Mechs sometime in the future?
A: No plans. Sorry.

Alvor: Will Mechs that have fully articulated hands be able to grab/throw items i.e. use objects as weapons or climb/get up faster?
A: No to the level described. If added, it would be part of a Solaris expansion.
Starburster: Are there any plans to start adding equipment slots to every mech chassis for any non-weapon piece of gear such as BAP, ECM, Command Console, etc... as you did with AMS?
A: Not currently.
Calamus: Are there plans to implement mech specific characteristics on mechs that have them, like adding additional armour capacity to the shield arm of the Centurion to make it functional?
A: We’re adding quirks to all Mechs currently. Armor is a bit tricky, as it follows a different set of standardized rules, so no plans.
Skadi: Do you plan to increase incentives for Hero mechs? Such as including a free mech bay slot with its purchase? or even unlocking its camo colors when purchased (for no addiditon cost).
A: We’re always looking at ways to bring more value to the player. In March, players will be able to customize their Hero Mech colors!
Chunkylad: Will the Highlander when released be featured with one of its signature bonuses: jump jetting and landing on light mechs? Is the Highlander the face of reintegration of collisions into the game?
A: Close. If all goes well, that would be about the time collisions could make it back into the game.
Iacov: I totally love the (re)design of the Catapult - especially the MGs on the K2 Chassis. Will we ever see a non-canon Catapult Variant with LRM Arms and K2 Torso?
A: Possibly as a Hero Mech!
ElLocoMarko: Is it at all possible that the hardpoints of a released variant might be changed after it is released?
A: If for some reason we find gameplay adversely affected, yes.
LethalRose: Any plans to expand the mech skill tree?
A: Yes. We have lots of plans to fill up the skill tree through the rest of 2013.
Butane9000: How many mechs of each weight class do you intend to implement in all?
A: We don’t have a cap on content currently. As long as MWO is running, we will strive to add new a meaningful content for the players to enjoy!
Weapon Related:
Prezimonto: Is there any plans to implement a module that will allow LRMs to hold a lock off of a narrow angle from the target?
A: Not currently.
EyeOne: Will you consider changing the lock on mechanic for the SSRM2s to make it require more attention and aim from the pilot?
A: We review these concepts regularly. Right now, no plans.
Ogresan: Will you ever consider re-introducing the lower trajectory for direct fired LRMs? (While keeping current arc for indirect fire.)
A: No plans.
Gryphorim: Has there been any thought to moving the TAG/NARC to an equipment slot similar to AMS?
A: No plans.
Spirit of the Wolf: Any plans to implement things like mines, mech-sized grenades, claymores, or other things that would not require the usage of the Command Console?
A: We have some ideas here. We need our consumable system to come online in March before any work can happen here.
Bloody Bill Anderson: Are there any plans to add weapon damage information to the mechlab and a per ton ammo count?
A: Done as of Feb 19th.
Game Mode:
Hennessey: You mentioned 'offline matches', any details? For instance: what variables will we be able to modify (i.e. time limits, maps, unbalanced teams, number of mechs allowed total, etc.)? I'm assuming we won't gain XP or Cbills, so will there be respawn options?
A: No firm details yet. But yes, these offline modes would not reward players in any way.
Intothefray: Is there every going to be a match type where you lose your mech or components that are destroyed? I'd love to see something a little more high risk and somewhat of a money sink (optional of course).
A: Hardcore modes are always a possibility. Not in the queue yet.
TheForce: Are there any plans to add a hard core game mode that would limit customization and/or force the use of stock mechs only?
A: See previous answer.
FireDog: Any chance for pure tech, IS weapons on IS chassis, clan weapons on clan chassis drops? Could be another game mode to keep it interesting.
A: Yes.
Crache: Will we ever get resource points/cbills for denying base capping? Something that might apply even if the type of win wasn't by capture?
A: Possibly. We’re always tuning meta rewards.
Docta Pain: Will there be any sort of user dictated start points? Meaning, instead of dropping from the "Base" let the commander in the pre-match screen decide they will enter from the SE or SW, and make the match experience a bit more diverse?
A: Interesting idea. Something we can consider.
Prezimonto: Is there any plans to expand on the types of rewards players can earn XP from beyond killing, spotting, and total territory control?
Things like more targeted rewards for team play events, like flag capping, TAG/NARC, ECM canceling, ect.... so much of good game play seems to stem from good team decisions why not reward this behavior.
A: Yes, we’re adding more rewards on a regular basis.
jay35: Are there plans to implement a match configuration interface that allows players to create/host matches on a specific map? Or at the very least, a way to know the map we will be dropped into before we select our mechs?
A: No to the first part. We do not plan to allow players to run matches with specific parameters. Yes to the second part.
Broad5ide: Is there plans to make matchmaking based on tonnage and not general weight class?
A: Yes. We are working on a min/max tonnage limit. You will see this once Elo has been tuned and balanced.
Ethidium: This game has a very dedicated following; how can we best contribute to the game’s development? What kinds of feedback are useful?
A: Constructive feedback is always useful. We’re always reading what the players are saying, analyzing and reacting. There are several feedback forums set up with each patch: Posting here helps us understand how frequent, relevant, important and issue may be to our users. The CSR team does a great job of giving us a breakdown report each week on hot topics and issues.
Jack Gallows: What is PGI's stance on players with canon character names?
A: Pretty simple, officially we don’t acknowledge a player’s claim to a canon name. Since many people have canon names, we’re taking a soft approach. Don’t pretend to be that character AKA Role play. Don’t claim ownership. Don’t abuse it. And we won’t bug you. This does not apply to canon units. These are reserved and not available for players to choose or claim ownership over when factions come into play.
Juxstapo: In that "possibly" realm, do you guys feel good about a slight damage effect on the cockpit canopy to reflect headshots? Not much, just some scratches or cracks or summin...
A: Yes. This one is a technical issue. Eventually the rendering team will fix it.
assiprinz: Would it be an option for you to implement gameplay/mechbay candy like a playable hangar I can stroll through on foot to view my mechs in all their glory? A test drive range with spawnable (perhaps static) mech drones to test my loadouts?
A: Probably not a walk around. Improvements to the UI and MechLab are incoming. Testing Grounds comes online next month.
Hobo Dan: Concerning communication: Are there any plans to implement a hot key text communication system similar to ones in games like Tribes: Ascend or Dota 2? (two games I have played, I'm sure many more do it). For example, a key that sends a team chat messages like "Contact in D5!" or "Need Help in F6!"
A: Yes. Yes. And Yes.
Sarouter: When will a private practice/game room be implemented?
A: No firm ETA. We have to solve a few technical issues, along with design something that is viable from a business point of view.
Staplebeater: Is there a plan for merc company or lance tagging in our player IDs. ie (merc name).(player name)?
A: Yes with the first phase of Community Warfare.
Zyne: The LIVE and DEAD status on the scoreboard is not needed, and can be easy replace with colouring the name in red. What I would like to see in the status of the mechs % health, to see what condiction my freinds are in, would this be easy to do?
A: BattleGrid does and will take care of most of these concepts.
Canine: Hey Devs Great Job, my quesion is as follows; In the group tab within social can we get each persons mech and variant in between their name and ready/not ready? There is definitely enough room to sandwich in CPLT-K2 in there. I know it's not a massive chance but as at current we are constantly asking on teamspeak who is piloting what and this would help lots!
A: We’re going to overhaul the grouping system with UI 2.0. Hold tight. ETA May/June.
Night Rider: Are there any plans on adding an icon next to the player name indicating who did that player joined the game with ?
A: Most likely not. A team is a team, no matter the composition. Knowing how many groups there are, might lead to griefing, player drops, abuse etc..
Cepera: Do you have any plans to add rear view camera to the cockpit (like MW4)?
A: We have a design. No ETA.
Irvine: Any chance for an MC card that can be bought in stores? A la the PSN card or a similar system?
A: Eventually. Not this year.
FrostCollar: Are there plans for other mech electronics that are added in the mechlab and are not modules, such as targeting computers, enhanced comm. equipment, etc?
A: No plans.
Fastidious: On NGNG Mechs Devs and Beer #8 Paul mentions replays. Can you provide any more details or vague implementation dates about replays and spectating? Specifically it would be great to be able to spectate before dying (perhaps spectator slots).
A: It’s a reach goal. No firm plans. Better/more camera options for spectacting is a possibility. We’re always sensitive to dead players giving an unfair advantage to those living.
Xenroth: You said you will be at some game conventions like the Pax and GDC, can we expect you outside of America this year?
A: Presence wise, we might be in Cologne, Germany this year.
TtianD: Any chance of non-mech vehicles in the (far) future? aircraft, tanks, powersuits, infantry?
A: Yes, but not as a pilot. Players will only ever be able to pilot a BattleMech.
Rowin: Could you go into some detail on how random bugs pop up and the process of finding and removing them. I have a general idea of how this works but a somewhat detailed explanation (without giving away anything secret) might help quell the masses and give us a better understanding of the amount of work involved in the process of creating an awesome game.
A: I'm going to have an engineer answer this question. In a different post.
Ninja Thor: When will we see merchandise for MW:O? I know many of us here would love to support MW:O by buying shirts and hats and such!
A: Eventually, right now we’ve been focused on the core game.
Seth: Will it be possible to purchase MC for another account as a gift? I'm thinking something along the lines of a gift card.
A: No ETA yet. It’s something in the works.
Jack Gallows: Are there any plans to add any more options or layers for account security. Things like harsher password restrictions, authenticator, etc?
A: We routinely go through security audits and continually make improvemtns as needed.
Community Warfare speculation/suggestions:
Yoseful Mallad: Once community warfare comes into play and we are fighting over planets, will different planets have specific maps? For example: If we are on a pure desert planet that never gets snow, we should not get any snow type or forest type maps right?
A: Within in reason, and the available map content at the time.
Servers – EU :
Seth: Could you clarify the answer last week concerning the split of US and UK players on different servers? I ask because a number of units have members from all around the world and it would be rough if we couldn't interact with them in the game.
A: For most regions, players will get to choose which servers to play on. So if you have a friend in the UK that want to play with US players, they can log into NA servers. This holds true for NA players, who can log into EU servers and play with friends there. Final details are still evolving, so this information is subject to change.
WolvesX: Is a server split really necessary, could there not be just the option, before a match where to play (EU / NA) and the community could stay together (Worldwide ComWar, Units)?
A: To offer the best possible play experience and customer support for each region, yes we believe regional servers are the best choice. For most regions, players will still have the option to play on any server.
Mash-up questions from Master Twigg:
Paint, Patterns, Emblems and House Colors:
We already see four and eight man drops in where the majority of the units are sporting the House Colors, or Unit Colors as closely to cannon that we can get. As some players can not afford to purchase enough MC to paint all of our Mechs, here is my question.
Is there any discussion to make the all House Colors available for C-Bills as opposed to MC only pricing?
A: Faction content will be earnable (free) when CW goes live.
It seems to me that each Unit and in some cases Houses have not only a Distinct Paint scheme, but also a rather unique Pattern to the painting.
Can we see the opportunity to paint individual components separate colors in the future? (i.e. Left arm: Red, R.T./C.T./L.T.: Green)
A: Probably not. Our system only supports 3 layers per mech.
How will we see Emblems first introduced into game play? and Will we ever see the ability to have player customizable Emblems(with developer review) that can be utilized in game?
A: Out the gates, only pre-made decals will be available. Eventually we plan to allow players the ability to upload a suitable decal for use in game.
Battlefield Assets:
You made mention at one time about the ability to call in artillery support and/or air strikes. At any point can we see players piloting Tanks or Vtols?
A: No. Player will only be able to pilot BattleMechs.
In the original video we saw a Jenner get destroyed due to building collapse. What are the chances we may she this functionality making an appearance in game play; and if so any ETA?
A: No plans. We made a decisions early on to not pursue fullscale destructible environments.
Also in the video we see recon drone support, Is it still planed to implement such drones and if so how would that effect the scout role of LIght pilots?
A: Yes. We have plans to add a UAV. It will complement the scout role.
Community Warfare:
While I know you can not say much about CW, can you tell us if a territory can be completely taken over or will each House have a core number of planets that can not be conquered?
A: No. A territory cannot be completely taken over. Players will only be able to fight over a select number of border planets.
House Assets and Holdings:
You once mentioned that you are afraid that "trading" Mechs and Equipment between players is skirting the ability to blatantly cheat the system.(And I would agree) However as there been any consideration to give the ability to "Loan" a Mech or equipment to another player on a per-Match basis? Effectively allowing a fellow player to 'Barrow' a mech for a match with out the ability to customize it in any way.
A: Most likely not, unless there was a fee associate with the rental.
Will we ever see the Ability for a House to purchase vanity items to hand out as rewards of service and duty? (i.e. Paint, Emblems, Cockpit items, Rank insignias, etc.)
A: Gifting is on the radar.
Game Play:
Most of us have seen the screen shots of people using things like 'AimBot'; What steps are being taken to keep players "Honest", and not use client side mods/cheats?
A: We are tracking most of the common hacks and cheats, suspending or banning those caught. Some of the more complex hacks are very difficult to completely remove or block, so we are taking a different approach. We are working towards having more CR and social tools for players to help us track down and eliminate these offenders.
Once the EU servers are active, how to you foresee this effecting House units, game times, availability, etc.?
A: I would imagine existing players will most likely stay with NA servers if they have established accounts. New players from those regions, will most likely start out on regional servers. But to be perfectly honest, we haven’t done a full impact study.
When Force balancing comes into play fully, will it be based on only the weight class of each fielded mech or will we see more detailed balancing that takes into consideration the loadout and equipment per mech? (More akin to an Attack Force Value.)
A: We will start with tonnage min/max and evolve from there.
If Collision is reintroduced, will we see an effective use of DFA, and potentially brawling specific mechs such as the Hatchet-man?
A: Yes to DFA. No to melee weapons in the short term. Long term, with Solaris a possibility.
In preparation for the 12v12 matches can we expect to see Larger Maps?
A: Yes. Alpine, Desert, Canyons and Volcano are all larger than Caustic Valley.
What was the process used to determine the current map borders and the changes made there of?
A: Designs lay them down. Testers help determine final positions.
Can you tell us what number of variety we can expect to see in map types?(i.e. Urban, Jungle, Marsh, Mountain, Grasslands, Industrial, etc.)
A: Canyons, Volcano, Asteroid are next up. Beyond that, we’ll see what’s out there.
It would be nice to have the ability to utilize a free roaming or flying camera after death. Perhaps one that starts in a random location facing a random direction, and with out a HUD of any kind. I know this can be used in a manor conducive to exploitation, however if implemented well I could not see this being a overly troublesome issue.
Would this be something the team would consider? or Is it some thing that is currently being worked on?
A: Some of this functionality will be available offline with Testing Grounds. In live matches, we're examining the risk/reward of having more than 1st person spectate (for obvious reasons).