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Snailio's Tournament Perspective

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#1 Snailio


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:13 PM

I'd like to start by publicly congratulating Broceratops for his performance in the tournament. With that, I also wanted to open a public discussion of events, including my own performance, that hopefully won't get locked as Bro's previously did.

When I first found out about this tournament I had no intention of taking part. I knew it would be a grind fest, which isn't exactly an evaluation of skill, and this didn't sit well with me. My thought was, whoever played the most would win. However, after speaking with Kataris, we decided to make a run at it. He was going for the top on lights. At this point, I had no clue what I was doing, or what I wanted to do. Do I push for a specific class or the overall title? I hadn't decided. Also, the time was around 630pm EST on Friday and the tournament started at 1pm EST. Ugh, I was already 5.5 hours behind, could I really make that up?

I started in mediums, again I had absolutely no plan in place. I started off horribly, my elo was absolutely killing me. I simply could not buy a win, but the grind was on. We had a small group of guys talking all teamspeak, all hitting the grind. One of these people as Avalios, a friend and teammate of mine in Paragon. He was rocketing up the overall, and he laid out his plan to me. Avalios pushed himself to the overall number one spot. That's when I made my decision, I'm going for the overall.

I played medium until I reached the top 200. I got all the way to 160ish, and I still had a losing record in mediums. I was completely beside myself on the teams I was getting. Every drop was fighting uphill, and always seemed to devolve into 2v6, 1v5, 2v7, or something of the sort. It was horrible, and I was ready to quit. Kataris spurred me on, and on we went.

Broceratops said:

I was gaining on Snailio slowly because he had been up 60 hours and I was pretty fresh since I had slept. I was in a zen state at this point from playing 40+ hours of the MWO. I was shooting jenners out of the air with SRMs, headshotting Atlai - it was amazing. And yes I was pretty much just charging them at this point, but did I feel like a hero killing as much as I did and lasting as long as I did (most games anyway ).

Bro speaks of his zen state and run... that was my saturday. For 12 hours I was hammering it, just unbelievable. I simply could not lose. I'd guess I averaged 700 damage and 3-4 kills every match for 12 hours straight. It was just unreal. No matter what mech I got in, it was absolute gold. Nothing could touch me. But in the back of my mind, I knew the wall was coming. Elo was going to get me, and there was nothing I could do about it. During my amazing stretch, Kataris was in a horrible slump. Elo had gotten him almost all day Saturday. He couldn't buy a win, and he was banging his head against the wall. I knew mine was coming, I just didn't know when....

Saturday evening, I pushed it all the way... I was reeling in the top spot at a tremendous speed. I finally made it, over 24 hours after beginning my journey. Number one overall. Throughout the event, up until this time, I had seen several people climb to that spot, and all had fallen back down. I was entrenched, and I was giving it up easy. I began to pull away, eventually opening up a 120 point lead. Each time a challenger would rise, and begin to close, I'd charge harder, beating them back. At this point, Kataris and I knew Broceratops had been in the running for the assault class, and then we spotted him in a light. That's when we knew something was up, we knew he was secretly planning a run at the top.

Into Sunday morning I maintained my lead. I couldn't think clearly, I couldn't remember what I was doing. I'd get lost on maps, not knowing where I was at. My mind began to wander off in places that I didn't know existed. I couldn't talk, I couldn't focus. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Samurai, another Paragon teammate, began to follow the stats. He was logging all of the overall leader information for the last 24 hours of the tournament. Letting me know at each 15 minute split if I was gaining or losing points.

Sunday afternoon I was a zombie. I can barely remember anything from the last 12 hours of the tournament. I was pushing myself to the end, and the only thing carrying me was will, determination, and a strong group of teammates to push me on. We knew Broceratops would make a charge, we just did not know when. My mind couldn't comprehend it at this point anyway, so I continued to trudge on.

Late into Sunday evening my luck turned. Where my Saturday was unbelievably positive, my Sunday evening was horrendous. The last five hours of the tournament, between 1000pm EST until 3am EST, I could not buy a win. Between sleep deprivation and elo catching me, I was back to continously losing. This time, I didn't have the ability to overcome it. I wasn't pulling in the damage, and I couldn't maintain my performance. Lack of sleep and elo were killing me. Broceratops was charging hard, and I was getting lost in my own mind. I was beginning to forget to hit the launch button, or forget to leave a match. I was catching myself thinking I was still playing, even after being killed and being in spectator mode. Wasting time I could not afford to waste. My mind was officially gone, and I was only performing on instinct. With sleep and elo not on my side, my tournament ended in a hellacious losing streak. I probably lost 25 of the last 30 drops.

My thoughts: Due to starting 5.5 hours behind the field, I felt there was no way I could win if I slept. Grind fests and sleep do not match. When I began 6:30pm EST, I did not stop dropping. If I had to do something, it was done in the time between hitting launch and starting the battle. Bathroom, shower, food, walking, bicep curls, etc, everything was done in 30-60 second intervals. I did not take a single break. I felt I could not afford to give up one drop. As close as the top of the overall standings were, I think this largely proved to be true. I am glad I took part in the tournament, and while second place is bittersweet, it was a great experience. Thank you to PGI for putting it on (although I hope future tournaments are more skill based), and thank you to my friends in Paragon and Jade Wolves for all of their support.

#2 Redshift2k5

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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:21 PM

Oh, hey Snailio, long time no see.

Congrats on your leaderboard position

#3 Broceratops


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:21 PM

If you had played that extra 6.5 hours there is no way I would have beaten you. Arguably, if you had slept a couple hours, you'd probably have won too.

That was a great chase man. I am being honest when I say if I hadn't managed to overtake you at the very end, I wouldn't have felt any regret. Your determination in this endurance-fest was superhuman and I never ever want to compete with you at something like this again!

That goes double because the last 6 hours I was also in that state of mind where I didn't know what was going on anymore. Halfway through the match I'd finally realize that I'm not in the mech I thought I was in. You put up with that for an entire day and regardless of how silly this might be to someone who had a regular weekend, I know it took a lot of willpower to see it through.

#4 Hekalite


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:30 PM

You guys are all insane. Congrats on the strong finish.

#5 n0e


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:31 PM

Well done both of you. Congrats.

#6 ciller


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:31 PM

Grats man!!

I was so tired during my run that Bitching Betty's words didn't make sense any more, just a bunch of jibberish. I think I used my medium lasers once to draw on the face of a friendly atlas once at the end of a match. I recall making terrible positional decisions and ending up dead before I could think. Next time I'll get sleep and play better, it worked for the guy who beat me after all.

#7 IIIuminaughty


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:32 PM

*trolling* you guys still suck *end trolling*
good job guys
if i didnt have school and would stop chasing females around I would of been up there too.

#8 lsp


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:32 PM

Maybe I should have played this weekend, I don't sleep anyways. Banner I'm never going to see wasn't enough incentive for me.

Edited by lsp, 25 February 2013 - 05:33 PM.

#9 BlackSquirrel


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:33 PM

They need to make it less a grind fest... Or make a "Common man's" tourney in which those of us that don't care to give ourselves type 2 diabetes off red bull fueled 72 hour play fests. (AKA having other **** to do) can have a bit more fun.

Say take the average over a longer period of time in a week (Capped at < 2 hours a day).

Dont get me wrong or diminish your accomplishment. It just seems like a god awful thing to do.

#10 p00k


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:34 PM

what bro is too gracious to mention is that he was also chatting it up on the forums while snailio was grinding his sanity away

#11 The Legendary Samurai


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:44 PM

For my own part, I started probably an hour and a half to two hours before Snail on Friday afternoon. Got up to 32nd in heavy tier, but due to work and sleep requirements, I realized early on I'd never be able to get in enough drops to earn a banner. At that point, I stopped dropping for rank and just became a cheerleader for Snailio and Kataris.

I started keeping stats probably early Saturday morning for everyone in the top 10 in both overall and in lights (Kataris was pushing the light tier). We wanted to see how many points, on average, Snail and Kat were earning compared to their fellow Top 10 pilots. We figured, at the rate they were going, Kataris would have to grind several hours still to catch Xenroth, and that Snail was opening up such a huge lead in first place over the number two spot that he might even be able to take a short break at some point without losing his position.

We knew Broceratops was coming at some point because we'd seen him in other weight classes after reaching #1 in assaults, and he was beginning to fall off of that ladder pretty quickly. Sometime around late morning or early afternoon on Sunday, Bro broke into the top 10 from the late teens in under an hour. That's when we knew he was coming (my guess is this is when he switched over to his good ELO heavy class). Over the course of two hours or so, Bro went from 10th place all the way up to 2nd, and the numbers were overwhelming. He was scoring up to 5-6 times as many points in each 15 minute period as everyone else in the top 10.

Snail had experienced a similar meteoric rise through the overall 50 on Saturday night, so we estimated that Bro would hit a wall at around 50 points behind Snailio. From that point on, it would be a grindfest for Snail to hold onto the number one spot, or for Broceratops to take it. In the end, our estimate was fairly close. Bro hit a wall at around 30ish points behind Snail, and for the next 8-10 hours or so, it was back and forth.

What's crazy to think about is that If either if them had stopped dropping for even 15 minutes, due to real life, a computer crash, internet going down, or just pure exhaustion, the other would've lost more ground than they would've been able to make up. The fact that either of them could keep up such a pace, especially on so little sleep, blows my mind.

Both of these guys deserve heaps of praise for their skill and determination. I was in awe just as a spectator keeping Snailio and Kataris company in TS. Just absolutely amazing work by all who finished in the top spots.

This tournament was greatly flawed in many ways, not the least of which that it presented a number of health challenges for anyone who wanted to win it, but despite that, it was a lot of fun, even for me as a spectator. I feel like it brought the community together in a lot of ways and gave us something that's been lacking in this game for a long time. I hope PGI will do more of these, except maybe next time not make it so detrimental to the health of the serious participants.

Respect to all those who seriously participated, especially the winners.

#12 Khobai


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:45 PM

The tournament was a grind fest, but there was also some indication of skill, because you could have the same number of games as someone else but a much higher score.

#13 Colaessus


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:46 PM

Those in the top 10 are now the only people that can complain on the forums about anything.

They grinded and seen it all. Congrats for being true Beta testers, lol

#14 Nostram


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:47 PM

Great job to both of you. It was a very fun weekend. By Sunday evening I think most if not all of us trying for some banner or another got nerfed hard with the sleep deprivation bat.

#15 n0e


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:54 PM

View PostAmro One, on 25 February 2013 - 05:46 PM, said:

Those in the top 10 are now the only people that can complain on the forums about anything.

That was my motivation to play ;)

#16 Snailio


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:54 PM

View PostBroceratops, on 25 February 2013 - 05:21 PM, said:

If you had played that extra 6.5 hours there is no way I would have beaten you. Arguably, if you had slept a couple hours, you'd probably have won too.

That was a great chase man. I am being honest when I say if I hadn't managed to overtake you at the very end, I wouldn't have felt any regret. Your determination in this endurance-fest was superhuman and I never ever want to compete with you at something like this again!

That goes double because the last 6 hours I was also in that state of mind where I didn't know what was going on anymore. Halfway through the match I'd finally realize that I'm not in the mech I thought I was in. You put up with that for an entire day and regardless of how silly this might be to someone who had a regular weekend, I know it took a lot of willpower to see it through.

On point... I was mixing between the jump phract and splat cat with jets... Several times I'd jump in the A1 at the beginning of a drop to snipe someone, only to have srm's blowing up midair 800m short of target lol

You are right Bro, it was a great chase, and great endurance challenge. Neither sleep nor time were on my side, but I willed myself to the top. I enjoyed it tremendously, as painful as it was. I was elated to tear it up in lights together near the end, could not have been a better ending: http://postimage.org/image/8eay5qm4x/

Edited by Snailio, 25 February 2013 - 05:59 PM.

#17 Avalios


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 05:58 PM

Unbelieveable run Snailio, you are a machine. Congratulations to Broceratops as well.

I managed to get myself into the #1 overall spot and stay there for about an hour on friday. Knowing i couldn't do what the two of you did i got my screenshot and decided to bow out. Was crazy too go to sleep each night and wake up each morning to you and Kataris grinding it out like maniacs.

If you had started from the beginning and allowed yourself 2 hours sleep somewhere in the middle......

Edited by Avalios, 25 February 2013 - 06:12 PM.

#18 Mr 144


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 06:03 PM

Excellent job Snailio ! ;) I really enjoyed comparing your perspective compared to Bro's. Two madmen with different points of view. Number 2 is always bittersweet, but what you guys at the top did was truly monumental...be proud, you deserve it!

Mr 144

Edited by Mr 144, 25 February 2013 - 06:05 PM.

#19 Snailio


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 06:08 PM

View PostKhobai, on 25 February 2013 - 05:45 PM, said:

The tournament was a grind fest, but there was also some indication of skill, because you could have the same number of games as someone else but a much higher score.

Khobai you are right, you had to be able to score well above average on damage. Alot of losses and low damage would prevent rising to the top, even with high amount of games played.

#20 Adrienne Vorton


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 06:10 PM

well just as bro in his thread, also grats to you ;)

and i know that hell you were going through... i pushed myself through similar things far too often and for a way too long time...
but as the raven says: "nevermore"

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