I'm a player that's willing to buy premium time, but I rarely do. The reason? I'm a college student, and I also work, so I have a busy and somewhat unpredictable schedule. I often find myself not having any time to play for several days in a row, and on days when I can get on, often I can only put a couple hours in.
I'm exactly the sort of player that would be the most willing to pay to cut the grind time down, but I still don't, because the way premium time works, you still have to find a good chunk of playing time within the premium window to make use of it. If you get busy with real life during that time, tough luck, it goes down the toilet. With my schedule, premium time is just a terrible value proposition. The premium time model is poorly suited to the players that could use it the most. In fact, the only time I ever bought premium time was when I sprained my ankle and was stuck at home for a while.
I would like to see an option where you could buy blocks of premium time in bulk, and activate them individually. If I could activate premium time in chunks of 4 hours or 6 hours at a time, I'd absolutely start buying it more often. Of course, the reason they don't currently do that is so it does run out and you have to buy more. But for players like me, PGI could tack a steep markup on the option to keep people that are already paying into the current model continuing to do so, and pick up enough new paying customers to make the option profitable overall. There's already an activate button for when premium time is given out promotionally, so it wouldn't be too tough to implement.
For example: Make a package of 30 4-hour blocks of premium time, and price it at 2000 MC. That's 400MC per day of premium for 5 days, about double what you'd expect for a package between 3 and 7 days in the current scheme (217 and 179 MC per day, respectively), and those packages are already terrible values compared to the 30-day package at the next step up. Yet I would like such a package, because it's still a relative value to me due to my real life schedule. Make another package of 180 4-hour blocks (30 days) and price it at 5000 MC, double the 30-day price, and I would jump on it. I'd still buy it if I had to get it as 120 6-hour blocks.
So this is a poll to see who would be interested in buying such a premium time option, and whether they are players that currently don't buy premium time or not. Free market research for you, PGI.
Also, as summer approaches, it strikes me as odd that there's no 90-day premium package, which I think a lot of people that are currently in school would want to take advantage of once finals are over if it was available. 7000 MC fits the current pricing scheme. And if PGI held an end-of-the-school-year sale, and sold it at 6000 MC or less? I think they'd have a huge hit. Poll options added for this too.
Edited by kiltymonroe, 10 March 2013 - 04:36 AM.
Removed poll