How categories are prioritized:
- Weapons (top)
- Ammo
- Utility
- Available slots
- Hardware (bottom)
Items are separated into categories, and each category is shown to the player in a kind of priority list. Weapons will always be on top, followed by Ammo, and so on. When no items for a particular category are present, the category is not seen. When Available Slots are reduced the 0, the category disappears.
Hardware(picked just for the sake of calling it something) would be the last category; it's the orange items currently in the mechlab.
Here is an illustration showing:
- Weapons
- Available Slots
- Hardware

Weapon items
Displayed in Green, weapon items have a "buldged" shape to them. With this visual shape, green outline, white font, and top priority in the list, weapons can easily be identified. Multi-slot items such as the PPC have a ribbed sides where 3 single slots are tied together to make one large shape. At a quick glance, it's very easy to see it's 3 slots. Larger items are displayed last, while lighter, single slotted items are higher.
The available weapon hard point indicator turns red when it is maxed out (see: 2/2 Energy)
Ammo items
Ammo category is underneath the Weapons Category. With a Yellow outline, this gathers all ammo types into one category and arranges them ammo/ton, and then alphabetically. This makes sure that the ammo for AC/2 is above the ammo for AC/10. If sorted solely by Alphanumerically, the AC/10 ammo would be on top, then AC/2 ammo, then AC/5 ammo. Sorting by most Ammo/ton first puts AC/2 on top, and keeps alike ammo grouped.
Utility items
Unsure what to categorize everything else as, we'll just call them Utility type items for now. Such items would include: ECM, BAP, AMS, Command Console, Jump Jets, Case, Heat Sinks, Engine. These items are placed under the Utility category which is outlined in Purple.
Although Hardware might be a better term for these, I don't really care since it's mostly for example anyways.
Available Slots
Showing the available slots, currently they have an engraved visual in the mechlab layout. This time around, they follow that idea but go for a neutral grey outline and grey font. The amount of available slots is read out to the right of the title. The importance is set behind other categories as it's mainly information-only and changes quite frequently. The text is centered. I think this is an important visual indicator to separate empty slots from all other permanent or occupied slots.
Hardware Slots
These slots have a different visual than everything else. Single slot spikey edges separates these from other items. I tried to go for that "clamped in" look. Made them orange like they are currently, the outline and font match to give this category a solid look. Mousing over them does not highlight them, they are static. This is also where Armor and Structure slots go as less room is available on the mech.
Anyways.. I hope this helps. I put some time into thinking this through and what would make the biggest impact and easiest readability and ease of use. For me, following some kind of pattern (prioritized lists, alphabetized groups, colour coded and visually separated) makes sense to me. It makes it a whole lot easier to isolate what I'm looking for, and all the information is there, you don't have to go looking or reading each slot just to find something.
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 11 March 2013 - 11:06 PM.