Serapth, on 12 March 2013 - 10:38 PM, said:
No, this is mark 2.
Mark 1 worked great.
Mark 2 is ****. Whatever they changed has ruined Elo.
even so plenty of people keepthinking when something new is introduced it's the end game and they are fools. this mark 2 is no different. you really think pgi are going to sit there and say hmmm nice no need for mark 3 through 12 {which is what usually happens building a beta game up}.
just look at ecm for example. when it was first implemented it was an abomination, now that many counters have been placed it's almost bareable and pgi haven't stopped tinkering with it yet.
so doomsayers will you be saying MM is borked in another 2 months time? i doubt it especially not because of elo.

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 12 March 2013 - 11:03 PM.