I'm a big fan of game modding, so I couldn miss MWO
here's some screenshots with ENB series bloom and adaptation and SweetFX post process effects (they might be unseen, cos FRAPS cant capture injector correction

still SSAO and inderect lightning seems to malfunction (or maybe i cant see them cos cryengine got its own) but some DOF, AA and BLOOM with color effects are working just fine.
Currently i dont use DOF, since main goal - to reduce blurness and noisy grain effects.
here we go:
i'll update this post with other maps comparison and more screens shots... maybe I'll be able to investigate SSAO/SSIL ussue.
FPS drop is around 8 FPS, depending on sceene.
dLink coming soon!

Some Caustic Valley Shots:
Forest Colony Snow (some adaptation bugs occured, fixing them)
Edited by Viterbi, 22 March 2013 - 08:41 AM.
Removed link to modified files