The MechWarrior Online game client uses a series of file assets. In our case, these files are stored on your computer in the installation directory when you download the game and launch the patcher.
While it is possible to modify these files locally, we do not support any file modifications; clients that have modified files will not be supported by our Game Masters or developers in any way.
However, it is acceptable to edit the user.cfg file under certain conditions as described in the FAQs below.
Our Terms of Use specifically outline that modification of our product is prohibited. Users who have modified files in an effort to exploit or otherwise gain a playing advantage, will be suspended or banned at our discretion.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I change my user.cfg file?
A: Yes. This is the only file open to user modification. We understand that at times there can be a need to modify the user.cfg, for example certain joystick configurations are not fully implemented on the in-game options screen and may require manual configuration through this file. As long as you are editing the user.cfg file in good faith, this is not a concern. As always, Support will not be able to troubleshoot or support clients that have modifications to this file. Users can request via Support ticket or forum post that the developers open additional parameters in the user.cfg, and we will determine if the request is reasonable.
Q: May I use graphical enhancements through third-party applications, such as SweetFX or other CBar modifiers to enhance my graphical performance?
A: We do not encourage the use of these types of modifications and in particular should we detect the use of any modification that does any of the following we reserve the right to suspend/ban the account responsible.
a) Alters visibility significantly from the original product to gain unfair tactical advantages
b ) Changes game assets sounds, models, or maps, to gain tactical advantages
c) Attempts to circumvent the map selection process
d) Exploits bugs or existing game mechanics
Q: My mouse/keyboard came with macro software that lets me emulate a series of clicks or helps me with some process. Is this allowed?
A: Yes, using macros as provided by 3rd party hardware vendors is allowed. Though the use of any modifications to assist with aiming, aimbots, wall hacks, or any attempt to give information or tactical assistance that other players would not have by default, is a serious violation of our Terms of Use and any account found to be using such software will likely be suspended or banned.
Q: May I modify the game XML files?
A: No. We have allowed modifications to XML files in the past, specifically for joystick control during the Closed Beta period. As of March 19, 2013 we have added analog joystick support to the client; these XML file modifications should no longer be required. All customization options that are not within the MWO game client options should only be performed in the user.cfg file as discussed above. Again, these modifications are not supported by Support.
We hope this clarifies a few questions regarding what is acceptable to modify in the MechWarrior Online game client. In summary, if a modification is giving some sort of benefit over other players, this is a violation of our Terms of Use. As always, Support will not be able to assist you with technical issues if you have modified your game client or are using any unsupported 3rd party tools.

Custom Modifications To The Mwo Game Client
Started by Primus of ComStar, Mar 21 2013 11:32 AM
Rules Official
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