$5mil isn't a lot of money for a business like PGI, I be surprised if it was even enough for one year of operation. People seem to think that all that money just gets divided among the programmers and corporate officers and they're just laughing all the way to the bank.
The Realities of the Cost of Doing Business:
Businesses don't just magically exist, there are many recurring costs to keep it functioning. Some of these are.
Office space: Probably between $15k and $20k / month given the size of the company. I'm being conservative as Vancouver is a higher rent area and that cost is probably MUCH higher.
Internet service: Your home DSL connection won't cut it we're talking a massive pipe, limited research puts this at over $16,000/month just for a single OC3 or TS3 connection, I'm sure they have multiples of this.
Water and Waste Management: May be included in the cost of office space, if so, increase the cost of rent about 15%
Payroll: I've seen a number thrown around that PGI has between 50-60 employees. I don't know if this figure is programmers or total employees. Let's assume that it's total employees. Looking at the average rates in Vancouver we'll look at the lowest paid employees (Receptionist / Custodial) at $40k / year and the programmers somewhere around $70k / year. Average that out, and assuming that they have more drones than skilled employees, we'll say that puts the cost per employee at $50k / year x 50 employees = $2.5mil. I used the figure of 50 employees assuming that they have some unpaid interns to flesh out to the 60 employee figure.
Liability and Asset Insurance
Legal Services
Server Maintenance
Workstation Maintenance
Payroll and Income Taxes: They are in Canada, so these rates are higher than in the U.S., unless you're in New York or California, then they're about the same.
Licencing Rights: Both the Mechwarrior IP and Cryengine software have to be paid for on a recurring basis.
Publisher Fees: IGP isn't backing PGI's play for altruistic reasons, they want their cut.
Advertising: Many can argue "What Advertising?", in this I would agree, but if nothing else, they still have to advertise employee postings.
This is just a thumbnail sketch, there are many other recurring costs associated with running a business on top of just basic consumables (ping pong balls, coffee filters, paper, pens, etc). This also doesn't cover asset costs like ping pong tables, furniture, servers, workstations, etc. that constantly require upkeep and replacement.
So see kids, while $5mil may seem like a lot for an individual, $5mil for a small/medium business doesn't go very far.
I'm not doing this to be a PGI apologist I'm just annoyed that people keep acting like that was a huge lump of money where a crapton of new employees could have been hired to fix (insert gripe here)
We won't discuss the allegations that some of this went to MW:T because that has little to do with the costs of running a business.
Edited by Roadbeer, 20 October 2013 - 05:05 AM.