Here are a couple of my ideas that could help PGI maximize the potential of the MWO F2P model. We all want this game to succeed, which means we all know it has to make money. So it might be a good idea to make sure they know the things we want to throw our money at them for.
More MC for your £/$!
If one of the problems is that microtransactions are not making the money they need to, this one change could solve it in one move. Though it might seem that if MC cost less PGI would make less money from the sales, I believe that the current MC price point is too high and if lowered would greatly encourage spending. Some things, mechbays spring to mind, may have to have their MC cost raised as they are not that out of whack already, but most things, mechs, xp conversion, would become much more impulsive buys.
Equipment Shop:
Mechs are currently available for MC purchase, so it stands to reason that a system could be implemented where the equipment was made available in a similar fashion. There have certainly been times when I may have caved and bought an XL engine for MC rather than grind 4mil cbills in a new chassis without one. I am sure that this feature would increase MC sales.
Vanity Items, that we want!
I have to declare an interest in this subject because I'm all about the vanity items. Leaving the pricing out of it, I think the vanity item system is pretty sound and though I have not purchased anything I didn't like (except once, damn double click), I have manged to kit out several of my more favored mechs with some awesome shizzle. But I would have spent more if there was more to buy, and if it was of more of a consistent quality.
With the greatest respect to whoever is making the vanity items currently, I do get the impression that he either has very tight deadlines or a lack of proper tools. Some of the items are great of course, seriously, but a couple do have that 'made on a train on the way to work' feel you must admit. So why not sack that banker, and buy the guy a proper computer and an assistant artist, even a cheap intern? Vanity items are your bread and butter, but even bread needs the proper attention to rise.
Good vanity (imo): Christmas lights, Chinese lanterns, peace sign, dog tags, classy mech, hula girl, coconut monkey, holo signs. Best vanity: Nvidia Dawn (there's irony here).
Bad vanity (imo): Fuzzy dice (too small and weird looking), flags (low res?), mech statues (why you no bobble??) Worst vanity: Coal (someone was drunk right? The funny thing is, if it had really looked like a lump of coal I might very well have bought it).
New vanity (that I would totally buy):
More bobbleheads (chibi mechs, animals, superheroes?)
More Dawn (similarly crafted pseudo-sexy dancing dashboard ladies).
More lights (lava lamps. Japanese lanterns, candles, Victorian oil lamps, strip neon, party lighting. This list never really ends, and the more atmospheric the better).
Sidearms (guns, knives, swords, mounted or close to hand).
Lots more miscellaneous items (maps, blueprints, smoking ashtrays, incense burners, holo mechs, camo netting, alcohol bottles, a nice cup of tea. Oh and a lava lamp, did I mention that?)
Miniatures (miniature, unlike the current statues. Perhaps they could live in another tiny things vanity slot in the cockpit, and you could have more than one per mech because they would be so small. mini mechs, mini vehicles, soldiers, legos).
Edited by Ozric, 30 March 2013 - 08:58 AM.