You said at PAX that, of course, every planet in the Inner Sphere probably isn't going to be represented (as it'd be too costly and too labor-intensive, most likely). However, in the past couple days, there's been a surge of forum activities from fans, pushing forth the question of user-created content. In order to fill the void, would PGI be willing to consider turning to the community for map creation? If not for CW maps, what about for Assault/Conquest matches? In addition, the CryEngine suite has the ability to randomly generate maps based upon certain parameters. Could this be a solution to the problem of CW map implementation? Could "unexplored" planets be represented by a randomly-generated map, or could battles on planets take place at different, randomized locales, with the best of whatever number of battles taking the planet/territory?
A: Randomly generate maps do not offer a quality gaming experience. A lot of design effort goes into planning each map for specific lanes, choke points, types of gameplay modes, match length etc.. etc.. Also performance is a major concern. A randomly generated map would still take months to bring from 0 to complete.
As for community generate maps or any content for that matter, we are always looking at ways to find synergies here. Right now the largest impasses are: quality of content, performance of content, distribution of content (remember this game is free to download, yet we still pay for the delivery costs up-front), installation size, rights of content, monetization of content, and tax laws.
First off, I wanted to thank the DEV's for taking the time to answer Shivley's question as it pertained to my thread regarding player based map content and helping PGI create user based maps.
However, in posting this, it's brought up some more questions that need to be answered and I was hoping to get some type of clarifcation to better help PGI and the players in general to solve some the concerns.
First question...Quality/Performance of content...what exactly would be some guidelines from PGI that could be posted here so that the players have some ideas what would be for them to consider when creating a map and submitting it to PGI? If you could list them here, it would help the players greatly so that they know what's going on.
Second question...I'm not 100 percent following what you mean by distribution of content. Could you go into this further to explain it?
Third...installation size...what would be the rough estimates of size would you be looking for so you can better help the people making maps go with as a rough guideline to follow perhaps?
Fourth, could you cover what exactly are your concerns with rights to content, monetization and tax laws so to further explain it so maybe we can help with this? I know some of the people here have said that as long as they get recognition that the map they submitted was their work like in name only, that they would be willing to do the work for free and give all rights to submitting their work so that it would help PGI.
If we could get the DEV's to answer this a bit further, this would help both PGI and ultimately the players get more content, PGI would save both time and money, and it would help PGI's bottom line dollar in the process.