the types of mechs brought into this game have put a hole player options. by this I mean there are several light mechs which are intended to boat MGs and MGs are primarily an anti- infantry weapon.
You can tinker all you want but you're never going to produce a half tom no heat high ammo weapon that balances "and" satifies the folks who want it.
I have a non-cannon suggestion
heavy MGs/MG rotary cammon.
When I played TT it was a long continuing campaign rather than short scenarios. and wh had our fingers in lots of stuff. we had a tech making gatling guns out of MG and ac2 parts.
light gatling gun
dam 4, heat 1, range 2/4/6, tons 2 crits 1, shots per tom 80(MG)
uses the srmr hit pattern except that all locations must be contiguous.
it can be fires faster but heat build rather quickly. 6 dam = 3 heat 8 dam = six heat.
and shots could be wasted to gain hit bonuses. as well the weapon coul hit lots of onfantry.
we actually sent it to fasa and got positive comments though they were consumed by corperate scum not long after.
Edited by MasterErrant, 12 April 2013 - 09:55 AM.