10:30:33 ECCT
*Kzzzzt-*"Attention Planet of Trondheim and all Forces who defend the planet. We are Clan Ghost Bear, heir's of Kerensky's Great Journey and Liberators of the Inner Sphere! We come to reclaim the glory of the Star League and restore balance and peace to those who only know death and war!
I, Star Captain and Oathmaster Aletha Kabrinski, along with my 3rd Bear Guards, lay claim to this planet and her system in the name of our Khan Karl Bourjon and our fellow Ghost Bears!
I ask, in honor of noble fighting, with what forces you wish to defend this world? We will bid our forces to match the honor of facing you in the field and defeating you. Our initial bid is one Cluster, the equivalent of an Inner Sphere Regiment.
What say you, defenders of Trondheim? Do you wish to face us in the field and fall honorably, those survivors being added to our ranks, or become nothing more then a scorch mark upon the land? We will give you one day to respond."*Kzzzzt*
-End Transmission-
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 09 May 2013 - 06:50 PM.