A Nerf To Players With Only 2 Or 3 Mouse Buttons: Paul's Heat-Scale System For Firing Multiple Weapon-Types
Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:59 PM
Why? If you suddenly need more types of weapons to be effective, these weapons will most likely have different effective range or beam duration; some may have varying projectile speed, etc. You really don't want to dumb-fire radically different weapons with one mouse button; yet most players probably have a mouse with only 2 useful buttons, in the context of FPS games.
I own a Logitech G600. I bought it specifically for playing MW:O because I did not like being constrained by 2 buttons. Now I can easily use all six weapon groups. The variety of armaments I bring to the field has increased as a result.
For example, my brawling STK-3F carries 2 LPL, 4 SL, 1 LRM15, and 3 SRM6. I use four different weapon-groups because none of these weapons are appropriate to fire together.
My Misery has 2 LL, 2 PPC, 1 UAC5. Again, weapons that I don't want to dumb-fire together in most situations.
If players are essentially forced to increase the variety of weapons they carry, more players will become gimp if they do not invest in a gaming mouse. That's unfortunate for casuals.
Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:12 PM
Leaving you room to improve on the aspects of the brawling, by increasing your LPL count by 1, and your SRM 6 count by 1 and keeping you at 2 weapon groups.
It is rare in this game to use more than 2 effective weapon groupings the odd mech may have 3 or a third trying to cool off group.
And for the record, i have a 4 button mouse, one is used for PTT on Teamspeak leaving me with 3....never ever need more.
Edited by DV McKenna, 18 May 2013 - 11:19 PM.
Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:15 PM
BTW: I only use 3 weapons groups @ most on my cheap 5 button mouse.
Edited by Deathlike, 18 May 2013 - 11:16 PM.
Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:16 PM
that being said i don't even use mouse buttons, i press 1 through 6 with the same fingers i use to WASD
Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:19 PM
Mazzyplz, on 18 May 2013 - 11:16 PM, said:
that being said i don't even use mouse buttons, i press 1 through 6 with the same fingers i use to WASD
This man.. he is a legend.
Seriously though. My most complicated mech, I just press "3" when I need to fire ma AC20
Posted 18 May 2013 - 11:54 PM

Posted 19 May 2013 - 12:01 AM
Posted 19 May 2013 - 12:38 AM
Edited by Tesfurdo, 19 May 2013 - 12:39 AM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 12:42 AM
"People with 5$ mice cannot compete."
So much lost potential.
Edit: Oh you did.Nevermind

This thread is still a waste of webspace.
Edited by Solomon Ward, 19 May 2013 - 12:44 AM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 12:59 AM
Protip: use your keyboard ...loads of shiny buttons there

Posted 19 May 2013 - 01:11 AM
Also, I believe it said the same weapon type--which means, boating will be hurt, but not reasonable carrying of same-range weapon types.
Edited by Hammerfinn, 19 May 2013 - 01:11 AM.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:45 AM
WhiteRabbit, on 19 May 2013 - 12:59 AM, said:
Protip: use your keyboard ...loads of shiny buttons there

Yeah. Even though I could set up 5 or 6 fire groups to my mouse I only use 4 and rarely actually use the 4th. But I have 2 more set up on my keyboard so it works fine.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:49 AM
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:51 AM
Taemien, on 19 May 2013 - 02:49 AM, said:
Report away, but this is a legitimate user-interface concern. It is far more convenient to use your mouse for firing than your keyboard, for many players (if not most.) If you can no longer boat a lot of Medium Lasers, and need to choose more types of weapons which will have different range, projectile speed, etc.; then you will be more likely to require additional mouse buttons, or to go to the keyboard for firing those extra groups.
It is also a completely separate concern from the game mechanics: this is a user-interface issue created by a planned balance change. Whether you agree or not, it is worth discussion.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:54 AM
jeffsw6, on 19 May 2013 - 02:51 AM, said:
It is also a completely separate concern from the game mechanics: this is a user-interface issue created by a planned balance change. Whether you agree or not, it is worth discussion.
You are just trying to stir up a forum riot, that is the only purpose behind your threads. And I am calling you out on it.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:57 AM
jeffsw6, on 19 May 2013 - 02:51 AM, said:
It is also a completely separate concern from the game mechanics: this is a user-interface issue created by a planned balance change. Whether you agree or not, it is worth discussion.
Why? I actually use my keyboard firing groups for my long range weapons or most important groups. Pressing a button on a keyboard is less likely to cause me to accidently move my mouse than a button on the mouse itself (especially the extra buttons).
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:58 AM
dario03, on 19 May 2013 - 02:57 AM, said:
Don't listen to him, he's a Liar, a Troll, and a Spammer. Just look at the other thread with a similar name created by him for evidence of such.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:58 AM
Taemien, on 19 May 2013 - 02:54 AM, said:
Call all you want, but not everyone wants to reach for 4 or 5 while also trying to steer, accelerate, or stop their mech. I'm sure the forum moderators are savvy enough to recognize this as a distinct issue. If you don't want it to be discussed, then I suggest you stop bumping this thread.
dario03, on 19 May 2013 - 02:57 AM, said:
That isn't everyone's preference. I am more concerned with having to take my hand away from the steering buttons to fire my weapons. That's why I purchased a mouse with additional buttons.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 03:02 AM
jeffsw6, on 19 May 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:
It is so far away from being a legitimate issue that it's approaching it from the other side.
Posted 19 May 2013 - 03:04 AM
jeffsw6, on 19 May 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:
You don't have to take your fingers away from steering. If you use your index, middle, and ring finger to steer like most people do in games then you use your pinky and thumb for the firing groups. For example I use esdf for moving my mech and my pinky hits "a" and "caps lock" to fire weapons. "a" is the most convenient fire group I have.
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