The time has come to honour the workhorses - the steadfast workers who are there, rain or shine, no matter the hour, side torsos or no side torsos. Those workers.. are the Raven 3L, Hunchback 4SP, Catapult K2, and Stalker 5S. When you need a quick ankle biter to harass that LRM boat, when you want that Mech that your enemies will blame if you win - the Raven 3L is there. When you need a Mech that can bring versatility, the ability to take forever to be destroyed, all in a cool-looking case of metal - the Hunchback 4SP is there. When you need to put gauss rifles where machine guns were, and nothing where PPCs were, and then stride forth and pick off jumping pilots - the Catapult K2 is there. When you absolutely need a ton of missiles and lasers, when 'just one more SRM6' is all you want, when you just can't decide if you want an SRM boat or an laser boat so you pick kinda both together - the Stalker 5S is there.
So to honour these Mechs, we give you - the Employee of the Month sale:
30% off the

cost of the Raven 3L, Hunchback 4SP, Catapult K2, and Stalker 5S
- Raven 3L
- Now 1,645
, Reg 2,350 
- Hunchback 4SP
- Now 1,019
, Reg 1,455 
- Catapult K2
- Now 1,488
, Reg 2,125 
- Stalker 5S
- Now 3,059
, Reg 4,370 
And to help you get elited up on your new Mech, we're offering 40% off 3 Day Premium Time: reg 650

, now 390

When is this sale? From Friday the 24th of May, 10am PDT - To Tuesday the 28th of May 10am PDT.
So get in there, and give these venerable Mechs the salute (and grudging admiration, just admit it) they deserve.
-The MechWarrior Online Team