Please make some sort of ranking, whether it's the ELO number, ladder grops, and/or stats, etc. available and visible to the players. Preferably in-game to team mates. I've read your reasons why and frankly, its load of bull. Why a PvP game that have hundres of thousands of people play won't display some sort of ELO or ranking info is really pointless.
Do you believe that games like StarCraft series, League of Legends, etc. can grow their competitive aspect of the game without making certain information such as ELO, player stats, ladder rank...public?
Not sharing that type of info causes more headache and stifles competitive players. Making that info helps competitive environment but also when you play with someone. You have a baseline for expectation on their skills and experience. Which we have NONE in MWO at this time. This leads to following number of problems
1. Majority of players think they are better than they actually are and do not listen to someone speaking as lead. Why should they? How could they know you are more experienced and better pilot than they are? If say a diamond or master level player plays with you in StarCraft 2. You will take their word with more weight and more likely to listen than say someone you have no idea what their ranking is or in say Bronze.
2. Difficulty organzing competitive teams in In player guilds. Without a baseline of players skills. Its hard to put them in group or let them even be in competitive team to drop in 8 man. Lot of it is now gathered ad-hoc by dropping with them. If numbers such as ELO or ladder rank is pubically avaiable. This will be far easier. Especially in the bigger player guilds where guild can number to hundreds of players and active player base of 30-60 and ones that want to field competitive teams in 8 and soon to be 12 man premade.
3. Its hard to improve ones own skill when you cannot play against someone who is of equal or better skill. If a player want to be more competitive, they need to drop against players who are just as good if not better. Right now, you have no idea if you did drop against someone of your skill or similar. Yes, you guys are saying matchmaking is improved so it should be. If that is true, why not for sake of transparency make it public.
4. Will reduce I'm better than you, Nah-Uh conversations. There is a lot of chatter about I'm better than you, no I'm not chat amongst younger of the player population. Lot of it will certainly die out when ranking info is public because that'll help settle it. Using League of Legends as example. A player is in Challenger League, that player is clearly better than say a player in Silver League. Silver league player will probably shut up because he or she will look stupid for calling someone in Challenger league, you suck you have no idea what you are doing blah blah blah.
People know that ELO is just a stat and not a clear indication on their skills because you can manipulate numbers and numbers don't tell all of the story. However ELO is an easy and good way for someone to know a baseline. That said, you don't even have to tell us ELO. Make up some ladder ranking using the existing ELO data and cut up the bell curve into chunks. Then tell us who belongs in which chunk and what chunk is what 'percentage' of players in the curve.
It absolutely boggles my mind that some public information about ranking is not available in competitive PvP game. I know we are still in open Beta but please do consider this request seriously and please make it happen as part of going 'live' with CW.
Thank you.
Edited by Blood78, 29 May 2013 - 05:32 AM.