I'm a 17 year old fan from Michigan, and I've spent about 10 hours creating this model of Mad Cat from MW4 in blender. Enjoy!

First render (cycles render @ 1920x1080, 1000 samples). Took 5ish minutes to render.

This is the reference picture I used. I was originally going to do thor, who is one of my favorites, but the picture didn't have enough info for me to accurately make a model (because of the way thor's arms are in the way of his center of mass when viewed from the side). Mad car is much more prolific, therefore more reference pictures for things not visible in this picture.

View of the setup used for modeling.

Current model in the viewport (adding detail now, first render was with the rough model). First part I'm adding complete detail to, and so far my favorite part of the model. the boxes/triangles in the back look really great when rendered. Also some modifiers weren't cooperating, so the barrels took longer than expected.

Showing the actual shape of the head. Modeled out of a plane, because using a lattice modifier on a sphere with the same number of faces wasn't cutting it for me. Also the first detail I started adding was the 'crest' above the head. This still needs some work. The detail is hard to add, because in the actual model, they do it all with textures. Basically this means I have to try to keep it accurate while improvising.

Just the wireframe in orthographic (no perspective).

Setting up the scene for the current model's render.

Here we see the wild mad cat in its natural habitat, stalking its soon-to-be prey.
Scene rendered (1920x1080) makes a pretty cool wallpaper.

Mad cat derping.
This was just me attempting to show off the parenting of the objects, so they all rotate in the correct ways. Eventually I will have it rigged to a skeleton, which will aloow quick posing and possibly an animation in the future. This will be hard because I've not a clue on how to rig things, so wish me luck with that!

Obviously I have a lot of work to do still, but I hope you all enjoyed. If you have any mechs of your own design please message me and I will see if i can model it (I will need 2D views of it that are drawn most likely). Also, if you'd like any custom poses for a wallpaper I can render them for you and send 'em your way.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my little fan art!
Keep on 'mechin'
-- D1G1TAL
Edited by D1G1TALAXE, 30 May 2013 - 04:19 AM.