Worlds are burning. Whispers from the Periphery spread terror throughout the Inner Sphere. The Houses that should protect you are hard-pressed to protect themselves. There are those who stand against the darkness. Sleep well, for we have The Watch.

The Night Watch Mercenary Coalition was founded by a diverse group focused on maximizing the enjoyment and competitiveness of every drop. We grew together by a necessity for flexibility we did not find elsewhere. We refuse to be trapped by what has worked yesterday, and instead always look forward, forging new tactics to bring low those who stand against us.
Night Watch is a late night Western Hemisphere centered group, and while we frequently play at other hours, our core activity is centered around 9-1AM Eastern Standard time (-5 GMT). Death Watch is our clan sister unit and keeps similar hours. We are always looking for a challenge. In addition to our private TS server, we have rooms on the NA Comstar and NGNG Teamspeak servers. Please feel free to stop in and drop with us.

This mercenary corporation is looking for mature mechwarriors that have a voice, and a desire to be better. You can be the most grizzled pilot this side of Outreach, or a cub fresh in their first deployment, we just ask that you show a willingness to learn and increase your abilities while also showing respect to your fellow mechwarriors. We are looking for both casual and competitive players. We require that you have a headset/mic, use TS3, and are 18 years of age or older.

Experience - Our members come from a long lineage of gaming communities. All of our founding members have been playing together since closed beta in 2013, and we’ve been around the block You can look forward to dropping with veteran players willing to share their experience and have a blast doing it. The Coalition has participated in competitive Community Leagues and Tournaments, and is currently fielding teams in MRBC.
Structure - Our command structure is unlike any other unit out there. We do not believe that the only good ideas come from the highest ranks. We do not believe a ranking system determines a player’s value. Our Charter system provides each player with the ability to choose to play how they want with who they want. Charters can have different goals intended for different styles, from competitive to casual. Don’t see the one that suits you? Command your own.
Access - There is no “low man on the totem pole.” All Watchmen are peers and equals. Ranks or Titles only denote an individual’s responsibilities or duties, not authority. We believe in leadership, not dictatorship. Forge your own way, make friends, and do what you want. No one has the right to curb your enjoyment, regardless of “rank.”
Choice - The Night Watch Mercenary Coalition currently has two in-game Divisions for Community Warfare, with Night Watch [NW] dedicated to the Inner Sphere, and Death Watch [-DW-] fighting for the clans. We sync our contract lengths to allow easy switching between the two sides and allow our pilots the choice to play where they want, when they want.
Galatea Portal
Communications Portal
Application Process
Public Relations
Shakespeare - shakespeare@nightwatchmercs.net
StuffYouFear - stuffyoufear@nightwatchmercs.net
Grzoot - grrzoot@nightwatchmercs.net
Until The Light, Our Vigil Keeps.
Stand With Us.
Night Watch Communications Propaganda Library
Edited by Khavi Vetali, 04 December 2015 - 02:32 PM.