You know what is interesting... The solution to ALL our problems... Has been in the Battletech source all along. It is a simple thing called a Targeting Computer. The rules read something like this:
Further, they continue with the most important part:
Now, what that means, for example is, say, you have a 2x PPC, 2x ERPPC Stalker. That's 28 tons of equipment. So per the rules, the Targeting Computer (and components) would weigh 7 tons and take up 7 crits !!!!!!
That right there... That is a HUGE penalty. You want pinpoint aim? Great! You have to pay for it... bigtime. The Targeting Computer was not only the computer itself, but included things like servos and actuators to move and align the weapons.
I'm not sure but some things I've read said this tech wasn't available to the IS until 3062. Either way, THIS NEEDS TO BE REPRESENTED in this game. It'd go a LOOOOONG way towards fixing this steaming pile of poop.
No Targeting Computer... Tough! No pinpoint convergence! You want it... pay for it.
Case closed. PGI just needs to stick to the rules and implement them as they were written for some things. By not doing so, they end up breaking the game and then putting convoluted, obfuscated systems that make no sense and don't work better than breaking the game worse than it already is.
Vote for the Targeting Computer... Today!
Edit: I am NO WAY endorsing a Cone of Fire. Not one bit. Don't even think of accusing me of doing so. Cones of fire SUCK!
No Targeting Computer--weapons shoot straight ahead. No convergence at all. They shoot straight ahead and you can still hit what you're aiming at if you know their relative impact point--which is consistent barring terrain changes/movement changes to your mech's position on the X/Y/Z axes.
Edit: Furthermore... what about the ARMS?! The Arms already move. So they should be able to aim perfectly... right? Well, from far away, yes. Without a targeting computer they might take a little longer to achieve perfect convergence. But then, we're forgetting something important... The arms can only actuate so much. Some arms in this can move 10 degrees to each side. Others can move 20 or 30. While some (Stalker and Jenner) can't move to the side at all. Just up and down.
So wait... what's that mean? Well, up close, the arms would have to exceed their movement limits. If a mech is in your face, you can't exactly actuate a arm that is limited to 10 degrees to a 50 degree angle to line up a shot. But, with a targeting computer installed on the mech, the weapons on the arm itself could self-actuate even further to dramatically improve convergence beyond the movement ability of the arm.
Edited by Mister Blastman, 31 July 2013 - 07:13 AM.