Well, Beta is almost over and we've been through a lot. Now, all the Founders got a shiny medal for participating in Operation Inception, so I've gone and made some medals for all you "Beta testers" out there who have survived weeks, perhaps months, or even a year, of different challenges.
Operation S.Q.U.A.W.K.
Swarms of Raven 3Ls with Streaks, each of them capable of ripping assault mechs to shreds.
Awarded to anyone who's lost 0-8 against a 4-man group of Goons spamming 'Squawk' in public chat.
Operation LRMapocalypse
No matter how much armour you had, no matter how much cover you had. LRMapocalypse was upon you.
Awarded to anyone who's faced an enemy team with a total of 300 loaded LRM tubes, capable of ascending and descending 90 degrees.
Operation Can't See ****, Captain
HUD bugs. No IFF, no minimap, no paperdoll, no navigation system... and your mech is WWWWWWWWWWWW.
Awarded to anyone who's scored a kill without a HUD. (Teamkills don't count, but then again, how can you tell?)
Yellow Screen Star
You wish you had a normal HUD bug. The good news is, if you switch to heat vision, the blue and yellow makes bright green.
Awarded to anyone who's scored a kill with Yellow Screen of Doom.
Purple Centertorso
You could torso twist all you wanted. Those missiles were going to hit your center torso regardless. (Still in effect for the Awesome and Kintaro, mind you)
Awarded to anyone who's been killed by guided missiles to Front Center Torso, despite the fact that the missiles were coming from behind.
Distinguished Flying Poptart Cross
Like playing Duck Hunt on your Nintendo. Except every duck had a gauss rifle and two ER PPCs.
Awarded to anyone who has killed a poptart in flight.
Order of the Splatcat
Thanks to splash damage, each missile did over 9000 damage.
Awarded to anyone who has been killed by a CPLT-A1 with 6 SRM6's in 3 salvos.
Order of the Jagerbomb
Finally saved from the Splatcats. Get smashed by packs of Jagerbombs.
Awarded to anyone who has been killed by a JM6-DD with 2 AC20s in 3 salvos.
Order of Dakkaspider
For every bullet they fired, the chance of a critical hit would increase by 90%.
Awarded to anyone who has died from ammo explosions at the hands of a SDR-K
I think that covers most of the fun we've had. Did I forget anything?
Lots of good suggestions here, will try to do all the major ones, as time permits

Operation Working As Intended
Awarded to everyone who has faith in the game. You will be stripped of this medal when you lose faith.
Dragon Bowl Campaign
Awarded to everyone who knocked down an Atlas in their Dragon, like it was the NFL Super Bowl.
Medal of Feedback With Static
Awarded to everyone who's spent several hours writing detailed, constructive, concise feedback on the forum, asking questions in the AtD threads or created polls with thousands of votes, in the vain hope of a reply from a PGI dev.
Great Fractal Star
Awarded to anyone who reached a higher consciousness / developed epilepsy due to the fractal bug.
Order of the Trollmando
Awarded to anyone who's seen a lance of assault mechs stumble around in confusion as a Commando with LRM5's wreaks havoc from afar, like some kind of fireball-throwing wizard.
Order of the Swayback
Awarded to anyone who's been melted down by a medium-sized small laser rave party going 150+ kph.
Order of the White Knights
Awarded to those precious individuals who have defended PGI's honour against forum critics during Beta-testing. If you've used the phrase "It's just Beta", you're well on your way to qualify for this medal.
Cataclysmic Earthquake Campaign
Awarded to anyone who survived 60 seconds of screen shaking and impenetrable black smoke from Dakkaphracts with quad AC2s.
White Star of the Secret Commander (My favourite)
Awarded to anyone who has played more than 10 matches with the Command Console, deciding that it was worth keeping it in your mech because it would be functional soon.
Golden Lagshield of Terra
Awarded to Australians with a 500+ ping, running their invulnerable Jenners at 150 kph through enemy formations and scoring a kill, despite rubberbanding and teleporting like they're bloody Nightcrawler from X-men.
Fragile Skull Memorial Star
Rewarded to brave Catapult or Cataphract pilots with oversized cockpit hit boxes, who made a kill with a red cockpit, instead of powering down in the cave.
Click the image above for high quality .PNG version.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 27 January 2016 - 01:23 AM.