He went crazy when he sees those huge, stomping machines of destruction, so he glued himself to my shoulder to watch some matches.
Sadly, 9 years old means you are not yet ready tobe a mechwarrior, so all he wants to see is me "smashing things".
He was a bit sad when he realized that nothing could be damaged or destroyed in the environment.
You cannot stomp on or shoot at:
Traffic Lights.
And so on.
So i figured out his point of view and had to finally agree.
What "we" can suggest to devs is to augment the feeling of piloting "big, stompy, machines of destruction".
It can be done in various ways:
Make environment stuff like lamps and trees someway destructible.
Lower the size of trees (in caustic) and bushes because they are gigantic!
Make smaller buildings and make them vulnerable to weapons.
Add something that can enhance the "scale" between mechs and environment, like:
Some civilians running from buildings on the streets.
Huge buildings should be not so common (and do the same for building windows, they are HUGE)
Put in the maps more human-sized stuff in general (bus stops, vans, and such).
Sometimes cities seems deserted places where human-giant people once used to live (and they clean everything before leaving) and in non-urban maps is often hard to say if your mech is tall 3 meters or 15 by looking around the landscape around you.
That's all.
Me and my nephew want to salute you all and wish best luck to devs and mechwarrior alike!