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Solaris 7! It's Time To Let Mechwarriors Battle It Out! Ready For Action? Ready For Drama? Let's Plan Out S7 For Pgi.

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#1 MavRCK


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 10:33 PM

Solaris 7 - MWO

  • A year-long season of dueling mechwarriors to determine who's the best mechwarrior in the universe.

  • There will individual rankings of mechwarriors in 5 categories: light, medium, heavy and assault and unlimited (choose any chassis).

  • Rankings will be based on a combination of wins, losses, damage done, components destroyed, etc minus damage taken, components destroyed, etc - this formula will help equalize mechwarriors who play often versus those who play less, but are of "better quality".
  • Participants will earn a set amount of chills and experience upon winning and loosing. They will also earn a percentage of the amounts betted on the match - the match pot! In addition, bounties and their rewards can also be placed on and redeemed by participants.

  • The ability for observers to place bets will help create interest in matches. Participants with an "interesting" personality will, of course, draw more bets and interests (and bounties!!).

  • Each match between two participants will have odds placed for and against them. The house will take bets from mechwarriors on these participants. A percentage of the total bets will be given to the winner (ie. 10%) and a percentage will be given to the looser (ie. 5%) - ie. boxing! See:http://en.wikipedia....s_of_bookmaking

  • In addition to betting on a match, each mechwarrior who bets can select their preferred choice of map for the participants to battle on. The participants can choose to follow the "fan favourite" map for extra bonus chills or select their own.

  • Players can pay a chill fee and challenge one another. The fee will go into the match pot.

  • These participants can choose between playing immediately and between playing within a set period of time, i.e. 7 days. Matches that are not played within the set period time result in a disqualification and a loss of points. Greater than a set number of disqualifications in a season will result in the player being banned from Solaris 7 for the remainder of the season.

  • Matches can be a winner takes all or a best of 3, etc. In general, most matches will be single elimination and more important matches will be a best of 3.

  • Matches will take place on a predetermined map. An RNG coin toss will choose which mechwarrior gets to the select the map. The other mechwarrior will get to select which of 2 starting locations to begin at.

  • As mentioned, the mechwarrior may choose the fan favourite map for bonus chills and fan "appreciation".
  • To start, a select of 3 to 4 maps should be available for Solaris 7 participants to choose from. Each map should have a variety of terrain, heat, cover, etc… Special attention should be placed to the starting locations such that the advantage to choose the map is countered by getting to choose the starting location.
Solaris 7 Champion:
  • To determine the champions, each season there should be a round robin event of the top 8 players in each category (best of 3), with double elimination for the final match (best of 5).
Observing matches:

  • Let's hope there will be streaming from both participants and possibly built-in twitch.tv streaming so that the mechwarrior community can select from the UI2.0 menu the option to watch the game!!!

  • Hopefully, we can also observe and cast the games! Go go observation mode!

  • Ideas? Thoughts?

  • I think this could be one of the most interesting and fun parts of MWO in addition to Community Warfare. (Heck, Solaris 7 could be the real community warfare so to speak!)
<3 Mav

Edited by MavRCK, 19 October 2013 - 10:34 PM.

#2 Stingray Productions


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 10:46 PM

solaris is in concept design right now....which means it may happen, it may not. However, I think it will happen, just might not see it for a while.

#3 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 19 October 2013 - 10:49 PM

that's expecting a lot. we haven't even got CW or UI.2 in yet. i'm guessing 2015 or later for this one.

#4 MavRCK


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:16 AM

View PostStingray1234, on 19 October 2013 - 10:46 PM, said:

solaris is in concept design right now....which means it may happen, it may not. However, I think it will happen, just might not see it for a while.

I thought if we brainstormed some ideas and people put their thoughts, the devs could have a resource to draw other ideas into their development of S7 - as you said, it's in concept design stage and that's a great time to throw out ideas!

#5 Texas Merc


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:31 AM

I used to play a BT browser game that had features like this including the betting and spectating parts. It was really cool and to prevent farming cbills and cheating, If you lost 3 matches in a mech, then the mech was destroyed IE gone forever. (you could always stop at 2 losses and just never use that mech again.

There was also a reputation system in place where you gained or lost rep on particular mechs depending on who you beat/ lost to.

Even if just a basic barebones S7 arena was put in I would probably duel more than anything else.

Good ideas like always MavRCK.

#6 Bront


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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:49 AM

Looks interesting. The only immediate feedback I have is 2-3 month seasons are better than yearly ones. Lets more people get in on the ground floor more often, and it allows for each season to have a different feel because of the constant meta changes as they adjust weapons and release new mechs. Heck, a monthy season would be interesting.

#7 MavRCK


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Posted 05 November 2013 - 04:23 PM

I think we need this sooner than later....

#8 MavRCK


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 01:08 PM

^^ bump

#9 Kotev


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 01:57 PM

Respect! The BEST idea i have ever read since begining of MWO.

#10 Burktross


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 08:12 PM

I'd rather a perpetually changing leaderboard just for kicks rather than "WHO ARE HAVE BIGGEST EPEENE FOR REST OF YEAR"
Not a year long.
all year 'round, constantly changing leaderboard

#11 cybex


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 04:44 PM

A mech arena must be a nice addition 😊

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