The problem is, they are all scattered along the thousands of replies the topic has.
So, I decided to put all together in this topic - maybe you will find something new here.
The repaints are in order of execution. As you can see, I improved a lot over time (from the crude Cicada to the beautiful Mad Dog and Hellbringers).
Early works:
More goodies:
Stormcrow template.
Summoner template.
Warhawk template.
Hellbringer template.
Gargoyle template.
Mad Dog template.
UrbanMech template.
Executioner template.
Cauldron-Born template.
Vindicator template.
Arctic Cheetah template.
Wolfhound template.
Mauler template.
Black Knight template.
Warhammer template.
Crab template.
Rifleman template.
Archer template.
Marauder template.
Kodiak template.
Phoenix Hawk template.
King Crab template.
Panther template.
Viper template.
Leopard dropship template.
Night Gyr template.
Huntsman template.
Linebacker template.
Marauder IIC template.
Bushwacker template.
Banshee 3E template. (conversion of N F X's template).
Assassin template.
Annihilator template.
Uziel template.
Hellspawn template.
Nightstar template.
Valkyrie template. (unofficial conversion of MWO's Phoenix Hawk by me and Justin Kase)
Black Lanner template.
Sun Spider template.
Fafnir template.
Blood Asp template.
Incubus template.
Fire Moth unofficial template.
Vapor Eagle template.
Cougar template.
Charger template.
Hatchetman (from HBS) template.
Warhammer IIC template.
Arctic Wolf template.
Turkina (unofficial concept art by jjm1) template.
Rifleman IIC template.
Dervish template.
Newest stuff:
Steiner Archer:

Black Knight repaint, with references to both Mechwarrior 4 Black Knight expansion and the Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

King Crab repaint, based on this old epic image:

Viper (Dragonfly), Diamond Shark Gamma Galaxy:

MWO related games by me:
MWO Chess (old, outdated)
MWO Unofficial Trumps.
MWO Unofficial Cardgame
Incoming: MWO Unoficial Boardgame.
And, not art and not exactly MWO, but... The Battletech Faction Test.
Edited by Odanan, 07 March 2019 - 06:30 PM.