So, I tried my hand a creating a multi-role Medium BattleMech using only tech that would be available in 3025...
The BattleMech is called the
Misericorde, and is named after
a type of long, narrow knife typically used on Medieval Terra to deliver the
coup de grâce (the "mercy stroke", hence the name of the blade - derived from the Latin
misericordia, "mercy") to a mortally-wounded knight.
The MSC-1D is built on a
Kallon Type XII chassis and is clad in eleven tons of
Kallon RoyalStar Heavy armor (both produced in the Wernke-Talon system by
Kallon Industries).
The MSC-1D is powered by a
Nissan 200 Fusion Engine (produced on New Avalon by
Corean Enterprises) that allows the 'Mech to reach speeds of 64.8 kph, and its maneuverability is further enhanced by a quartet of
Rawlings Model 80 Jump Jets (produced on New Syrtis by
Johnston Industries).
The MSC-1D electronics suite is equipped with a
TargiTrack 717 Targeting-Tracking System and a
Rander 100 Communications System (both produced on Panpour by
Jalastar Aerospace).
In terms of ranged weaponry:
- The trio of Medium Lasers (Magna Mk.IIs, produced on New Valencia by General Motors) provide long lasting, hard-hitting firepower for operations away from supply lines.
- The dual Machine Guns (MainFire MiniGuns, produced on Belladonna by Cal-Boeing of Dorwinion) are supported by a single full ton of ammunition and provide a zero-heat means of dispensing with infantry and light vehicles.
- The dual LRM-5 launchers (Federated 5-Shots, produced on New Avalon by Achernar BattleMechs) are supported by a single full ton of ammunition and bestow upon the Misericorde with the ability to conduct long-range support and harassment operations with both direct and indirect fire.
However, the
Misericorde's primary weapons - and those from which it derives its name - are the twined
Retractable Blades (which, while uncommon, did exist in 3025) mounted in the BattleMech's forearms.
Mounted in an underslung position with the curring edges aligned to the arms' vertical axes, these blades allow the
Misericorde to execute cut-and-thrust attacks against any opponents that close to melee range, as well as to clear paths for allied units through wooded terrain.
In fact, a favored anti-BattleMech tactic for
Misericorde pilots (and one that can sometimes result in them becoming favored tqrgets of enemy forces) is to close the distance the opponent with the blades retracted and execute a double-fisted punch to the head or center-of-mass, then extend the blades once the 'Mech's fists have made contact; the resulting force is often sufficient to drive the blades directly into the opponent's Fusion Engine or to decapitate the opponent outright - a fitting image, given the task for which the
Misericorde's namesake was designed.
Misericorde is inspired in part by the Jager known as
Tacit Ronin from
Pacific Rim, which mounted a retractable "Fangblade" on each of its forearm.
My design goal was to make the
Misericorde a reasonably-affordable "Jack-of-All-Trades"/"Swiss Army Knife" Medium 'Mech that excels in close-combat and does reasonably well in short-to-medium range combat, especially within the confines of a city or densely-wooded area.
Additionally, the double-punch/double-skewer attack I described above is
apparently completely legal in BattleTech.

Who said you can't? When you critpunch(I like that term!), you're punching, with all the rules therein. I haven't seen a rules thread about it, but I also don't see the need for one.
A critpunch is a punch.
You can double-punch.
Ergo, you can double-critpunch.
Now if you extend the blade and use it as a melee weapon attack, then yeah, you can only attack with one at a time. On the other hand, that might sometimes be desired, such as when attacking something really fast and you want the to-hit bonuses, or something lower than you and thus unpunchable or a 'mech already has weakened legs, but the odds are low so you don't want to risk falling after missing a favorite part about the blade is the flexibility. It gives you many options, even if some of them only come up in very narrow circumstances.
In a single turn, a ’Mech may punch with one or both arms. It can deliver a punch using its arm or fire the weapons on that arm, but it may not do both. Weapons mounted in the torso, legs or head may be fi red in the same turn as a punch attack is made without aff ecting the punch.
(Total Warfare, pg. 145)
In Advanced Rules retractable blades have a deadly, if risky attack.
Anytime a ’Mech with a retractable blade that is retracted successful punches, the controlling player can immediately announce that he is extending the retractable blade. This automatically inflicts a possible critical hit in the location successfully struck by the punch attack (this additional possible critical hit is regardless of whether internal structure was damaged or not); the player rolls on the Determining Critical Hit Table, if a ’Mech, or the appropriate Vehicle Critical Hits Table, if a vehicle. In the case of a successful punch against a battle armor unit, a critical hit means the trooper inside the suit struck is automatically eliminated. However, the controlling player must immediately roll 2D6. On a result of 10+, the blade is destroyed (mark off the topmost critical slot).
(Tactical Operations, pg. 104)