This is what I've come up with and my ideas mostly could be shown on just the homepage :
![Posted Image](
The homepage, to me, felt empty, there's no information and lots of space. So I added the mech information pane, the graphic of the current selected mech and a quick select group. I also rearranged some items to places better suited and placed a module section to the mech info pane. These are things that I think are most definitely missing and of immediate practical use.
However, I went further and added some other useful things.
I added a 'Last Launched' quick select (here for example's sake it's currently deployed in a game I exited/dc'd/whatever from), the mech shown here would be the last mech you launched into battle with (not training grounds). This I feel would be useful so you can easily find items you used recently if they're not on your quick select or current mech such as modules or engine.
I also added a row of icons to each mech showing it's ready status and critical elements for readiness. The triangle in the bottom corners is an easy one, red not ready, green, good to go. The icons could be better, but they represent what I think are need to know information at a glance - engine, heatsinks, ammo and modules. Red for missing/not enough, white for not required and/or empty (ammo white = all energy weapons for instance) and blue. Blue would be reseved for modules only and is a part of another idea I have which includes setting default options for modules which I'll explain in another post fully.
I put a 'Skills' button on both the current mech and the last launched one simply to have an easy shortcut to the mech's corresponding skill tree without having to find them in the lists.
I think the other changes are minor, but if theres any questions about an element or anything, ask and I'll try to explain more.