East Indy, on 19 February 2014 - 08:27 AM, said:
My first concern would be the severity of a penalty to discourage pre-heat-scale alphas, since the peek/JJ tactic entailed a pretty low rate of fire. (That would be some interesting data, looking at meta snipers over several thousand games.)
As I said, a number of seconds should be added to the alpha cooldown, but more importantly alphaing should incur a cone of fire - you can alpha, but the damage will be spread out. No more pop-tarting 40-50 point alphas to one location.
East Indy, on 19 February 2014 - 08:27 AM, said:
My second would be how chain-fire affected canon builds like the swayback, since total number of weapons would exceed individual cooldown. If forced to split salvos, players would probably accept their armament broken up into groups -- which brings us back to damage limits.
One idea I almost wrote into my above post is to adjust how chain-fire works so that it will fire the next weapon in the chain 0.5 seconds after the previous no matter if the beam is done or not; this would mean that the swayback would go through all its nine lasers in 4.5 seconds - still 1.5 seconds longer than the ML cooldown, but not as severe as the current system which would have it take 9 seconds.
Joseph Mallan, on 19 February 2014 - 08:32 AM, said:
30 years of Alpha here. i don' feel i should chance cause some folks don't like it.
But you can still alpha, Joe - just not as often or as accurately. And by-the-by, your "30 years of Alpha" took place over 10 seconds - it may well have been chain-fire for all any of us knows.
Joseph Mallan, on 19 February 2014 - 08:32 AM, said:
I always had he theory that having more weapons than I could effectively fire was a waste of tonnage. Range had a affect on this, and many 3025 builds I went with a Long or Short range range method. But by and large When you were in THAT range, I could hammer you with my full payload over and over.
BattleTech is kind of built on the foundation that you have more weapons than you strictly need, or indeed can fire safely at once. Just look at some of those stock builds - they fire everything and they spend the next few turns doing sweet F-A.
Range, as you say, was one part of that; since you couldn't tailor your 'mech to what engagement you were having, it'd better be able to fight somewhat effectively in every kind of engagement - which meant LRMs, ACs, and short-range weaponry in a classic mix.
Joseph Mallan, on 19 February 2014 - 08:32 AM, said:
Oh, and East... StJobe gives good debate, Whether I agree or disagree with him I still listen. He has many great ideas.
Thank you for those kind words Joe, I greatly enjoy butting heads with you as well - and it's not all that often that we disagree completely!
Edited by stjobe, 19 February 2014 - 09:33 AM.