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Targeting Computer Load Limits

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#1 East Indy


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:01 PM

I've been burying a lot of balance ideas in threads, lately. This one seemed worth its own thread, if only for my own catharsis (I think of stuff, I share it, I move on).

This would replace heat scale.

Weapon TypeDamage Limit/Firing Group
Direct-Fire Instant (PPCs, ACs)20
Direct-Fire Charge (Gauss)30
Long-Range Missile40
Short-Range Missile36

General rules:
• Firing groups may only include weapons of the same type.
• No firing group may exceed damage limit.
• When initiated, firing groups are calculated and engaged sequentially but cumulatively.
• Firing groups of different type do not contribute to each other's limits.
• Reaching 55%-75% of a firing group's limit invokes a 1-second global cooldown.
• Reaching 76%-100% of a firing group's limit invokes a 2-second global cooldown.
• If no 50% mark is reached, targeting computer resets aftet 0.5 seconds.

Examples of chassis-specific exceptions:
• Awesome's Direct-Fire Instant limit is 30.
• Jagermech's Direct-Fire Instant limit is 26.
• Stalker's Long-Range Missile limit is 50.

So, there it is.

Edited by East Indy, 21 February 2014 - 07:44 AM.

#2 Khobai


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:16 PM

This is even worse than ghost heat.

#3 East Indy


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:22 PM

View PostKhobai, on 18 February 2014 - 01:16 PM, said:

This is even worse than ghost heat.

Not sure how, since heat scale slams heavy penalties on what were the most popular alpha meta combinations six months ago. This isn't arbitrary. Targeting computer overloads were never explicit in tabletop, but it's a pretty well understood concept. Plus, limits would be apparent the moment someone tried to stick four PPCs in a firing group.

If the answer is "convergence," it's not going to happen ever. If it's "sized hardpoints," that's not going to happen for months.

#4 Bagheera


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:39 PM

I wouldn't say worse than ghost heat, but I don't think another ghost anything is a sensible replacement either.

That said this is one of the simpler ghost (anything) that's been proposed, so that might be worth something.

#5 East Indy


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:51 PM

Yeah, don't get me wrong -- I'm not thinking of this as ideal, but short of heat scale being extended to conflate PPCs with ACs to kill the current meta (scary enough) or wholesale changes to autocannons, it puts hard limits on shots without disproportionately affecting weapons.

#6 Roland


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:14 PM

View PostKhobai, on 18 February 2014 - 01:16 PM, said:

This is even worse than ghost heat.

I'm not sure of that.

At least in this system, it flat out prevents you from grouping different weapons types together, which would clearly eliminate a number of alpha builds.. and do so in a way which is much more transparent to the end user.

It would definitely change the way the game is played and how builds are designed, but it actually does a much better job of focusing on the actual issues that Ghost heat TRIES to deal with (and fails).

Ghost heat tried to eliminate large alpha strikes of weapons by placing arbitrary limits on certain weapons firing together.. but it failed to achieve its goals because players simply migrated to different combinations of weapons which achieved the same ends.(bear in mind here, I'm not even discussing whether those goals are good.. merely analyzing the success or lack thereof in addressing them)

The system proposed here would actually make it much more limited in terms of being able to simply pick weapons that haven't been nerfed yet and duct-tape them together.

I dunno... Might not be an ideal system, but it seems like it actually IS clearly better than ghost heat.

#7 wanderer


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:17 PM

The solution isn't fiddling with heat or group fire.

It's making the weapons incapable of delivering frontloaded, instant damage in the first place. That's the flaw in the system that got fixed with lasers, and it can be fixed with everything else that has the same point-click-big damage.

#8 Zyllos


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:34 PM

View Postwanderer, on 18 February 2014 - 03:17 PM, said:

The solution isn't fiddling with heat or group fire.

It's making the weapons incapable of delivering frontloaded, instant damage in the first place. That's the flaw in the system that got fixed with lasers, and it can be fixed with everything else that has the same point-click-big damage.

Lasers are still flawed, just like other weapons. It is just front loaded weapons receive more hate because of the ease to combine damage onto a single point. But this doesn't exempt beam weapons. Notice that if you fire multiples, they still all hit the same spot?

#9 Roland


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 03:52 PM

View Postwanderer, on 18 February 2014 - 03:17 PM, said:

The solution isn't fiddling with heat or group fire.

It's making the weapons incapable of delivering frontloaded, instant damage in the first place. That's the flaw in the system that got fixed with lasers, and it can be fixed with everything else that has the same point-click-big damage.

Honestly, I'm not sure that's really true.

The fundamental basis for the weapons design in battletech is most definitely that SOME weapons are designed specifically for large, front loaded damage.. The AC20 and Gauss rifle come to mind.

And I think that the system actually can deal with those weapons fine.. what tends to break the whole model is the fact that you can take an arbitrary number of weapons, tape them all together, and create single "uber-weapons".

For instance, we can look through the history of balancing in MWO, and see how this specific issue has resulted in a multitude of balance changes which many people agree are bad. For instance, the medium laser was nerfed very early on back in closed beta... why was it nerfed? In small numbers, its original stats weren't too strong. What made it very strong was that you could boat a huge number of them on the Hunchback 4P. In that case, even though they had a burn time, the fact that you could stack NINE of them together made it such that you could still create a super strong weapon.. far stronger than was really intended for 9 tons of weaponry.

Or the PPC.. No one really complained about single PPC's.. ever. It wasn't until people started using 4 of them (or more) and started cranking out single hits that punched through your mech with 40 points all at once.

Or the AC20... A powerful weapon, but even so, the complaints tend to center around mechs which are combining the ac20 with another weapon... whether that be another AC20, or PPC"s, or whatever.

I think you are making a mistake in thinking that the answer is to simply make everything into DOT weapons like lasers... because you are failing to take into account that the one really different thing between mechwarrior (in all incarnations to date) and battletech is this fact that all your weapons magically combine to form super weapons... thus breaking all of the original weapons balance, as well as the armor model. Basically, the ability to combine weapons fire means you need to totally revamp the entire system.

One way to do this is to try to force players to land MORE shots to accomplish the same task... Ghost heat was a misguided attempt to do this. Paul's idea was that if you created ghost heat for firing 4 PPC's, that players would fire those weapons in two groups. But what he failed to account for was that folks would just combine DIFFERENT weapons to achieve exactly the same goal.. because that is how you win mechwarrior, and as long as you can accomplish that goal in ANY way, then that is what people will do. No one had some great love for PPC's... they just happened to use them in those configurations because they were the most effective. When that changed, they just moved to the next most effective setup. The fundamental game didn't change.

The OP's suggestion here actually seems like it would BETTER address that same issue... Because it'd really put a hard limit on how many weapons you could group on a firing group. It would much more directly, and transparently, force you to stagger your fire, and thus force you to land more shots... giving your target more opportunity to twist and soak damage, etc.

And at the same time, it doesn't force you to make weird changes to weapons, and try to make them all into DOT weapons like lasers.. because really, that change will be terrible... because it will just mean that lasers, with no ammo requirements and instant-hit capabilities, become totally dominant, just like they were in MW4.

The OP's suggestion would achieve the same things that you want to achieve... in that it will prevent single, large point damage shots... but it'll do it by limiting a mech's ability to fire more than a certain amount of weaponry.

What I like about such a suggestion though is that it doesn't harm a good player's ability to crank out a ton of damage onto a target... as long as they are good enough to keep landing shots on that same location.

Ultimately, it would be a simpler, more transparent, and much less easily sidestepped system for achieving what Ghost Heat tried to do... And hopefully, it would help eliminate the need to go around and continually gimp whatever weapon current fits into the large-alpha-strike duct-tape configuration.. I mean, that's why they nerfed the AC10, which really was a totally ridiculous move given how that weapon really wasn't even that good.

#10 East Indy


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:00 PM

View PostRoland, on 18 February 2014 - 03:14 PM, said:

It would definitely change the way the game is played and how builds are designed, but it actually does a much better job of focusing on the actual issues that Ghost heat TRIES to deal with (and fails).

That's basically it.

If more effective concepts aren't physically possible in the near future or ever, it's a pragmatic way of asking, "Okay, how many points of damage in one location/one salvo do we think is enough from one 'Mech, how much of a delay is reasonable without frustrating players, and how can players customize and learn with the limit in place."

I mean, I get why PGI tried heat scale: risk-reward. But in practice it's like back-taxes: customize your 'Mech and you really can't use it. A hard limit is no different than . . . not being able to equip a weapon. Nobody gets too angry over that.

And as you note, several band-aid changes like fiddling with velocity could be reverted, because the hard limits would assume players had duct-taped as much as they could together.

#11 Watchit


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:36 PM

It's definitely a step in the right direction, at least it's easier to understand than ghost heat as it is now.

#12 Jaeger Gonzo


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Posted 18 February 2014 - 05:11 PM

search for Homelessbill targeting computer idea

#13 Noesis


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 01:59 AM

Suddenly Gauss/PPC Poptarts = Meta. No ty.

#14 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:14 AM

View PostRoland, on 18 February 2014 - 03:52 PM, said:

Honestly, I'm not sure that's really true.

The fundamental basis for the weapons design in battletech is most definitely that SOME weapons are designed specifically for large, front loaded damage.. The AC20 and Gauss rifle come to mind.

And I think that the system actually can deal with those weapons fine.. what tends to break the whole model is the fact that you can take an arbitrary number of weapons, tape them all together, and create single "uber-weapons".

For instance, we can look through the history of balancing in MWO, and see how this specific issue has resulted in a multitude of balance changes which many people agree are bad. For instance, the medium laser was nerfed very early on back in closed beta... why was it nerfed? In small numbers, its original stats weren't too strong. What made it very strong was that you could boat a huge number of them on the Hunchback 4P. In that case, even though they had a burn time, the fact that you could stack NINE of them together made it such that you could still create a super strong weapon.. far stronger than was really intended for 9 tons of weaponry.

Or the PPC.. No one really complained about single PPC's.. ever. It wasn't until people started using 4 of them (or more) and started cranking out single hits that punched through your mech with 40 points all at once.

Or the AC20... A powerful weapon, but even so, the complaints tend to center around mechs which are combining the ac20 with another weapon... whether that be another AC20, or PPC"s, or whatever.

I think you are making a mistake in thinking that the answer is to simply make everything into DOT weapons like lasers... because you are failing to take into account that the one really different thing between mechwarrior (in all incarnations to date) and battletech is this fact that all your weapons magically combine to form super weapons... thus breaking all of the original weapons balance, as well as the armor model. Basically, the ability to combine weapons fire means you need to totally revamp the entire system.

One way to do this is to try to force players to land MORE shots to accomplish the same task... Ghost heat was a misguided attempt to do this. Paul's idea was that if you created ghost heat for firing 4 PPC's, that players would fire those weapons in two groups. But what he failed to account for was that folks would just combine DIFFERENT weapons to achieve exactly the same goal.. because that is how you win mechwarrior, and as long as you can accomplish that goal in ANY way, then that is what people will do. No one had some great love for PPC's... they just happened to use them in those configurations because they were the most effective. When that changed, they just moved to the next most effective setup. The fundamental game didn't change.

The OP's suggestion here actually seems like it would BETTER address that same issue... Because it'd really put a hard limit on how many weapons you could group on a firing group. It would much more directly, and transparently, force you to stagger your fire, and thus force you to land more shots... giving your target more opportunity to twist and soak damage, etc.

And at the same time, it doesn't force you to make weird changes to weapons, and try to make them all into DOT weapons like lasers.. because really, that change will be terrible... because it will just mean that lasers, with no ammo requirements and instant-hit capabilities, become totally dominant, just like they were in MW4.

The OP's suggestion would achieve the same things that you want to achieve... in that it will prevent single, large point damage shots... but it'll do it by limiting a mech's ability to fire more than a certain amount of weaponry.

What I like about such a suggestion though is that it doesn't harm a good player's ability to crank out a ton of damage onto a target... as long as they are good enough to keep landing shots on that same location.

Ultimately, it would be a simpler, more transparent, and much less easily sidestepped system for achieving what Ghost Heat tried to do... And hopefully, it would help eliminate the need to go around and continually gimp whatever weapon current fits into the large-alpha-strike duct-tape configuration.. I mean, that's why they nerfed the AC10, which really was a totally ridiculous move given how that weapon really wasn't even that good.

People would do well to read and understand this post. If you don't understand the problem the first time, read it again and again until it sinks in.
This is a smaller less complicated version of what homeless bill posted, and both ideas are good and nothing not already discussed.
PGI just continue to ignore them.=

View PostNoesis, on 19 February 2014 - 01:59 AM, said:

Suddenly Gauss/PPC Poptarts = Meta. No ty.

Yes because charge up weapons suit a jump sniping meta oh so well.

Edited by DV McKenna, 19 February 2014 - 02:15 AM.

#15 Noesis


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:18 AM

View PostDV McKenna, on 19 February 2014 - 02:14 AM, said:

Yes because charge up weapons suit a jump sniping meta oh so well.

They actually can be used quite well with practice. This since the pop tart shoot time is a small window just like the Gauss charge fire time, just make them co-inside, it's not rocket science. Try it yourself, you'll see how well the charge can lend its use quite naturally to this arrangement when you know the timings.

#16 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:21 AM

View PostNoesis, on 19 February 2014 - 02:18 AM, said:

They actually can be used quite well with practice. This since the pop tart shoot time is a small window just like the Gauss charge fire time, just make them co-inside, it's not rocket science. Try it yourself, you'll see how well the charge can lend its use quite naturally to this arrangement when you know the timings.

Believe me i have tried it, im a jump sniper by trade since MW4. Charge time weapons are not optimal for jump sniping.
Which is why they aren't used.

#17 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:24 AM

View PostKhobai, on 18 February 2014 - 01:16 PM, said:

This is even worse than ghost heat.

View PostBagheera, on 18 February 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:

I wouldn't say worse than ghost heat, but I don't think another ghost anything is a sensible replacement either.

That said this is one of the simpler ghost (anything) that's been proposed, so that might be worth something.

I can agree with both of these gents. Restricting was of dealing death restricts fun for many players.

#18 Ordellus


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:25 AM

If i'm understanding this correctly it not only limits the weapons that can be set into the same group.... but also limits the amount of damage a group of a certain type may do regardless of the weapons grouped.

And I have to say I like it.

#19 Noesis


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:29 AM

View PostDV McKenna, on 19 February 2014 - 02:21 AM, said:

Believe me i have tried it, im a jump sniper by trade since MW4. Charge time weapons are not optimal for jump sniping.
Which is why they aren't used.

They aren't used because UAC5 can perform better with Double tap for increased DPS. And that ACs can be used as more confident weapons close up in combination with PPCs, thus not requiring the need to have backup weapons or rely on support. But they would be used if the above limits as per the defined groupings were applied even if it does take a bit more skill to apply as it would become the least penalised combination for combined alpha arrangements for pop tarting. But perhaps more so in co-ordinated team play than pugging.

#20 Unleashed3k


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:33 AM

View PostEast Indy, on 18 February 2014 - 01:01 PM, said:

I've been burying a lot of balance ideas in threads, lately. This one seemed worth its own thread, if only for my own catharsis (I think of stuff, I share it, I move on).

This would replace heat scale.

Weapon TypeDamage Limit/Firing Group
Direct-Fire Instant (PPCs, ACs)20
Direct-Fire Charge (Gauss)30
Long-Range Missile40
Short-Range Missile24

General rules:
• Firing groups may only include weapons of the same type.
• No firing group may exceed damage limit.
• When initiated, firing groups are calculated and engaged sequentially but cumulatively.
• Firing groups of different type do not contribute to each other's limits.
• Reaching 55%-75% of a firing group's limit invokes a 1-second global cooldown.
• Reaching 76%-100% of a firing group's limit invokes a 2-second global cooldown.
• If no 50% mark is reached, targeting computer resets aftet 0.5 seconds.

Examples of chassis-specific exceptions:
• Awesome's Direct-Fire Instant limit is 30.
• Jagermech's Direct-Fire Instant limit is 26.
• Stalker's Long-Range Missile limit is 50.

So, there it is.

sorry but i dont get it? charge + only 2 linked gauss? damn metakids, are U so much afraid of good sniper combos?

i dont give damn bout GH with doublegauss + erppc or even tripple gauss, now u want another NERF to the gauss players, yeah go on, why not totally erase the gauss from mwo...

a weapon that has so less heat, should not be affected by any heatsystem, u already made us charge this baby before we can shoot, now stop! leave the gauss as it is.

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