XP (or Mech XP) which is unique to that particular variant of the mech
----------(Can only be used to level the Variant of the Chassis it is earned on)
----------(Can be converted to GXP with MC - the real-world money equivalent) GXP (or General XP) which is shared between all mechs.
----------(Can be used to level any Chassis or Variant)
----------(Can be used to level the [Pilot] Skills)
XP is earned and listed at the end of each match
GXP is given as a bonus of 5% of your earned XP [Citation Needed: I believe GXP is a bonus on top of XP, though some say it is cut from the XP]
Your skill trees are found under [SKILLS] at the top of the screen
After some time your screen should look something like this: (Image thanks to no one)
But you will find yourself unable to put any points into the [ELITE] skills - Why?
So to [ELITE] your Centurion you need 2 of the others. (NOTE: the CN9-YLW also known as Yen-Lo-Wang is a [Hero] mech and a such only available for real-world money)
Feel free to progress in spending the XP to unlock the [ELITE] skills as you will - until you hit that second barrier:
The requirements for unlocking [MASTER] are similar to the requirements for unlocking [ELITE] but more flexible.
You require the [ELITE] skills done on 3 Variants of one Weight-Class.
By selecting one of the classes you can see what Mechs count under what weight classes.
In this case we are working with the Medium Class, so anything from 40 to 55 tons.
Feel free to move onto another chassis within the Weight-Class.
After you finish the [ELITE]s on any 3 Medium Mechs you own, you have [MASTER] unlocked for ALL Medium Mechs you own.
Continuing the example, after selling off the CN9-AL and CN9-D you buy into the Shadowhawk:
After all, they are popular right now. (Not to mention there are more of them now... )
You work your way through the skills deciding only to hold on to your SHD-2H.
Now you have 2 [ELITE]d mechs... but you still need one more to unlock [MASTER] (NOTE: it is usually far more efficient just to work all the way through all the skills while you have the required number of the variants of a chassis - as they retain their levels even after being sold)
So now you buy Hunchbacks - because you have heard about their awesome torso-twisting abilities and after the Shadowhawk, you really feel the need for it:
Pick any 3 - work them up.
You now have 3 Medium Mechs with [MASTER] unlocked. (Theoretically you have 9 - but own 3, maybe more)
Please note:
This works for any weight class
This works for any Chassis
You always need to finish one level before moving on to the next
(NOTE: Despite having all 4 Centurion with finished [ELITE] skills I still had to work all three Shadowhawk through the [BASIC] to unlock [ELITE])
(NOTE: You do not have to own all three at once to unlock the next level)
It is recommended that you finish the [ELITE] skills for any chassis before passing judgement as finishing the [ELITE] skills has a second bonus:
All [BASIC] skills are doubled in value. (Note: ONLY the [BASIC] skills)
Note on Clan Mechs
Clan Omnimechs can swap out their Side Torso, Legs, Arms, and Head parts (everything but the CT)
Meaning that, with few exceptions - there is little to no difference between Variants (IE: No Stormcrow or Maddog CT has Hardpoints - meaning that every build for each can be put on every Variant)
How does that work for XP?
The one part that does not change
All XP values earned are tied to the Center Torso Variant used.
In other words - you will still need to buy three different different Variants to [Master] your omni mechs.
Now for GXP:
It is highly recommended that unless you are spending real-world money to convert XP types, that you only spend GXP on the [Pilot] Trees tab - and not the Mech Trees
(NOTE: GXP is the only way to level up the [Pilot] Trees.)
You will be notified what kind of XP you are spending on a Skill - if you have enough of both types it will give you the option of either.
If you have enough GXP but not enough XP you can still unlock Mech Skills but it will warn you that you are spending GXP.
If you have enough XP but not enough GXP it will do the same - but you have less to worry about
That is the only warning you will receive.
NOTE: Total XP required for each level:
[BASIC] - 14250
[ELITE] - 21500
[MASTER] - 21500
[TOTAL] - 57250 (Math thanks to Arnie76)
Note! You do not need to own all three variants at once to unlock [Elite] (Citation Needed: though I have not testing toward [Master] I would assume the same applies)
First Capture - 60xp (Being among the first to capture each base)
Rewards stack - so you can earn both a Killing Blow, Most Damage Kill, and Solo Kill at once. Patch Notes I was drawing from
But wait?
First victory of the day earns double xp for that match! (Image thanks to Pekiti)
Lists of Mechs variants with multiple versions
Or: - where is my CN9-A(C) on the Mech Trees list? NOTE: The list with note the () designation - and then the regular variants that count as the same for XP purposes
Mechs that give a 30% boost to Cbill Earnings - but still count as the same as another Variant IE: Not the Heroes - other people have lists of those, and they have nothing in () anyways NOTE: these were/are only available for the duration of the packages
(F) or Founders Package
(P) or Phoenix Package Mechs
(I) or Clan Invasion Package Mechs
(G) or Clan Invasion Wave 1 Gold Package
(L) or Loyalty (Note: unlike the other Cbill bonus chassis - these were not from a package - but given out as a thank you for having helped support the game)
{R} or Resistance Pack mechs
GHR-5J (In game - March 17th)
ZEU-6S (In game - March 17th)
Mechs that give a 30% boost to XP earning (includes GXP)
(C) or Champion Mechs NOTE: Pre-upgraded versions of regular variants
(S) or Sarah's Mech A mech which is no longer available for purchase All proceeds from the purchase of this chassis were donated to cancer
In other words - if you see any mech on the field with anything in () - it counts as the same variant with the same designation - sans-() mark, so do not go buying the CN9-A(C) and the CN9-A thinking it will give you a shortcut on the 3 Mechs rule. Let alone the potential of someone having the JR7-D, JR7-D(F), and JR7-D(S)!
Note: The Resistance mechs are in {} because otherwise it makes an ®
NOTE: Do not be afraid to Necro this. Any questions that pop up in the topic make it easier (kinda) to keep it up to date.
I'm going to need to go back over it a few times to tidy it up.
Any suggestions on formatting or the like would be appreciated.
Or better screenshots - that Griffin one is driving what little OCD I have up the wall - but it was the only mech I had that was still in basics!
If someone wants to donate a basic'd (or not even!) Centurion shot that would help with that little bit
IE one with basics done but Elites still locked or the like
[Citation Needed: I believe GXP is a bonus on top of XP, though some say it is cut from the XP]
I keep track of the amount of XP I need for new skills so I'll know in advance when I can unlock something, as far as I can tell GXP is not taken out of your total match XP.
It'd be nice if someone else could confirm this.
LocationColumbus, Ohio. However, I hate the Suckeyes!
Posted 23 February 2014 - 03:13 AM
you only need to basic mech's out to start. If basic-ed only need to have 3 other mechs of the same weight class elite-ed for any other mech in the class to do the same. Example....Basic all your Jenners (3), Firestarters (3) and spiders (3). Elite only your Jenners. Now since you eliteded 3 mech's in the same class you can sell off 2 of your spiders and firestarters and still master them since you got 3 mechs to master/past elite.
you only need to basic mech's out to start. If basic-ed only need to have 3 other mechs of the same weight class elite-ed for any other mech in the class to do the same. Example....Basic all your Jenners (3), Firestarters (3) and spiders (3). Elite only your Jenners. Now since you eliteded 3 mech's in the same class you can sell off 2 of your spiders and firestarters and still master them since you got 3 mechs to master/past elite.
That is good advice for after you know what you are doing - but there are a lot of people who don't like any of the chassis until after the double basics - so even for those 'bad' chassis I would still recommend working them all the way up.
Crap...I shouldnt have sold that Cicida after finishing the basics...I onlyl wanted it to master my x5 and the 3m whenever i purchased it...YOU MEAN I HAVE TO BUY THAT THING BACK?
xXBagheeraXx, on 28 February 2014 - 09:40 PM, said:
Assuming you are at least partially joking....
No - because you only need 3 Cicadas to unlock the [Elite] if that is unlocked - you are safe with selling it.
You will need 3 of the weight class with all [Elite] (in this case medium) unlocked to unlock [Master] - but you could use any 3 medium that have all the [Elite] unlocked to do that
*You can spend GXP to level mechs, but it might be better saved to unlock modules later.
After playing a bit:
*If you have unlocked [MASTER] for a weight class you may level variants of a chassis in this class one after the other if you know you won't keep them. E.g. I have mastered Lights using Jenners (and more ). I knew I would not keep the SDR-5V so I bought it first. Then I finished the basic skills on it, sold it and bought the SDR-5D.
Pro: less mechbays needed (only the 1 for each mech you will keep)
Con: you cannot use the daily 2x bonus on the mechs in parallel as you only own one at a time.
I used this combined approach on Cicadas and Spiders as I knew I only would keep one of each.
Info on necessary XP
*xp needed for 8 basic skills for each mech: 14250
*additional xp for 4 elite skills: 21500
*another 21500 for master
Edited for cleanup, spoilers and try to use similar wording to OP
Edited again: sorry, I saw that switching the two tips created a misunderstanding: You'll need to have three variants (for each weight class) at the same time for the first mech in each weight class. Only sell a mech directly after getting [BASIC] if you have "mastered the weight class" already!
*If you have unlocked master for a weight class you may level variants of a chassis in this class one after the other if you know you won't keep them. E.g. I have mastered Lights using Jenners (and more). I knew I would not keep the SDR-5V so I bought it first. Then I finished the basic skills on it, sold it and bought the SDR-5D.
Pro: less mechbays needed (only the 1 for each mech you will keep)
Con: you cannot use the daily 2x bonus on the mechs in parallel
I was under the impression that in order to unlock [Elite] you needed to own all 3 with the [Basic] at once - this not true?
Arnie76, on 01 March 2014 - 11:05 AM, said:
*You can spend GXP to level mechs, but it might be better saved to unlock modules later.
That was in there - but not directly - I will add it, thanks!
glad I can give some knowledge after learning a lot from yours and other people's post .
I've used this method several times, at least for Ravens(keeping 3L) Cicadas(3M) and Spiders(5D) (ECM ftw). So it worked for me (pre-UI2.0 though, so may need to confirm it now)
owning 30 mechs now, so trying to save a few bays here and there
Edit: on your second remark, I saw it being mentioned indirectly, but I think for new players it might be worth mentioning as obviously as possible. After all the the GXP earning rate is very slow so the sooner you know the better.
I've used this method several times, at least for Ravens(keeping 3L) Cicadas(3M) and Spiders(5D) (ECM ftw). So it worked for me (pre-UI2.0 though, so may need to confirm it now)
So a little confirmation:
Did you need to own them all at once - or can you own one at a time to unlock it?