We are a group of competitive and non competitive players, many of which trace lineage back to Mechwarrior 4 and Mechwarrior leagues. Our goal above all is to enjoy the game but most members do have a drive for competition. We are allied with the Raven Alliance, Isengrim and the 228th IBR.
Why join us? We have a collection of skilled players with experience playing both competitively and casually willing to help players of all skill levels better their game play. We have players from a wide variety of time zones mostly playing from 6pm est until 4-5am est. We are organized and do use ranks to distinguish leadership and are always actively cultivating all willing members into leaders.
Who are we looking for? We are looking for any players looking to enjoy the game and willing to give and receive constructive criticism. We strongly prefer players with a working microphone and willing to hop on our Teamspeak 3 server. Above all you must respect players within the game.
For more information visit http://www.sldf.enjin.com We have a nice handbook explaining our command Structure, code of conduct and policies in place to help newer players become better at the game. We also have a few members with twitch and youtube channels. They can be found at http://www.twitch.tv/rakansen http://www.twitch.tv/DeathlyEyes and http://www.youtube.c...BDGupNj-rpCePtg
Our teamspeak server is: ts30.gameservers.com:9190 the password is lawdog2142
Edited by SLDF DeathlyEyes, 06 March 2014 - 02:51 PM.