March 31St Public Test - Feedback Thread
Posted 31 March 2014 - 04:10 PM
Please follow the questionnaire provided. This is to help us better organize and process your feedback after the test.
1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
2) What do you like least about the Test?
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
5) Any other comments or concerns?
Posted 31 March 2014 - 06:52 PM
Matt Newman, on 31 March 2014 - 04:10 PM, said:
Please follow the questionnaire provided. This is to help us better organize and process your feedback after the test.
1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
2) What do you like least about the Test?
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
5) Any other comments or concerns?
1: I like the new hero mech I was able to test in the training ground.
2: Not being able to find a game in under 15 mins
3: No way to test it
4: Tested in the training ground. Seem alot better with srm then what it been.
5: I really don't like the hero mech name. It just does not seem to fit the mech. Also not being able to find a game in a 15 min time frame is really not good. I don't know if your testing the 3,3,3,3 but it seem to be a failure. I do like the missile impact changes and the load out of the hero mech.
Posted 31 March 2014 - 08:03 PM
- Raven looks pretty, so bravo art department.
- Selecting multiple game modes individually is now an option, hurray!
- SRMs seem a bit better at registering hits.
2) What do you like least about the Test?
- Oddly, SRMs still seem less potent fired all at once at point blank than they do chain fired at range.
- LRMs seem about the same in use, though losing them by breaking line of sight is rather easy outside 500m now. Even less worth having larger hit-box on my Battle Master.
- Selecting game modes individually does not save your preference between rounds.
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
- Seems okay so far.
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
I finally ran down someone using LRMs! Impact shake seems better. Explosions blooming across you cockpit still obscures your view but moving fixes that.
5) Any other comments or concerns?
" Missiles speed is 150 (Was 175) "
This arbitrary number fidgeting is really not in any way a good approach to balance.
The power of indirectly fired LRMs still scales linearly with the number of people using them. Direct fire LRMs have no real advantage over indirect fire LRMs and indirect fire LRMs have no real disadvantage. NARC and TAG still have no appreciable impact on the function or power of LRMs compared to lock spotters.
Shout out to Matt Craig. A good sport, and the only MWO Dev I've seen play this year.
Edited by Osric Lancaster, 01 April 2014 - 11:59 AM.
Posted 31 March 2014 - 09:16 PM
- Selecting Game modes
- Doesn't seem to crash when closing the client anymore
- Doesn't seem to crash after matches (occasional "Pure function call" error)
- Weird Mech Lab bug(I posted in the Bugs section)
- Didn't notice
- SRMs hit detection seems better. May just be an impression.
- You are better able to tell when they really hit and when they didn't
- There really seems to be an FPS increase in some instances
- Missile impact changes unfortunately still do not make SRMs any more viable than before as it is only a cosmetic change as far as I can tell.
Edited by Lex420, 01 April 2014 - 03:07 PM.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:07 AM
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:14 AM
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:16 AM
2) Mechs have remained locked after exiting the end-of-round summary. If this is working as intended, then it looks like nothing more than a blatant attempt to force us into spending more GXP & c-bills on modules so we have enough to have them tied up in not-really-deployed but unavailable units.
This is more of a UI2.0 irritation, but there are too many clicks required in the new interface. This was one of the primary complaints about Windows Vista, iirc. Learn from others' mistakes. I should not have to confirm both that yes, I want to place a module I don't yet own on my mech and then yes, I want to actually buy that module. Once at checkout is enough. I shouldn't have to log out, confirm, exit and confirm again. 2 clicks too many.
It would be nice if the public test installer/patcher would copy or load the settings file from the live install; that would save irritation (damn! I forgot to set weapons group / video settings / key bindings & missed a perfect shot!) as well as provide apples to apples comparison for fps and such.
3) I haven't seen much difference in spawning yet, but neither have I seen the Mexican Jumping Mech (where my unit hopped in place during read sequence until I started to move at start of match). So - invisible improvement is the best kind.
4) I've seen far fewer missiles so far, so I will withhold comment for now.
5) Excellent job advertising the public test, and +1 for both funding accounts and crediting us for lost PT. Good on you!
I expect the somewhat longer delays in matchmaking are due to the costs in term of download/patch time and HDD space required for public test install; no complaint there.
Will post more if I get the chance to jump back in before returning to live play.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:18 AM
Matthew Craig, on 01 April 2014 - 08:07 AM, said:
Scheduling this during the downtime was a great idea, but it would really be nice if you guys could do it for 24-hours or even over a few days. This test started right as I was going to bed, and is ending half way through my work day, so there is no way I can participate. I know there will always be people in that boat with short test windows, but that is why it would be nice if the window wasn't always so short...
Oh, and it would be amazing to actually have PGI members in games more often - have only saw a handful in the year or so I have been playing, and none in the last 4-5 months at all. It is a really big deal to know the people making the game play it as well, and not just saying as much in lip-service.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:27 AM
2. Purely subjective, but I like the speed reduction on LRMs. Stepping out of the way is an option again now (if you're staying close to cover that is).
and now on to the confusing stuff, namely:
3. PGI's continuing love-affair with mouse-clicks.
Ok, rant mode on:
In 1.5 it took one click to start a match (if we disregard the one click needed to set the mode).
In 2.0 up until now, it took 3 clicks. Group Launch/Play Now, one click to set mode (every time you launch, I might add), then another to actually launch.
Now it takes 4 clicks. Launch, one click to deselect all, another to set desired mode and a fourth to actually launch.
I'm sorry, but is this some kind of joke? Why is this neccesary? What was wrong with 1.5's system of setting mode *once* until you wanted to change it? Can we please have the old system back? And if you insist on sticking with the unnecessary dialogue-box: At least include a tick box to "remember my choice" or something like that.
Next thing you know, we'll get a "are you sure you want to fire this Large Laser?"- and "you have fired Large Laser, cooling down, press OK to continue"-dialogues. Or perhaps a "You've pressed the ready-button. Are you sure you're ready?"

Rant mode off.
4. Haven't seen the target bug, but perhaps I simply overlooked it because I'm so used to designations beyond "L" now..

5. Turrets seem a bit too weak now. I liked their toughness before, since it made them pretty dangerous to lone base-cappers. They're a bit on the soft-side now with 100 health. Maybe 125 would be a better choice/compromise?
6. Dunno if this is intentional, but players are listed as "Disconnected" until they actually connect to the server. If it is intentional, I think "connecting" would be a better choice of words here.
Edited by 1Sascha, 01 April 2014 - 08:48 AM.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:35 AM
Matthew Craig, on 01 April 2014 - 08:07 AM, said:
Clarify target designation. Do you mean the alpha designation that appears above the target, ie. "A", "B", etc ?
If so, I did not experience it.
1Sascha, on 01 April 2014 - 08:27 AM, said:
In 2.0 up until now, it took 3 clicks. Group Launch/Play Now, one click to set mode (every time you launch, I might add), then another to actually launch.
Now it takes 4 clicks. Launch, one click to deselect all, another to set desired mode and a fourth to actually launch.
I'm sorry, but is this some kind of joke? Why is this neccesary? What was wrong with 1.5's system of setting mode *once* until you wanted to change it? Can we please have the old system back? And if you insist on sticking with the unnecessary dialogue-box: At least include a tick box to "remember my choice" or something like that.
I totally agree with this point. Set it once and forget it.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:40 AM
2. Yes. The long wait time to get your mech back post match is annoying.
3. Non-issue. Noticing the server side hit effects for ballistics.. Interesting.. Actually it might prove to be an advantage for me.. Shoot and for the split second.. I can make a clearer shots to the components I want without being visually blocked by hit effects.

4. SRMS feel better.
Edited by ShinVector, 01 April 2014 - 08:41 AM.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:42 AM
- Being able to test changes before they go live.
- Sufficient funds to test crazy stuff.
2) What do you like least about the Test?
- Longer wait time to get the Mech back out of a match. This feels oddly familiar to a bug we had last year, when you only got your Mech back, once the last player has left the end-match-screen.
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
- Didn't really notice anything. But I never paid attention to that even on the live servers.
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
- Impacts (effects of the impact) feel delayed somehow?
5) Any other comments or concerns?
- Every time I open the menu, the map or the chat, my Mech stops. When I close the menu, map or the chat again, my Mech starts walking backwards at full (backward) speed.
Edited by DasProjektil, 01 April 2014 - 08:44 AM.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:43 AM
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:45 AM
Matt Newman, on 31 March 2014 - 04:10 PM, said:
1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
2) What do you like least about the Test?
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
5) Any other comments or concerns?
1) I liked being able to try other mechs for a while. I now have an idea about what mech I wat to go for next and Im considering getting a hero more.
2) I had expected more a social focus, but thats really not just the test...
3) The spawning change is slightly confusing and I need more time to form an opinion
4) Great. Much better on SRMs and LRMs are acceptable now...(no target designation bug on my end)
5) We really need some "text command/order" keys like "enemy sighted E5", "Engaging enemy E5", "Roger, moving to E5" ect... For lance or team
Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:48 AM
Sometimes shots aren't displayed, even though they seem to connect with the target.
I've noticed this with PPCs in my Banshee E. I shoot, and no PPC bolt is being displayed. The sound is played IIRC, and if I hit, the crosshairs flash red and the target shows the impact. But the actual "bolt" is missing for some reason. Thought it was ping-related, but my ping was around my usual value and very stable all day.
Edited by 1Sascha, 01 April 2014 - 08:50 AM.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:09 AM
1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
It's a wonderful idea to let us play during the downtime.
The chance to buy anything was a blast. Although I didn't really use that much of the money. I simply rigged out my next planned purchase.
2) What do you like least about the Test?
Everyone bought such monster mechs my own testing of my planned (budget) Jaeger was sort of useless. I was massively undergunned and undermassed by all the Banshees.
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
I didn't notice much changing.
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
I saw very very few missiles in the 4 hours I played. It was all massive autocannons and such.
5) Any other comments or concerns?
Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:19 AM
Matt Newman, on 31 March 2014 - 04:10 PM, said:
Selecting individual modes is better, instead of all or one.
SRM hit detection is a little better.
That's sadly it.
12 hours is not enough... give it 24 hours so everyone can participate at their own convenience.
Also, more GXP needs to be provided, because 50k GXP isn't actually "enough" to master a mech for the purposes of testing (you need 57.25K GXP to master 1 mech) . Make it 500k GXP instead. That will give people a better opportunity to bug test the game further (especially while there are still odd bugs with the Mechlab).
Didn't notice since "the effect" doesn't seem obvious.
Suddenly, LRMs feel nerfed. I'm not sure what ACTUAL number is used, but it feels dramatically different from the receiving end (and specing those that use it). Am I crazy thinking that this nerf is too much?
You added more unnecessary bugs... and that will be reflected in my post about the new bugs.
Also, not "saving" your selections (assault, conquest, skirmish) for future use is a terrible design.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:30 AM
2) What do you like least about the Test? That it was only 12 hrs and if you lived in the Americas the majority of it was during the time when most people were asleep.
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes? Seemed fine
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes? Ouch!
5) Any other comments or concerns?
1: Why have you not Fixed the store so you know what the load out of the mech is? I still have to reference the WIKI to find out what mech variant I want.
2: When are we going get the option to change the colors of the HUD and reticle?
Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:51 AM
Fun to see some of the older gamers felt like closed beta all over.
2) What do you like least about the Test?
LRM missile speed is still to fast. Creating a butter zone of 200m to 550 meters were you can't maneuver to break lock in time. Missile arch still negates 90% of map cover. Accuracy of missiles with no line of sight is still tightly grouped. Missile rate of fire is still to high. AMS does nothing to prevent missiles from hitting you since there traveling at 150ms and the AMS engages at 200m giving the AMS only 50m to shoot missile out of the air making it worthless for personal protection. This is based off a 1 meter to 1 ms ratio.
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
Didn't really see a difference played till 4:00am
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
No real change, I had been using SRM for years now so the impact was negligible.
5) Any other comments or concerns?
Good to see other people trying different weapons. Missile speed reduction did pull things back from the unplayable aspect. But LRM's are still overpowered, and causing sweeps of games due to rate of fire, angle of missile arch, Lack of AMS ability to cope with the new speeds.
This LRM issue is going to drive off new players who are trying out mechs with no AMS system and no experience. As they get slaughtered by power gamers who put 7 tons of ammo on there mech, and point and click their way to victory. Without a community this game wont survive.
It also makes me concerned because if this what IS LRM are like then Clan LRM should kill off this game rather quickly.
I point out Diablo 3 as a example of a dead free to play game with only 50 to 100 players everyday. With a auction house closing this month. Crazy thing is they are releasing a expansion for those 50 to 100 players who play everyday.
Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:53 AM
Ability to test hero mechs as well as any other mechs without having to worry about c-bills / MC and xp

2) What do you like least about the Test?
Wasting most of the limited time available patching ... not everyone has a fast connection
Gameplay was frequently just charging in and shooting everything in sight probably because win / loss or kill / death had no consequence. Spent most of the time derping around with hero mechs just to see what they were like.
3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
Usually amongst the last the spawn so hard to tell but mechs didn't seem to be so tightly clustered when spawning in tight spaces i.e. forest colony.
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
Not many missiles were being used so impact effects were quite reasonable. Can't really provide a decent evaluation due to significantly reduced missile presence.
5) Any other comments or concerns?
LRMs seem to be slightly less effective compared to pre-175 m/s buff but this could be subjective bias. Was wondering if AMS was dialed back in line with LRM speed and if not, has this (together with the greater number of AMS deployed) significantly reduced the number of LRMs hitting targets?
Edit: Noted Corbon Zackery's feedback on LRMs and clearly we were playing at different times and with different players. The main difference that I can see is the number of people using LRMs in a match.
In future, it would be preferable if the Test Server client could be patched earlier or something. It took me > 6 hours to complete the patch which didn't leave much time for testing. Could be a factor as to why search times for matches took so long as I'm guessing many of the usual players were not playing due to long patch times and ignorance.
Edited by p4r4g0n, 01 April 2014 - 10:01 AM.
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