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Most Memorable Match

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#1 ThatBum42


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 05:54 AM

Doesn't have to be the one you performed the best in, just a particularly fun match where things happened that went against the usual expectations for the map.

Yesterday, I had a Forest Colony Assault round in my BJ-1. Instead of going for the tunnel or hunkering down behind the respective cover points, both teams simultaneously decided to rush the lake. The result was a MASSIVE royal rumble of heavies and assaults stomping around in a mosh pit of destruction, basically kicking each other in the balls as hard as they could. It was the most glorious brawling I've seen in some time, shame I didn't think to screenshot it. We medium and light pilots (on both sides) kind of milled about in the back and stared in awe/fear of the spectacle. There were not many of us, both teams were very heavy. Eventually, we figured that providing fire support for the big guys would be the most safest bet. The brawlers were totally absorbed in their brawling and oblivious to me and my dakka buddies the entire time. It went on like this for a while, and it could have gone either way, but my team finally got the upper hand when our pack of lights moved in from the back and managed to get a bunch of sneaky killshots. We beat the stragglers back to their base, where we cornered them and won 12-8.

Anyone have a similar experience?

Edited by ThatBum42, 04 April 2014 - 06:14 AM.

#2 ShinVector

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Posted 12 April 2014 - 10:49 PM

Most memorable for the moment.
Pre made groups does weird things to ELO matchmaking.. :)

Now.. For that illusive Death Star...... :D

#3 ThatBum42


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Posted 13 April 2014 - 01:33 AM

View PostShinVector, on 12 April 2014 - 10:49 PM, said:

Most memorable for the moment.

Sonic the BattleMech! GOTTA GO FAST

I don't think I have the guts to do something like that in my little squishy mechs. I just can't process information that fast. Part of the reason I went from Hawken to MWO is because of the slower more thoughtful pace. Although I did acceptably, Hawken was too nerve-wracking, so I usually end up doing guerrilla/hit-and-run tactics in my fast mechs.

#4 Nathan Foxbane


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Posted 13 April 2014 - 05:14 PM

Epic win on an Assault game in Caustic Valley in spite of matchmaker derp.

Team composition was as follows: Blue team had 1 Cataphract, 1 Jagermech (LRMs), 2 Wolverines (x1 LRM20), 1 Griffin, 1 Centurion, 2 Blackjacks, 2 Ravens (only 1 had ECM),1 Spider (no ECM), and 1 Commando for a net of 565 tons, while Red team was comprised of 2 Atlases (Boar's Heads), 1 Orion, 1 Cataphract, 1 Jagermech, 2 Catapults, 1 Centurion, 1 Huncback, 1 Raven (ECM), 2 Spiders (1 ECM) for a net of 735 tons for a 170 ton disparity in Red team's favor (I still wish I had taken an end of round screenshot).

Blue team in the North had lost it's Centurion to an intentional disconnect and it was my first match in a brand new WVR-6K, though it turned out we did not need them anyway. Most of us cut down the western valley to conceal our weight disadvantage, our scouts seeking targets ahead of the main body or screening the gap between the ridge overlooking the valley and the caldera. Red team's lights and Centurion formed their recon lance and pushed up the eastern edge of the map. The Orion, Cataphract, Jagermech, and Hunchback were in the first lance to be overrun as they tried to take up positions on the hill overlooking the southern end of the valley and the rocks covering the exit. The lights blew straight past them hooking around the rock spires at the southern edge of the map towards red base seeking to provide more information with the Raven 3L remaining in the gap, with most of our mediums piling in for the brawl right behind them, my own Wolverine and the heavies trailed behind providing fire support. Red team's Cataprhact and Jagermech died one after another in a two 'Mech CLG, their autocannons marking them as primary targets. The Orion and Hunchback fell separately with the Orion being cut down by our Cataphract trying to hold the gap between the hill and the western border while the medium wolf pack overran the fleeing Hunchback, cutting it off and forcing it back through them toward the fire support group where I put it down. The Atlases had moved toward the caldera rim and were now racing back trying to get to their Catapults seeking shelter on the southern side of the eastern hill. Their lights ran back and jumped our 3L and a Blackjack that had moved to support it, while their Centurion proudly destroyed our DC'd Centurion. My team's fire support lance split up at the hill with the heavies moving to support the gap between it and the caldera, while I joined up with the mediums and put my laser heavy build to good use when we jumped Catapults. Our scouts ran back through red team's assault lance to deal with their lights while red team's Catapults tried to hold against a full lance of mediums where I managed to finish off one of them. Red team's lights claimed our 3L its supporting Blackjack before being run off by our own lights. Late to the party, the Centurion arrived just in time to allow one of the Catapults to make a break for the Atlases with which we had skirmished with only enough to pin them to the western side of the hill while we controlled or covered every escape from their pocket. Never realizing the wolf pack was more than happy to pounce on more dangerous prey, the Centurion found itself the target of a full medium lance and was shredded. Meanwhile, our lights had returned from mopping up theirs and they decided to push the Boar's Heads with the heavies at the cost of the Jagermech who went over the top instead of around the hill. The wolf pack pushed up from the southern side, focusing first on the battered Catapult and then the southern Boar's Head which fell to my medium lasers as I had run out of ammo trying to kill the Catapult. The northern Atlas tried to run for the caldera, but could not break free from the lights, Cataphract and Griffin which had decided to pursue it instead of its southern twin. Our Spider finished the Atlas off with its MGs for a 12:4 match. Definitely a better than normal first game for an untried 'Mech with a loadout I was not sure I could make work.

#5 ThatBum42


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 03:42 AM

I had another great match yesterday. Assault, Canyon Network, CPLT-K2, soloing as usual.

I've only had a few matches with this mech before and was still getting used to driving heavies. So, I spotted an Atlas AS7-RS in my lance and decided to follow him. I thought I could get a bit of a firing line going. I trundled along with him through the trenches for quite a while until I belatedly realized we were behind enemy lines, no one else had followed us, and we were on a direct course for their base while the rest of the team duked it out on the frontline.

I thought we were done for, but our little flank worked out very well. We surprised the hell out of a few long range mechs hiding behind their rocks in the enemy's rear line. Their brawlers were too slow or already occupied with our team to assist. He spotted targets I didn't see, and vice versa. He charged on ahead and hammered away with his LPLs and AC/20, using his torso pitch and arms that were superior to mine to shoot at enemies on the ridge. I slowly strafed around him and dished out the AC/10, suppressing would-be skirmishers and rocking cockpits. We focus fired right down to the component level.

The synergy was amazing, and the best part was that he was a PUG and we didn't speak a word to each other. We just...knew what had to be done, on instinct. The other team must have thought we were a premade! After trundling through their ranks, we arrived at the enemy base and met a Cataphract and an Orion that had RTB. The score was even but our team was pushing and had them busy, so that must have been all they could spare.

We took care of them summarily, moving to the cap point while engaging. It truly felt like visceral armored combat; nothing compares to staring your foe in the face with a buddy at your side. We then proceeded to take out all the turrets singlehandedly. I was bingo on ammo at this point, so I sat at the cap point with him. Much arm wiggling at each other ensued. After half-capping the base, we noticed our team was winning and attempted to join the mop-up, but we were too slow. Still, I had ~700 damage and 3 kills and he had ~600 and 2 kills.

I thanked him for the excellent teamwork in the post-match screen, but I was crestfallen to discover he did not speak English. I think he got the gist of what I was saying though, because he thanked me back. I suppose I brought it upon myself by playing during European primetime. Still, I am kicking myself for not remembering his name so I could friend him! [something] Von Alex, whoever you are, I salute you sir. It's moments like this that make me love this game.

Edited by ThatBum42, 21 April 2014 - 03:45 AM.

#6 Errinovar


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 05:12 AM

Off the top of my head it is a toss up, both of them solo drops.

The first I was in Bravo Lance piloting my YLW, with 3 other mediums, 2 hunchies and another cent. Bravo lance accounted for every enemy kill and none of us did less than 500 damage. Both of the other lances had combined damage totals of far less than 500 damage. It felt like we were reapers because every enemy we saw died in a matter of moments.

The second was a solo drop where both teams consisted solely of lights and mediums. It was a glorious, fast-paced match that ended 11-12, and I have never had another drop like it since.

#7 Keeshu


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 08:13 AM

Most memorable match? River City Night. Playing a Splatcat when Splatcats were all the rage (long before 12v12 came out). Fast speed, devastating alpha, jumpjets, only problem was you had to get close, which is easy to do in river city. killed half the team and had so much more damage than anyone else on the team it was nuts. Splatcats were so scary in river city because of all the cover everywhere, other maps not so much.

Most memorable match recently? I don't remember the whole thing but i remember the end. it was very close. The enemy team had a huggin that ran out of ammo, and an atlas. The atlas got its weapons removed from the last player on our team, a thunderbolt (rockin a couple large lasers and a few mediums lasers). The Atlas ran away and shut down near a corpse hoping he'd be forgotten, and the enemy team basicly hoped the turrets would finish off our guy since he had no armor left. There wasnt enough time to cap though. So the game ended in a tie, which I haven't had in like 100 matches. If only there was more time, we would have won easily from capping, (or just chasing the Huggin till it went to the wrong place).

Another memorable one was a thunderbolt lance, and myself. We just traveled together pwning everything and had the most damage. Only one of us died (he went off to some other place).

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