I had another great match yesterday. Assault, Canyon Network,
CPLT-K2, soloing as usual.
I've only had a few matches with this mech before and was still getting used to driving heavies. So, I spotted an Atlas AS7-RS in my lance and decided to
follow him. I thought I could get a bit of a firing line going. I trundled along with him through the trenches for quite a while until I belatedly realized we were behind enemy lines, no one else had followed us, and we were on a direct course for their base while the rest of the team duked it out on the frontline.
I thought we were done for, but our little flank worked out very well. We surprised the hell out of a few long range mechs hiding behind their rocks in the enemy's rear line. Their brawlers were too slow or already occupied with our team to assist. He spotted targets I didn't see, and vice versa. He charged on ahead and hammered away with his LPLs and AC/20, using his torso pitch and arms that were superior to mine to shoot at enemies on the ridge. I slowly strafed around him and dished out the AC/10, suppressing would-be skirmishers and rocking cockpits. We focus fired right down to the component level.
The synergy was amazing, and the best part was that he was a PUG and we didn't speak a word to each other. We just...knew what had to be done, on instinct. The other team must have thought we were a premade! After trundling through their ranks, we arrived at the enemy base and met a Cataphract and an Orion that had RTB. The score was even but our team was pushing and had them busy, so that must have been all they could spare.
We took care of them summarily, moving to the cap point while engaging. It truly felt like visceral armored combat; nothing compares to staring your foe in the face with a buddy at your side. We then proceeded to take out all the turrets singlehandedly. I was bingo on ammo at this point, so I sat at the cap point with him. Much arm wiggling at each other ensued. After half-capping the base, we noticed our team was winning and attempted to join the mop-up, but we were too slow. Still, I had ~700 damage and 3 kills and he had ~600 and 2 kills.
I thanked him for the excellent teamwork in the post-match screen, but I was crestfallen to discover he did not speak English. I think he got the gist of what I was saying though, because he thanked me back. I suppose I brought it upon myself by playing during European primetime. Still, I am kicking myself for not remembering his name so I could friend him! [something] Von Alex, whoever you are, I salute you sir. It's moments like this that make me love this game.
Edited by ThatBum42, 21 April 2014 - 03:45 AM.