The periphery has long been a haven for those who find themselves hunted or destitute. Pirate bands have risen to power, claiming all they can take. Some like the Oberon Confederation and the Belt Pirates of Stars End even holding whole planets under their sway. These bands are made of hard men, survivors of inner sphere battles left for dead by the great houses after being deemed too expensive to rescue, or others who found the strict military lifestyle of the larger Merc units too confining to their lone wolf attitudes. Many are just rogues or scoundrels looking to make a quick c-bill. But even though these units aren't structured, don't discount their pilots skills and abilities. Fierce and determined, with many battles under their belts, they fight not just for c-bills and scrap, but for their very survival. And now a new power is rising, hailing from the world called The Rack, just out of Steiner space in the Rim Territories. They are the Brethren and they are led by the infamous Captain Killian Hook, a pirate known for his guerrilla tactics and loyalty to his men.
The Brethren is a casual play unit for the player who likes to have the freedom to play when he / she can without the worry of being dropped for periods of inactivity. We focus on providing a fun and entertaining place in which to play, without mandatory meetings or required events. This does not mean our mechwarriors are not skilled or that we don't do 4 and 12 man groups, as we often join with our allies and raid into the Inner Sphere. We just place enjoying the game and allow for real life as our first priorities. So come take the oath and join the Brethren as we make our mark on the MWO universe!
* At 4 raiding groups strong (Over 70 players in multiple time zones!) and 7 awesome alliances, we continue to grow and develop. A haven for the casual player, we are making our mark on the MWO universe! Come raid the Inner Sphere with us!
* We now have a competitive team, still allowing for a casual, non-MilSim atmosphere. This new unit is for the more serious player who wishes to sharpen their skills in preparation for community warfare!
* The Burrock Reavers have joined us in the new Periphery Pirate Confederacy, establishing a pirate based community to help support one another on unified teamspeaks and recruitment!
Check us out at http://brethrenmwo.enjin.com of on Teamspeak at Brethrenmwo.enjinvoice.com
or the Burrock Reavers at http://clan-burrock.enjin.com
Edited by Killian Hook, 13 December 2014 - 02:48 PM.