It a huge secret however,
Basically as I remember it they brought in a outside guy to write up the ELO program. Probably due to time restraints.
This person muffed the poodle so they canceled his contract and tried to fix it themselves with disastrous results.
As far as I know since they deleted all the old closed and open beta post. There is a bug in the program that says your ELO is: 500
ELO will match you with any player from 0 -1000
What it doesn't do is match your ELO to weight tonnage. So your team could have a 35 ton Jenner who's ELO is 750
Enemy team is going to have a 700 - 800 guy but he might be in a atlas.
Now your saying well why do I get 30 losses in a row. Or why do I get Terra Thurma 5 times in a row. That's because ELO looks at your overall stats and says wow your over 1.00 at 1.96.
So it set you as the highest ELO will say 1000: Now its going to find other players 0-1000 this number changes every two weeks as the developers tighten and loosen it so your not searching for 3-5min for a match. If that's happens ELO just dumps you into one of the match buckets. That's been happening to some 4 man teams
If they tighten the number lets say 1000-500 It will try to search for any players 1000-500 then after 3 min dump any other people into the match it can find.
If they loosen the number players will be found faster but teams degrade.
Its intense, it doesn't work at all. However I have seen worse matchmakers on sites like Neverwinter and Star trek online. Were your dropped into PVP vs. Premade characters and bots.
Bots are the other issue. While there is no way to prove it. We think that MechWarrior online offsets lower server numbers with bots. Also the developers are always modifying the game. They can make hand of god changes at any time. I am not surprised if they dropped some of us into test beds for Clan weapons. Once again no way to prove that. This is all based on observation in spectate mode. Cross hairs bouncing around. Near perfect shots. CT coring extreme long range shots.
This is also why you get tonnage mismatches. ELO is pulling mechs based off pilot skill not both skill and tonnage.
Edited by Corbon Zackery, 20 April 2014 - 08:50 PM.