Speed: 82.2 KPH
Structure: Endo-Steel
Heatsinks: double
armor type: standard
armor: 368
Firepower: 33
Heat management: 2 <---- yes it has a max heat management! You will only overheat on terra Therma and in the crater of Caldera
tonnage 65/65
jumpjets: 1
Weapon Systems 2x LRM15+Art, Narc, tag and a hair under 2,000 LRM rounds.
Other Equipment: BAP (you know when that ecm light is leg humping you at least when you scream GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!! your teammates can see it)
Modules: Enhanced Narc
Seismic Sensor
Improved UAV not the MC kind but upgraded c-bill kind
Role: True support mech with the best sensors in the game combining BAP+advanced range mod. Not everyone uses ECM and sometimes it is nice to see where the enemy is heading. LRM maxes out at 1000 meters but many teammates can reach out farther; so lock targets for them to help direct the fire.
With no backup weapons you live with the group, you take care of the group with the tool kit you have. You focus fire whatever is harassing the pack with LRM fire, you light up with tag ecm shielded mechs and focus them first to get rid of the ecm bubble.
Narc is a very situational weapon choice but it is invaluable. It allows you to mark an ecm mech and fire indirectly if needed or perhaps that assault stalker with LRM50+ wants to LRM duel with you. Just narc and use your speed and jumpjets to get an indirect line of fire and punish the slower LRM heavy/assault.
UAV is best used when the enemy has multiple ECM and are deathballing behind a ridge or hill. Just sneak up and deploy the UAV and direct the fellow LRM pilots to focus fire the enemy ECM.
Unlike other LRM mechs you carry every tool available to counter ECM be it UAV, Tag, narc or even using BAP to cancel out a close by ECM so your fellow teammates can handle the now visible ECM mech. With this mech you will be able to get your own locks no matter if the enemy has ECM or not.
You can fire indirectly when needed but this mech is designed to light up the enemy and stay with the pack. It has enough speed for a heavy at 82 KPH to be able to reposition to get a clean angle on the enemy position if need be and still be able to get back to the pack if you are driven from your immediate area.
If you have some knowledge of the maps and what you can and cannot hit with LRMs then this mech will do well. Even with just 2 LRM 15+art you can still do a lot of damage and earn kills if you remember to use all of your tools and fire with LoS as much as possible!
I made this build with pug playing in mind as I do not always have time to hop in Teamspeak and I have had a fun time playing with it. This will of course work well with premades as well. If teamwork is not your thing dont attempt to use this.
If needed I can post a smurfy link but all the required info is in the post already.
Below is a screenshot of a pug match, I managed to take out the DDC by using speed and a handy dandy narc.

Edited by Varik Ronain, 24 June 2014 - 08:46 AM.