Fall Damage Overhaul
In order to achieve a better game experience, we are working on an overhaul of the Fall Damage System. The way the system behaves right now is that every Mech takes between 0.3 and 0.5 damage on each leg, depending on fall speed and time in the air.
The new Fall Damage System will take into account not only fall speed and time in air, but also the weight class and the armor a Mech brings into the battle.
This means the damage will be higher the heavier the Mech is. A Light Mech would only take a small amount of the damage an Assault Mech would take, if they were crashing on the ground with the same speed.
In greater detail:
If a Mech is in the air longer than [1] second, the system would calculate the armor brought into the game together with the leg health. To determine damage, a certain percentage is taken from that calculation, i.e. Light Mechs = [1] %, Medium Mechs = [2] %, Heavy Mechs = [3] %, and Assault Mechs = [4] %.
Depending on what the current fall speed is (on a range between [30] ft/s and [60] ft/s) this base damage is multiplied by another variable (ranging from [1] to [1.4]).
The outcome is a dynamic range of fall damage depending on speed and weight class of a Mech.
Here is an example using the numbers above of what this could look like:
· Light: minDmg = [0.67] / maxDmg = [0.938]
· Medium: minDmg =[2.14] / maxDmg = [2.996]
· Heavy: minDmg = [3.75] / maxDmg = [5.25]
· Assault: minDmg [7.28] / maxDmg = [10.192]
NOTE: All numbers above are for example purposes only. Actual production numbers will be shared in the patch notes. We hope to have these implemented shortly after the Clan Collection release.
Please let us know what you think!

Fall Damage System Overhaul
Started by Alexander Schmidt, Jun 06 2014 11:08 AM
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