Basicaly my idea is for a persistant battle called a Warzone, this battle could allow all players from all factions to join in on one large battlefield.
The battle would be over various bases scattered across the battlefield, such as a factory or a repair station, capturing these would give your faction a minor bonus such as a 5% repair cost reduction or a 5% ammo cost reduction.
Acessing the warzone would be simple as queue'ing up, once queue'd it would instantly send you to your factions base within the warzone via dropship, once their you would be free to group up with other units or go solo.
As a Mercenary you will be able to sign contracts, binding you to a faction for X amount of time, while working for the faction of choice you will gain a X C-bill boost in the Warzone.
Contracts: Contracts would vary, the longer the timer you choose to work for a select faction, the higher C-bill boost you wold recieve in the Warzone, After 3 days you would be able to pay off this contract if you so wish if you wanted to sign a different contract with another faction
Warzone Bonus: Warzone bonus's would be applied as long as you have a active contract and the faction you are bound to owns a base that gives a bonus.
Weapons/Ammunitions Factory: Gives your faction a 5% decrease in Ammo/Weapon prices.
Mech Assembly Factory: Gives your faction a ??? Bonus (Bonus undecided, suggestions apreciated)
Repair Station: Gives your faction a 5% decrease in repair costs, can repair at these stations.(Repair limited for realism)
Communications Center: Gives your faction a Radar Range Bonus. (Warzone ONLY Bonus)
Armor Depot: Allows for ammo refills
Air Field: Reduces the cooldown on Commander's Call Airstrike by 5%
Relay Station: Reduces the range Scouts can be detected by 5%
Power Plant: The power up/power down sequinces are sped up by 5% for attack/defense
Space Port: Capturing this would allow your team to respawn/spawn in a tactical location.
Suggestions on further base types appreciated as well.

Respawning would be limit to how many mechs you have, and if all of them get destroyed you are forced to exit and cannot return untill you repair atleast 1 of your mechs.
To prevent players from simply /leaving to save themselves, the only way to leave would be the dropship that brought you to the planet.
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Edited by Skadi, 01 August 2013 - 08:42 PM.