Our new timetable for The MRBC League Season 2 therefore is as follows:
* Sign-ups are extended until 08.July.2014
* 09.July - 13.July: organisational phase (creating fixtures etc.)
* First scheduling week: 14.July - 20.July - During which teams are expected to schedule their week one match.
* First match week: 21.July - 27.July
The following link will take you directly to the sign-up thread:
Season 2 Sign-up Thread
These are the teams that have signed up for Season 2 so far:
EU Region (19 teams)
* STS - Sanguine Tigers (EU)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - L-Company, 4th Battalion (EU)
* SMC - Strata Merc Corp (FR)
* 12thDG - 12th Donegal Guards (GER)
* BSC - Black Sun Corp (I)
* SJR - Steel Jaguar (EU)
* AS - Antares Scorpions (EU)
* RS - Red Shadows (ESP)
* 9th B&F - 9th Blood and Fire (GER)
* BWC - Black Widow Company (EU)
* RJF - Russian Jade Falcon (RU)
* 331st - 331 Dreams (GER)
* BSMC - Black Spikes Merc Corp (RU + EU)
* BSMC - Black Spikes Merc Corp - Team 2 (RU)
* SMC - Strata Merc Corp - Team 2 "Siberian Thunder" (FR)
* ELH - Eridani Light Horse (EU)
* 1stTR - 1st Tikonov Rangers (RU)
* TLMC - The Librarians Merc Corp (RU)
* 1stGIFR - 1st Grunwald Iron Fist Regiment (PL)
NA Region (15 teams)
* AL - Apocalypse Lancers (NA)
* HHoD - Head Hunters of Davion 5th Battalion "Highland Guard" (NA)
* AS - Antares Scorpions (NA)
* TMC - The Templars (NA)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - Team 2 "The Harbingers" (NA)
* PL - Praetorian Legion (NA)
* BT - BlackThornes - Team 1 (NA)
* HHoD - Head Hunters of Davion 6th Battalion - "California Conquerors" (NA)
* GK - The Golden Keshik (NA)
* SSF - Seraphim Storm Front (NA)
* DHB - Death Hands Brigade 4th Battalion (NA)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - Team 1 "RRB Irregulars" (NA)
* BT - BlackThornes - Team 2 (NA)
* HBA - Hell's Black Aces (NA)
* CI - Comstar Irregulars (NA)
RU Region
* would need 4 teams at least
This makes a total of 34 teams now, which means we already have 12 more teams than we had participating in Season 1!
To the rest of the units out there, you have 7 days left if you want to enter so "mech up, or miss out!!"
A big thanks again to all the teams who have committed to the league so far, and we hope you all have a great season in the MRBC League!
Edited by Ellen Ripley, 01 July 2014 - 08:37 PM.