Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:50 AM
So it is likely to just sit forever in the mechbay unless I feel like causing my team to lose since the ELO thinks it is a heavy mech. Fixed Jump-Jets plus fixed ST Internals don't seem to work well with your Clan balancing.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 07:42 AM
Lightfoot, on 21 July 2014 - 04:50 AM, said:
So it is likely to just sit forever in the mechbay unless I feel like causing my team to lose since the ELO thinks it is a heavy mech. Fixed Jump-Jets plus fixed ST Internals don't seem to work well with your Clan balancing.
actually there are many extremely effective builds for the Summoner, what has really really caused it to take a back seat to everything now is the massive knee jerk reaction JJ nerfing that just happened. one of Summoners best weapons was maneuverability to help with its fairly limited loadout options.
ive no problem scoring 600-900pt games but this mech is by no means a lead the charge front line exchange punches mech. especially now that it can hardly get off the ground with a whopping 5 JJ :-/
Posted 21 July 2014 - 07:48 AM
You can do an SRM brawl build with LBX/UACs
Energy build, Guass+PPC etc etc.
If they ever allow JJs to give you forward thrust like in MW2 it would help a lot, I really think they should improve how much mobility they allow but at increased recharge.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 12:07 PM
I just compare the Summoner to other Heavy mechs and there is no comparison. You have to look at medium mechs like the Hunchback and Dragon to find anything remotely similar. And the Clan Hunchback IIc would blow the Summoner away.
Anyway, it would be no big deal to make the Summoner's JJets removable due to all the other restrictions PGI has added to the Clan Mechlab. That preserves most of the lore about the Summoner and it's still not that powerful of a mech. Simple things like this should be fixed quickly before the Summoner gets a bad reputation and no one will buy it. It should be one of the top Clan mechs in popularity.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 01:56 PM
I mainly use the ppc+gauss however I have been toying around with an LRM 15 with 2x Llas and 2x Mlas. So far it's pretty good but not nearly as effective as ppc+gauss.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 02:25 PM
I managed to master it in relative short time, although my configs aren't so "complicated".
1) ultra20 + 4 er-ml
2) 2pll+2pml+streak6
3) 5 streak6, bap.
But really you must have one eye on the screen and one eye on the map, and run, cover, push, regroup... in a single word: maneuverability
Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:33 PM
Lightfoot, on 21 July 2014 - 12:07 PM, said:
I just compare the Summoner to other Heavy mechs and there is no comparison. You have to look at medium mechs like the Hunchback and Dragon to find anything remotely similar. And the Clan Hunchback IIc would blow the Summoner away.
Anyway, it would be no big deal to make the Summoner's JJets removable due to all the other restrictions PGI has added to the Clan Mechlab. That preserves most of the lore about the Summoner and it's still not that powerful of a mech. Simple things like this should be fixed quickly before the Summoner gets a bad reputation and no one will buy it. It should be one of the top Clan mechs in popularity.
umm dragon is a heavy
and i would love to see a hunch IIC blow away a Summoner, first off uac20x2 the mech would never catch the summoner and secondly would have next to no armor.
Edited by Summon3r, 21 July 2014 - 03:36 PM.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:36 PM
My builds seem perfectly fine
- Prime is running lb20xAC, 2ERML, Dual AMS
- B is running 4 SRM6, LRM15, 1MG, Dual AMS
- My D is currently running 2 SRM6, 2ERLL, LRM10, Dual AMS but the D also works really well as a stock mech with 2ERLL 2ERML or with the pulse variants.
Posted 21 July 2014 - 08:23 PM
Lightfoot, on 21 July 2014 - 12:07 PM, said:
I just compare the Summoner to other Heavy mechs and there is no comparison. You have to look at medium mechs like the Hunchback and Dragon to find anything remotely similar. And the Clan Hunchback IIc would blow the Summoner away.
Anyway, it would be no big deal to make the Summoner's JJets removable due to all the other restrictions PGI has added to the Clan Mechlab. That preserves most of the lore about the Summoner and it's still not that powerful of a mech. Simple things like this should be fixed quickly before the Summoner gets a bad reputation and no one will buy it. It should be one of the top Clan mechs in popularity.
I'm going to call BS on what I bolded. You're forgetting that a Hunchback IIC has paper thin armor, much thinner than the Summoner in fact. It's also only lethal at close range, whereas most Summoner builds are optimized for long range engagement. The only way a Summoner would lose to one in a straight out 1v1 engagement is if the Summoner pilot was inept.
That being said, there are far better solutions to fixing JJs and discouraging poptarting than nerfing them into glorified lit farts. For example, the TT rules have targeting rules that make it difficult to not only hit a moving target, but also makes it less likely to hit a target when you are running and jumping. These rules have never been implemented in any Mechwarrior game.
Here's a clip from Mechwarrior 3:
This is how Jump Jets should be. The problem is the pinpoint accuracy of the player right? Well, if the TT rules for to-hit modifiers were in effect, he wouldn't be anywhere near as accurate as he was. According to TT's Attack modifier tables, he would have no less than a +10 to-hit modifier on his mech, (+2 running, +3 jumping, +1 assuming the Annihilators were running at top speed, +4 for attacking at long range, and possibly a +1 from light heat build up) equivalent to an 83~92% chance of missing with his shots, he shouldn't have been able to hit anything. Most of the problems with pinpoint weaponry stem from the fact that these rules were never translated into the PC games, and as technology got better, and mouse tracking got more precise, this fatal flaw became more pronounced.
It's pretty obvious what the solution is: You're not fixing the game by nerfing functions that on their own were not necessarily broken because you ignored the one game mechanic from TT that balanced it out and made everything work. This is why we need a reticule bloom system more complex than that ****** reticule shake that didn't fix anything.
How I would implement it:
- All mechs would have a reticule that has an FPS-style bloom when the mech is moving, as movement speed increases, so too does the the reticule bloom, making your shots less accurate, this movement penalty would not exceed 17%.
- The rate would be determined by the throttle % rather than the actual speed of the mech, this is so that lighter mechs can still have a chance of hitting their targets when running at speed.
- Jumping would retain the shake when JJs are on, but the reticule would very quickly bloom to the equivalent of a 25% to-hit penalty while the mech is falling. This would allow poptarting to remain a possible tactic, but kill it as a meta strategy.
- Accuracy penalties would also come into effect as heat increases, ranging from 8% for low heat, up to 33% for critical heat.
- Mech damage would also affect accuracy, sensor damage 16% per sensor, upper/lower arm actuators 8% per actuator lost, shoulder actuator 33%
- All targeting computers would reduce reticule bloom by 8%.
- In addition these penalties would stack. (i.e. running + jumping + low heat = 50% penalty)
Edited by Vanguard319, 21 July 2014 - 08:31 PM.
Posted 28 July 2014 - 11:00 AM
The MWO Clan Mechlab is not canon and the restrictions are not canon because either you have an open Mechlab in Battletech or you don't. MWO gives the Inner Sphere an open Mechlab, allowing all changes and the Clan Mechlab is closed, essentially, only allowing Omnipod switches. That's okay, but some added flexibility or rules need to be added. Probably no fixed jump-jets on any mech since this would allow trading of one advantage for another. Or it could be only two fixed equipment elements, but this would be harder to balance.
Anyway, when I ask other Summoner pilots in-game how they like the Summoner, they say it's junk and usually that they have mastered it. I find it challenging and I have had a few good games in the Summoner, but it doesn't carry a heavy mech loadout. Nothing like the Jagermech or Cataphract. Beyond the jump-jets it doesn't move better than the Mad Cat except for the extra torso twist. The Summoner also is not tougher or harder to hit than other heavy mechs to make up for it's low payload capability.
For balance these issues should be resolved in some way.
Posted 28 July 2014 - 03:34 PM
shad0w4life, on 21 July 2014 - 07:48 AM, said:
Want some forward thrust with JJs? Take 1 or 2 steps forward and trigger your JJs... same for moving backwards with JJs. Seems the JJs work with momentum in MWO (which is somewhat realistic, right?)... faster you move the faster you fly

Posted 29 July 2014 - 08:07 AM
Lightfoot, on 28 July 2014 - 11:00 AM, said:
Beyond the jump-jets it doesn't move better than the Mad Cat except for the extra torso twist. The Summoner also is not tougher or harder to hit than other heavy mechs to make up for it's low payload capability.
the JJ nerf has effectively castrated the Summoners main edge in combat mobility, that said i still love the mech and have many team mates that love the mech. it needs a mobility increase period.
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